
"Bona fide."

Chapter 26

At 6 pm I finished all the work I had to do, so I rushed home after saying goodbye to my co-workers and hopped into the shower as soon as I got home.

After scrubbing my skin as hard as I could, I got out and wrapped myself in a blue fluffy towel and opened my closet, and scanned all the clothes that were in there. After picking out what I would wear, I put my deep red underwear set on and sat at my dressing table, and did my makeup. I settled for a black smoky eyeshadow with silver in the corners and bold red lipstick. I put foundation on after doing my eyebrows and eyeshadow and applied my lipstick and highlighter.

I couldn't be bothered to put my dress on yet as I had nearly an hour left until I had to be at Kookys so I called Harry.

"Hi, Harry." I genuinely enjoyed talking to Harry. I didn't know what it was about him but he seemed trustworthy and he seemed bona fide.

"Hey. How are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" We talked for a little over 30 minutes and I still had to put my dress on.

"Hey, Harry? I've got to go yeah? I'm going clubbing with a friend."

"Have fun Kehlani. And please stay safe. And make sure you don't go home with anyone. Bye." I knew the reason he said the last part. Lately, we had been getting close. But we hadn't really talked about it.

He got jealous when I talked about getting with other men and I got jealous when he talked about getting with other women. It was basically a cycle. We'd flirt all the time but never talk about what was progressing between us.

"Yeah don't worry. Bye." I hung up the phone and got dressed and put my black Vivienne Westwood X Melissa flats on. I wanted to wear heels, but I'd probably be walking all night, and then my feet would be in pain and I didn't want to put my precious babies through that.

I walked to the floor-length mirror and look at myself.

I was wearing a black, short tube dress with lace at the side. I had a black strap around my neck. It was basically a choker which made it easy for me because then I didn't have to put a necklace on. The dress got to mid-thigh, and it showed all my curves and just enough of my cleavage to be sexy but not slutty.

I let my hair down and after making sure I had everything; I left my house and got into my car.