
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs


Looking back she saw Li Cheng staring down at her as he continues to cleanse her wound

" W-w-when did you get here" she asked her words stuttering and as she was about to sit up Li Cheng pressed on her back stopping her to do so.

Pinning both her hand on the bed, he lean so close to her that she could feel his hot breath on her neck.

' Fuck, this is not good. How did it turns out that he's the one here instead of Jinxin did she purposely do this to me. She's dead today' Xiotan murmured in her mind as Li Cheng was still holding her down not saying anything.

" Do you know how pained my heart is right now, those words really hurt, am I really that bad?" He asked and that made Xiotan bite her lips knowing there's no way out.

" Those girls..., What did they say?, How bad did they tell you about me, is it that bad that I deserve all those words you said right now?" He asked as he pressed her down not letting her go

" Let me go!, leave me!" she ordered wiggling beneath him but he didn't let go

" You've not answered my question, what did they tell you?" He asked again but she's just too stubborn.

" I said let me go!, LEAVE ME!" she yelled yanking his hand away but he forcefully held it back down before she could make any other action.

" Do you think this is a joke, do you think I'm gonna be lenient with you, better don't let me do something bad, I can really be that bad guy you think I'm" he whispered in her ears, his voice dangerously calm as he stare at her and that made Xiotan shiver as she look back at him.

'God, what have I gotten myself into?, Why is he acting so scary now?, did he really think I would fall for that and tell him everything, that impossible. I should have at least put on some cloth, I'm actually half naked right now, this isn't good at all' she said In her mind not knowing what to do.

" C'mon, answer me, I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened or what those girls said at the mall, to make you think I'm cheating on you"

" Leave meee!!, I'm not going to tell you anything. But I know you know deep in you all what you heard from me is true, you are nothing but a liar, a cheat, a-a....an uncaring bi..... Argh, I'm so annoyed right now. Get off me, if you actually don't know what happened then you don't have to know" she cursed trying to push him away

" Do you think I'm joking, it's like you don't know how bad I can be" he said turning her to make her lay on her back and that made her wince in pain

" Ah, that hurts, my back. Let me go" she commands as he pinned her down to the bed and that made her boobs bounce as she try to free herself

Looking at her, he lean close and kissed her on the lips, what he did made Xiotan disgusted and she bit him on the lip.

" Yuck, you disgust me" she said looking at him disdainfully and watch him touch his bleeding lip

" You're really testing my patience, don't let me act rough on you" he warned

" What will you do?, umn, what will you do?, You this pervert" she cursed again and that made Li Cheng forcefully remove the towel warped on her lower body.

" Pervert umn, you called me a pervert. I will show you what a pervert usually does. And you know what I hate?, people who curse.

He told her spreading her legs and knelt between them and start kissing her body aggressively and as she tried to push him back it makes her back hurts

" Ngh...., Stop it..., Ahn..., Cheng'er" she moan and called as Li Cheng sucks on her breast.

" Why should I stop?, I'm actually showing you the work of a pervert and an uncaring being you said I am" he said as he kissed her again and inserts two of his fingers in her Slit roughly not caring if she's hurt or not.

" Hngh...., Ah!, Cheng'er you-, you this BASTARD!, Leave me" she yelled and as she got the chance to push him back she gave him a dirty slap. PWAH!.

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