
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The Real King Has Arrived.

In the Mo's Mansion

" EVERYONE THE FIRST PRINCE IS COMING BACK HOME TODAAAAAYYYYYYY" Everyone in the Mo's palace screamed vehemently

running Helter skelter to make sure everything is in perfect order cause who is coming today can kill dozens of guards if an ant is not walking in the right path

Even the King was walking back and forth his heart thumping hard just by hearing about who is going to come today, someone who is more powerful than the King himself.

" Clam down my king it's your son who is coming home today and not a Beast. You've been panicking since morning and I don't like it, if you are acting like this how do you think the rest of us should act, just keep calm and let him arrive first, we are just gonna have a small talk and that all" Sia assured

" Queen Sia see the way you are saying it as if what on ground is something little, don't you know who is coming. It is Lichen we are talking about, Someone who will tell you 'I don't want to rule cause my father is a King I want to rule on my own not in the name of my father but in the name of my name, I want to rule my own world without anyone questioning me so forget about me being the crown prince cause am going to rule in a place where am the KING of Kings and not the Crown prince.' or have you forgotten he said all this when he was twelve and what do you expect him to be doing by now, he doesn't even like to come I even threatened to give the crown prince position to his brother but he said he doesn't care, am just fed up he never listen instead of following order he will be the one to give order, what kind of son does that. And do you even think he would listen to this marriage thing"

" Yes I am sure I will be the one to tell him, you know he listens to me so don't worry everything will be fine"

" I hope so"

" Your Majesty sorry for interrupting, am here to tell you that the Prince has arrived" one of the guards informed which makes the king start panicking again

" My son has arrived" Sia gleam with happiness hearing the message

" Our son has arrived come on let go see him" Sia said as she ran to the door

" Oh my, why are mothers always like this" Feng sighs as he follows his wife.


Lined up at a Massive Golden door were Huge men dressed in black and from a glance you will know they are lichen men. They all stand left and right in formation as a Black Bugatti La Voiture Noire drive in majestically from it look you will know it's a no go area its possessiveness was on another level. People in the palace step back in amusement and fear as they know the real King has arrived.

Two men get down from the Lamborghini which followed at the back, One with an umbrella and the other ran to open the door

" Now everyone Bow as we welcome the Prince of Shanghai" One of the palace men yelled and everyone bowed as they welcomed the Prince who just emerged from the car, he is putting on a black fine tailored suit same goes for the pants his hair was neatly trimmed and combed to the back his well defined masculine face was firm and grif, and the suit hug his huge body perfectly, he is just unexplainable handsome. The man with the umbrella unfolds it and holds it above lichen head.

Walking in he saw his mother by the door gleaming with happiness. Unexpectedly she pulled him for a heart warming hug

" Oh my darling have missed you so much, you've grown so big now look at you" Sia said with excitement as she rud her hand over his shoulder and face smiling uncontrollably

" Have really missed you my son, why don't you use to come visit me" she asked

" Have really missed you too mom, i miss you so much" he replied ignoring the question

" Okay dear let's go in have personally prepared all your favorite dishes today after a long trip I know you would be hungry,let's go in and eat. Your father is also waiting for you" Sai said holding his hand as they both walk in.