
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Other way.

"What!?, Wait sir, we are really sorry, we've known our mistake and we won't ever do such thing again please sir, we're really sorry. We're ready to do anything like, a-a- anything sir please don't do this. We beg" they cried as they watch the guard walk to them dragging them up.

" Please sir, please, we beg sir, please" they both beg crying hysterically.

" You're willing to do anything?" He asked

" Yes sir, anything, just spare us" they begged.

" That nice" Looking at the guards they nodded knowing as they bow and watch him leave.

They unchained the two ladies and drag them along following their master.


Arriving at Li house, Li Cheng walk in as they pulled the two girls along, and when they got to the sitting room the guards pushed them to the floor.

Xiotan who was in the kitchen rushed out when she saw people gathered in the sitting room.

* What's all this? " She asked Li Cheng who sat on the couch ignoring her.

Looking at the ladies on the floor, realization struck her when she recognized who they're.

' Aren't these those girls from the mall?, What are they doing here? " She asked herself as she stood at their front.

" SPEAK" Li Cheng yelled banging his hand on the center table and it broke cause of the force impact on it.

Xiotan got shocked by his action, that she shook a little when he screamed. Everyone shiver as no one dare to look him in the eye, the maids immediately rushed to clear the mess created.

" Y-Y-Y-Y- yes sir, we are sorry ma, we are really sorry, all what we said back there at the mall was not true, we were sent to say all those stuff, we are really sorry. It will never happen again" They begged with their hand folded

Xiotan got shocked by their worlds, kneeling at their front, she said

" Calm down, you don't need to fear. Did he threatened you guys to say all this stuff?, You can tell me the truth, I promise you that I won't allow him to do anything to you." She asked assuring them to tell her the truth.

Li Cheng squint his face as he stare at her, did she really think he's that low and cheap to do all that?.

" No ma, he didn't threaten us, we are saying the truth, we were sent by Prince Mo Yu Hao. He said he wants to create a little chaos between you two, that why he sent us to say all that. We are really telling the truth, your husband is innocent" they spurt nonstop

" Are you saying the truth? " She asked them with eyes widen.

" Yes ma, we are saying nothing but the truth"

Xiotan was actually shocked to say anything, all she could do is look at Li Cheng who look away from her immediately their eyes met. Sadness was clearly written on his face.

" Li Cheng, i- im- " she was not able to complete those words cause Li got up and walked out, heading to his car with Da Ming following behind.

She ran after him before he could enter the car and held him by his arm.

" Cheng'er, wait...., Listen to what I want to say" she said walking to face him with her still holding his arm.

" Cheng'er, I'm s- "

" I don't want to hear anything from you, your apology means nothing" he said removing her hand away.

" Keep your apology to yourself, do you think that's how cheap I'm?, You even think I threatened them to say all those words!, How cheap of you. Please if you don't want to see my other side, don't touch me or try to beg me, let those words still be there, let me be that cheat, liar and disgusting being you Said I am" he said pushing her gently to the side, so he could open the car door and enter, he looked at her face and lips that were a little ajar because of how shocked she felt before entering the car.

Xiotan couldn't say anything, all she could do was just stand and watch the car drove off.


Few Hours later

Xiotan was sitting on a couch in the living room fuming with anger while Jinxin was seated beside her laughing like tomorrow won't exit.

" Didn't I tell you, I told you to think twice before doing all those irrational stuff. But no you didn't listen. You were like ' No he deserves all those words, he's a cheat, liar and so on'" she mimicked laughing hysterically.

" Shut the fuck up, so he thinks he can do what he likes now, I want to ask for an apology and he shunned me, who the hell does he think he's to reject me" she asked rolling her eyes

" And who are you to reject him all those time he was begging and trying to explain himself?" Jinxin asked

" The situation those time was diff-"

" Nothing is different Xiotan, you're actually the one wrong here, you blamed and insulted him for what he didn't even do, if I was the one I wont accept your apology no matter how sincere you're" she said her opinion

" That's you problem then, if you like accept, if you like don't, it's none of my business" she hissed laying on the couch with the remote control in her hand and turned in the TV.

" Please don't disturb me, I want to watch movie, I don't have your time"

" So you won't call him?"

" Why should I, I've tried to apology but he's not listening, it not my fault"

" You don't know anything, do you know how he beg you and try to tell you that he didn't do anything, but did you listen? No you didn't, I wish he never accept your apology" she said standing up and walked out to the garden.

' Why won't he accept, it's not my fault actually, if he doesn't want to listen....., I'm willing to use the other way' she taught in her mind with an evil smile playing on her face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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