
Taste of Freedom

Humans have been the apex species on Earth for thousands of years , they were not the strongest or fastest neither were they the biggest but what they did have over the other species was intelligence and with that they formed tribes , clans who then went on to build cities and countries. That was all well and good until humans realized that although no other species dared to challenge them their biggest challenge was one that was born from the very first tribe created , slowly planting its roots within our system growing bigger and stronger along with us , and that challenge is called society. The bigger we build our cities the more countries we gave birth to so did the rules or so called laws grew to suppress us , at one point they grew so much that they gave us the illusion of freedom and freewill.

Imperious · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

- The Three Step Plan

Lucian finished skinning the boar and cut of its tusks

"There , all done" he said satisfied with his work

Magnus's knowledge really did come in handy since he had never skinned anything in his life before so having the basic knowledge of skinning was very helpful , Irvin's guidance made it easier was well

"Now you can complete your mission without worries"

"Thank you , you have my gratitude" Irvin replied to him

"No worries it was good experience for me , you never know when I might need to skin something as well"

Irvin was quite shocked at how accurately the boy followed his instructions for the skinning proses and how quickly he learned , so he believed the boys story even more because of the skills and talent he was being shown

"Well if you register for the adventurers guild like me , I'm sure you'll be skinning a lot more beasts in the future" he recommended

"Well , considering I have no money that probably would be a good decision and a quick solution to my money problem" Lucian answered back

But he didn't like the magic contract that used his blood though , and after being told that they can track his movements that further dissuade him from becoming a member of this adventurers guild

"Ill decide when we get to Valoran , I'm also interested in this strengthening potion you wanted to buy"

He had grown friendlier with Irvin over the time they spend looking for this Tusked Boar and learned a bit more about him including his current predicament

A potion than can physically strengthen the human body permanently but only those who have not used magic or aura like Irvin could use , so the potion would clearly not work on him but he was still intrigued

If something like this was created on Earth and was made known to the public all hell would have broken loose he thought

"There is still no guarantee that I will win the bid over the potion" Irvin told Lucian

Lucian looked over to Irvin and smiled , because he saw that his eyes were telling something completely different from his mouth

"If you say so" he said

Irvin knew that he was caught red handed as he saw Lucian look his way and then smile while giving his little remark , and he was not wrong

He was ready to spend every single dime of his life savings to acquire that potion

"You said that you want to explore the world and see every nick and cranny of it" Irving tried to change the conversation

"Do you have any plans of where to begin?" he asked

"Hahaha" Lucian laughed

"Well , considering I haven't been anywhere else but the place I stayed for years training id say the city of Valoran is a good first start"

"After that its anyone's guess really" he replied to Irvin

Lucian didn't care where he went , to him all of this was new so no matter where he chose to go next , would be just as exciting to him.

As for gaining information on how to grow stronger he was in no rush , after finding out that this Kingdom didn't have a lot of mages he decided to just enjoy the scenery like the tourist he was and slowly gain information about that as he went along

"Then we best get a move on , as its getting late" Irvin said , interrupting his little internal monologue

"Right , then lead the way" he gestured towards Irvin

After half an hour of walking and following Irvin , Lucian finally saw what laid beyond the trees

High stone walls reaching easily thirty meters high with multiple watch towers placed methodically apart , and at the entrance stood two giant steel doors thicker than the trees around him with a good three meter height

Lucian whistled , now that's called a wall he thought

"How long did it take to build these walls?" he asked Irvin curiously

"Twenty Years" Irvin replied

"But the proses was shortened with the help of some mages , otherwise it would have taken twice as much"

Holy shit , twenty years even with magic Lucian thought but then he quickly paused. How long was this wall exactly ?

"It's over three thousand miles long encircling the entire City" Irvin answered his question as if he read his mind

"WHAT!?" Lucian exclaimed shocked

Over three thousand miles of walls just for a city ? , Lucian thought that these were border walls considering how grand they looked but Irvin completely blew his mind with that statement

How fucking rich do you have to be to waste this much money on an oversized wall just for a city even if it was the capital of this Kingdom this was crazy

Irvin yet again answered Lucians internal questioning

"As I told you before the Kingdom of Valoran is the richest in the entire continent , although they may not have the military power of the Willum Kingdom they more than compensate with their defensive fortifications thanks to the wealth they posses"

"Damn this is amazing , what a sight to behold" Lucian said after reaching closer to the gates , he could now fully appreciate the sheer size of this wall

"HOLD" a booming voice was heard coming from near the gates telling them to stop in their tracks

Then ten people on horseback were seen approaching Lucian and Irvin with a steady pace

"State your business" The guard captain asked both of them

"I'm returning from a mission given to me by the adventurers guild to deliver this hide and these tusks" Irvin spoke stating his purpose

"And this here is a friend of mine who helped me on the mission" and introduced Lucian

Lucina smiled and gave a simple nod to the guard captain keeping his mouth shut

"If your completing a mission for the adventurers guild then show me your badge and request" the guard captain quickly fired back

"And the same thing for you" he pointed at Lucian

"I need a form of identification"

Lucian quickly lost the smile on his face and looked at Irvin , he was told that he would take care of this as long as he kept quiet so he decided to do just that and stay silent

"Unfortunately my friend dose not have a form of identification since he was raised by his father who was a Mercenary , he never needed to enter a city personally hence his lack of identification" Irvin quickly replied to the guard captain as he showed his own badge to him

The guard captain quickly checked Irvin's badge and confirmed that his mission was indeed taken from the adventures guild branch in Valoran and handed it back to Irvin

Then glanced at the young man next to him , steel armguards , steel shin guards and a steel breastplate he dressed like a mercenary but he didn't look like one he thought

So should he believe this story and just let him create an identification card and send him on his way or should he push a bit more and find out if they are lying which he had a slight suspicion they were

Just as he was thinking what to do the young man spoke

"I know what my friend said sounds suspicious and hard to believe but I have no other way to prove it except by giving you my word that its the truth , no matter how little value it has considering its coming from a Mercenary"

Lucian looked the guard captain in the eyes and stepped forward

"If it makes you feel more comfortable you can restrain me while creating my identification card" he said with sincerity

The guard captain was caught off guard by this young mans boldness and confidence and smiled , he decided to chose the first option after witnessing this display

"No restrains necessary ill trust that confidence of yours"

"But brake one law and straight to jail you go , no warnings ill make sure to notify the guards in the city" the captain said coldly

"consider it the prize for not asking you further questions" he said

It seems the guard captain was pretty skeptical whether he was lying or not but decided to let it slide since he saw that Lucian really meant no harm

"You have my thanks sir , and you wont have to worry about that" Lucian smiled and nodded his head to the guard captain

Cheeky old bastard , letting it slide yet still giving me a pretty harsh warning Lucian thought , now I got to make sure to learn at least the basic rules in this damn city if I don't want to end up in jail

Lucian wasn't scared of them if he really wanted to , he could just kill all of them and walk right in but that's not how Lucian decided to deal with problems in this New World , he made a three step plan on dealing with problems along his journey steps that he would try to follow

Step one , have a conversation it doesn't hurt trying , if it failed move to step two

Step two , try and make a deal happen , in any shape , way or form possible but if even that didn't work , then you go to step three. Which he really doesn't want to reach as he has no problems of completing step three if it came down to it

Step three , give them a single warning that if they don't cooperate , they die

So far , Lucian could say that the three step plan was working spectacularly as he followed the guards to create an identification card for himself