
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

My Troublemaker

After they were done eating, Li Cheng and Xiotan head out and enter the Black Bugatti Chiron parked in the front of the mansion, and as they both head out side by side all the maids and jinxin blush and giggle as they watch them head out.

Looking at them from the back as they walk out, they both look like two Mafia gods, the aura they were both emitting was majestic.

Jinxin winked at the maids as she followed them and entered the other car that the body guards would be taking {Lexus 350}. And after few minutes, they drove off.

An hour later.

Their car was packed at the front of a shopping mall named 'Da Pearl' and as soon as everyone saw the plate number they all made way without even being told.


Bodyguards came over to open the door for Da Ming and he went to open the door for his boss and his wife.

Li Cheng emerges from the car step aside and lets Xiotan get down, she was shocked by the kind of power they're emitting without even saying anything.

She watched as everyone stepped aside for them to pass and that surprised her. Like seriously they are also human for Christ sake, she doesn't like all this full focus on them at all.

She even notices some ladies looking at her like she has offended them before, she knows how angry they are cause almost all of them can kill so they could have the chance to marry her husband, but they were too late he is hers now and no one can change that fact and she will never let that happen.

Looking at those ladies back she gave them that 'he is mine and there's nothing you can do' look as she flip her hair stylishly. Looking around she saw people going in the mall are all dressed in a classic way and she knew people who come to this mall are people of high potential, thank goodness she was also dressed well.

After few minutes Xiotan and jinxin are in the mall after saying goodbye 🫂 and all that, they were being assisted by three of the sales girls and three bodyguards and the rest of the girls there were jealous

" Who the hell is she, even the governor's wife is being assisted by one or two, is she not trying to be too proud" one of the ladies whispered to her friend

" Yeah, you are right, she's being too bossy" the other whispered back

Xiotan was feeling weird as the three girls along with Xiotan making four and three guards that seven followed her around, looking back she looked at the three girls and the bodyguards and they all smiled at her sweetly.

" Why don't you guys go on with your job, Jinxin will accompany me, she can do it so you don't have to worry" Xiotan suggested

" Ma, if we do that we'll lose our jobs, our boss has ordered not to leave your side, and if we dare disobey we might pay with our heads" one of the guards said and the rest nodded in approval.

" What!...., no that won't happen, take me to your boss I will speak with him"

" Our boss is your husband ma, didn't you know" another replied

" My husband, Cheng'er asked you to do this?" she asked curiously, she's not a baby she can take care of her self without anyone's help.

" Yes ma, Lord Mo Li Cheng, asked us to be with you 24/7, so we dare not disobey"

" Oh, okay I see" she said as they moved on with what they were there for.

Picking up her phone she dialed his number


Over at Li Cheng Company, A Meeting was going on.

Li Cheng was sitting on a large chair at the end of the large table in the meeting room looking like a king listening to his employees and the higher up in the company, while his employees were seated side by side as they were giving him a review on the project he asked them to do.

And Da Ming was standing 7 inches away from him holding his phones and stood guarded as the meeting was going on. And Li Cheng was seated majestically.

After few minutes, Li Cheng phone vibrated, Da Ming look at the screen and saw ' My Troublemaker' and without thinking twice he knew who it was, it will be no one other that his wife cause he knows how troublesome she's and she will surely be the one saved as that name.

Thinking twice he didn't know what to do either to give it to him or not cause he doesn't like picking calls when he's in a meeting, and he might also get angry if he doesn't give he the phone if he later finds out that his wife called, making up one mind he move closer to him and show him his phone and immediately he saw ' My Troublemaker' a smile lit up on his face and that made the employees shocked they've never seen him smile before, they all taught he was a stone which always have only one expression on his face ' Cold'

'Who could that person be' they all thought to theirself

Li Cheng on the other hand was surprised when he saw her call she has never call him before, like what can be so special to make her call him. Accepting her call he actually received what he was expecting.