

Kevin would visit kim everday at the hospital. He would talked to her, tell her what he did and what happened today. But kevin didnt know that kim was having memories of them in her dreams.

Starting of grade 5 

Kim: I wish i don't get to see his face this year.

Rogue: hello kim.

Kim: not again.

Rogue: would u mind.....

Kim: get lose. Dont follow me.

Anne( kim's friend): lets go its almost time.

(Tring tring bell rings)

Teacher: student this year we have some new mates. Please introduce yourself. ..... . Okay so you are Zoe, Lia, Nami and Kevin.

Help them adapt to this environment.

(Kevin became friends with Rogue)

Grade 6

Kim: feels like grade 5 went in a blink of an eye. 

(Kim became best friends with Lola, the mayor's daughter. They met in an accident and Kim helped her and from that they