
Tarthocas : Chronicles of the Transmigrating Scribe

Do you love the thrill of world travel? Are you captivated by intricate and high-quality power systems? [ Relative to Creator cough ] Do you relish a good mystery? Then, dear readers, this novel is for you! ----------------------------------------- Carto Harts was just an ordinary college student until he found himself transmigrated to another world. Armed only with a computer and a mysterious library, he must navigate this strange new land. Will he flourish or drown in a river of madness? Only Avacaniya knows. Dive into this enthralling journey and uncover the secrets that await. --------------------------------------------- 5 Acts 4 Stages 3 Writers 2 Ideals 1 Actor -------------------------------- This Book is brought to you by The Big Machine, whom people who have come here from WN may know as The Living Typewriter. Release Schedule is Mon/Wed/Sat. - The Machine. .................................................................. This is a reupload of the Novel Tarthocas on this account and will only be published on Web Novel through this account. Discord - https://discord.gg/gNKqn3qgf8

thebigmachine2 · แฟนตาซี
81 Chs

The Tail

As Dragon Tail was one of the two major port cities of the continent, its market area was a sprawling, vibrant tapestry of commerce and culture. The market stretched across several blocks, each section a microcosm of the diverse goods and people that converged in this bustling hub.

Ling Xuan stepped into the market, immediately engulfed by the sensory overload. The air was thick with the mingling scents of exotic spices, fresh seafood, and fragrant flowers. Stalls lined both sides of the narrow, winding streets, their canopies providing shade from the midday sun. Vendors called out their wares in a cacophony of languages, each voice competing to be heard over the others.

To his left, a spice merchant displayed an array of colourful powders and dried herbs. The rich reds of paprika, the golden hues of turmeric, and the deep greens of dried mint created a visual feast. The scent was intoxicating, a blend of aromas that hinted at distant lands and ancient recipes. 

Next to the spice stall, a vendor sold silks and fabrics. Bolts of cloth in every conceivable colour and pattern were draped over wooden frames, their textures ranging from the finest, sheer silks to heavy, luxurious brocades. The fabrics shimmered in the sunlight, their intricate designs telling stories of distant cultures and skilled artisans. Ling Xuan could see noblewomen and merchants haggling over prices, their fingers running over the smooth surfaces as they assessed the quality.

Further down the street, a jeweller showcased an array of gemstones and finely crafted jewellery. The sparkle of diamonds, the deep blue of sapphires, and the rich green of emeralds caught Ling Xuan's eye. Each piece was a work of art, meticulously crafted to highlight the natural beauty of the stones. The jeweller, a wizened old man with keen eyes, expertly negotiated with customers, his hands deftly displaying the pieces to their best advantage.

Ling Xuan only glanced at the stalls lining the bustling streets for a moment before he shifted his gaze and continued walking toward his main destination. These interesting trinkets and exotic goods were meant to add to his knowledge, not distract him from his goal. He had come for something far greater than these market stalls and their enticing articles.

To a newcomer, the city might appear to be a patchwork of various groups, each managing different sectors. However, that assumption couldn't be further from the truth. The entire city was under the control of a single, powerful force. Every stall, shop, and merchant operated under their jurisdiction. This dominant entity was a sect renowned for its unparalleled wealth and mastery in a profession that outshone all others in terms of sheer economic power.

Ling Xuan now stood before an imposing mansion, its grandeur a testament to the sect's immense influence. The mansion's gates were tall and intricately designed, with golden filigree woven into the dark wood. A massive name board, polished to a high sheen, bore the characters:

The Golden Pill.

The sect's name was synonymous with alchemical prowess. They were the undisputed masters of the alchemical arts, capable of crafting elixirs and pills that could cure the most lethal of poisons, enhance one's strength, and even extend life. Their reputation attracted cultivators, merchants, and nobles from all corners of the Continent, all seeking the miraculous remedies that only the Golden Pill Sect could provide.

Their power had grown so immense that even the Merchant's Guild division in Dragon Tail could only operate under countless restrictions imposed by the Golden Pill Sect.

"Let's see how quickly I can fully construct the Ox Pathway," Ling Xuan mused as he ascended the short steps to the mansion, only to be stopped by the two guards standing at the entrance.

"Halt! This isn't a place for you!" one guard barked, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

"Oh? Then who may enter, O esteemed guards?" Ling Xuan asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

The guard, visibly irritated, replied, "Only those who possess enough wealth to buy even a single elixir or pill may enter!"

Ling Xuan sighed at this. He knew well that the Golden Pill's elixirs were coveted across the continent, creating fierce competition among sellers who would often lower prices to attract buyers. This was how he had managed to acquire some of their products in the past. However, here, at the source, no discounts were given. He had anticipated this.

