
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Stupid Bitch.

Entering the car, Li Cheng gently place Xiotan in the car seat and covered her with his suit before closing the door and told the driver to move.

During the whole trip Xiotan didn't say anything to Li Cheng and he didn't bother asking her questions too to, she just sat there quietly till they arrived home.

Arriving home the guards ran over to open the door for their master and his wife, while some went over to open the door for Jinxin and lifie.

Li Cheng got down from the car to go help Xiotan Walk in but as he touched her she stylishly removed his hand away indicating she doesn't need his help.

Some maids and jinxin run to them and they helped Xiotan in. Before coming Li Cheng has informed them to prepare a warm bath before they arrived and to also prepare a room for Xiotan mom to arrive in.

Li Cheng on the other hand just stood there as he watch his wife walk in, he really wish he could read her mind, he just wants to know what going on and he's so pained as she's not opening up to him.

When Xiotan get to her room Jinxin helped her into the bathroom to have a warm bath before taking care of the wound.

After she was done bathing, she warp a towel on her lower body and lay on her stomach so Jinxin could apply some medication to it.

Jinxin sat on the bed and gently wipe her back with warm water.

" Look at your back now, I told you it's a bad idea to go there, but you wouldn't listen. Do you see what happened now" Jinxin scold as she check how bruised her back was, even though it just the piercing of a needle it still very painful.

" But I really want to see mom that why, I really really miss her, if I didn't go today I won't ever know what happening over there, even if I tell her to come visit me she would never tell me what happening... at least thank God I went, my mom won't have to face all that rubbish from now on."

" You should thank you husband, if not for him... I actually don't know what would have happened. I can see how angry he was when he saw you in that position, I actually think he was going to behead everyone there when I saw the look on his face"

" Don't talk about that guy, I know he did all of that just for show, he really didn't mean what he said or did I'm sure of it" Xiotan downgraded

" Don't say that, if not for him your mom wouldn't be here with us, he could have just refuse when you told him to bring your mom with us but he care that why he did that, I think you should be sure about the accusation you're putting on him, cause through the way he's behavior he's really hurt, I can see it" Jinxin advised

" I don't want to talk about this again..., Are you here to help me or lecture me, which one? " She asked as she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side

" I've said my own, If you like listen if you like don't. But don't come crying to me when you later know the truth. I'm going to get ethyl alcohol, I will be right back" Jinxin said standing up and she heads out.

After few minutes, the door of the room opened and someone walked in.

" Jinxin, about what you said earlier, what if there's no truth, what if the truth is what those girls said at the mall, do you know how hurt I'm going to be" Xiotan said as Jinxin sat on the bed and apply the ethyl alcohol in the wool.

" What if he is the freak he is said to be, what did you think I would do?, I feel like I'm being used. I don't know why but it hurt to hear that he's cheating on me, how could he. He's nothing but a heartless being" she cursed as Jinxin gently cleanse her wound with the substance

" I just feel like killing him, he's all just face and nothing all. He will never change he will always be that bad guy everyone knows, that cold, heartless, heartbreaking, stupid bitch" she cursed and that made Jinxin press the wool hardly on her wound

" Ah!, gently that hurts" she said wincing in pain

" And that how pained my heart is right now" and as soon as she heard those voice she knew she was doomed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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