
Episode 1

(The episode opens with two women were eating dinner in a restaurant)

(A woman who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a black dress and heels is cutting steak and eats it)

(The woman's name is Tanna)

(The other woman has black hair with a hint of brown in a bun, brown skin, wearing a dark green dress and heels is eating steak as well)

(The other woman's name is Luna)

(The screen shows the plate empty)

Tanna (smiles): That was delicious

Luna (smiles): You have something on your cheek

Tanna: Right or left

(Luna wipes steak sauce off Tanna's face) (licks it)

Luna (smiles): I got it

Tanna (looking shocked) (thought): She licked it (blushes)

(The screen shows Tanna and Luna holding hands, while walking on a hill)

Tanna: That was lovely

Luna: Yeah

A person: Help! Somebody help!

(Luna and Tanna look around)

(Tanna looks down, then heads down hill)

Luna: Tanna!

(Tanna sees a woman under a rock)

Tanna: Hold on

(Tanna kicks the rock off)

The woman: Thank you, I was walking, when the rock slid down

Tanna (helps the woman up): Alright

(Luna slide down the hill)

The woman: You are strong

Tanna: Should I help you to a hospital?

(Luna lands on the ground and walks to Tanna)

The woman: I'll just call a taxi, thanks again (walks away)

Luna: Always playing hero

Tanna: I can't help it, when somebody's in trouble I have to help

Luna: And that's why I love you (kisses Tanna on the cheek)

(Tanna laughs)

(The screen shows a meteor heading towards Tanna and Luna)

Tanna (pushes Luna out the way): Look out!

(The meteor crushes Tanna)

(The meteor crack open and green goo lands on Tanna)

(Tanna grows claws, her eyes turn snake-like, fangs, and a long python tail with a scythe-shaped end)

Luna (shocked): Oh my!

(Tanna shrinks into a 8-year-old girl)

Tanna: Really, I shrunk too, what the hell?

(Luna fainted)

Tanna (shaking Luna): Luna! Luna! Well this is a sticky situation

(Episode ends)