Reaching behind him, Ling Xuan pulled out a small sack and shook it.


The rattling of coins seemed to flip a switch in the guards' demeanour. They immediately stepped aside, no longer blocking the door.

"Thanks for the hospitality, mates," Ling Xuan commented, smirking as he walked past them and entered the mansion.

Inside, the opulence of the Golden Pill Sect was even more apparent. The interior was lavishly decorated with tapestries depicting legendary alchemists and their creations. Shelves lined the walls, filled with gleaming jars and bottles containing rare herbs and shimmering potions. The air was thick with the scent of exotic ingredients as the faint muttering of the other buyers added a sense of odd cosiness for Ling Xuan.

Ling Xuan's eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. He approached the one of the several reception desks where a clerk, dressed in elegant robes, greeted him with a practised smile.

"Welcome to the Golden Pill Sect. How may we assist you today?" the clerk asked politely.

"I'm looking to buy some elixirs and pills for long-term body strengthening," Ling Xuan said with a smile.

"Understood, sir. Which grade, if I may ask?" the clerk inquired.

"The 2nd Grade," Ling Xuan replied.

"Please wait for a moment, sir." The clerk excused himself with a smile, and a female clerk took his place at the desk.

"How are you, sir?" she asked politely.

Ling Xuan, lost in thought, didn't respond. Since his arrival in this world, he hadn't experienced any form of strong affection or emotional connection. The female clerk, sensing his disinterest, remained silent and waited for her colleague to return, feeling the weight of the awkward silence.

After a few moments, the original clerk returned, allowing the female clerk to attend to another customer. She sighed in relief as she walked away, grateful to be free of the uncomfortable situation.

The clerk placed a tray full of bottles and small boxes in front of Ling Xuan and began explaining.

"These are our finest elixirs and pills at the 2nd Grade suitable for body strengthening." The clerk then started introducing the products one after another.

"This is the Hu Gu Jing Hua elixir. This elixir is designed to mimic the positive characteristics of a tiger, giving the individual who ingests it heightened senses and more agile reflexes."

He picked up another bottle. "This is the Kuang Niu Dan, which grants the individual greater physical power, although one's mental faculties may be slightly affected."

"This is the Xuan Wu Zhuang Yuan, granting-"

"And this is Hei Xiong Dan," the clerk continued, gesturing to a dark bottle.

Ling Xuan nodded along as the clerk explained each of the elixirs,he really didn't care what type of elixir he ingested as he would have to simply convert them into Qi..

"This is the Long Li Dan," the clerk said, holding up a golden vial. "It enhances overall physical strength and endurance, ideal for long-term body strengthening."

"This is the Shen Li Yao Ye," the clerk continued, holding up a clear bottle filled with a shimmering liquid. "A divine strength elixir known for its potent ability to enhance muscle growth and fortify bones."

Ling Xuan nodded again, hoping the explanation would finally be over. The clerk continued to drone on about the various elixirs and pills, each description blending into the next.

"When is this going to end?" Ling Xuan inwardly sighed, feeling a wave of boredom wash over him.

"Bored so early?" Urizen's voice echoed in his mind.

"Yeah, what can I do?" Ling Xuan sighed.

"Oh, I remember now. Have you always been suppressing my emotional capability to love or what?" he asked, seeking an explanation.

"That is not something I've done," Urizen replied, "but something you've always had. You never felt a strong attachment to anything, even as Carto Harts. And now, even with a chance to be an individual with a purpose in life, you don't care about attachment nearly as much as you do about your purpose."

Ling Xuan stayed silent,he knew that Urizen was correct.As Carto Harts he let life take him, almost never doing something out of his own obligation.Now that he finally had something that could free him from senseless action, why would he care about attachments?

"Thank you for your patience, sir," the clerk finally said, concluding his presentation. "Do you have any questions or need further assistance?"

Ling Xuan shook his head. "No, that will be all. I appreciate your thorough explanations."

The clerk nodded, allowing Ling Xuan to make his selection.

"I'll take this, this, and this," Ling Xuan said, after a fake moment of contemplation, randomly pointing to two elixirs and a single pill.

"Alright! Will that be all?" the clerk asked.

Ling Xuan nodded and took out his sack of coins.

"That will be five gold coins," the clerk quickly calculated, presenting the price to Ling Xuan. He nodded and handed over the required amount.

The clerk swiftly packed the chosen products and handed them over to Ling Xuan. "Thank you for your patronage. Please visit again!" The clerk bowed respectfully.

The Golden Pill can be likened to a company than a sect.

thebigmachine2creators' thoughts