
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

My slave.

Back at home

Back at home Xiotan and jinxin has gone to see Xiotan mom, they went all alone and only who was there with them was the driver who was driving them their cause she insisted that no one should follow her.

Arriving their Xiotan got down happily and skipping to her house and as she got to the entrance her smile faded with what she saw

Her mom was in a maid attire cleaning the house, from her look it shows that she has been stressed a lot. While Pan'er was sitting on the couch comfortably watching TV.

" Hey lifie, if you are done with that come wash Pan'er clothes, she said they are dirty" duguyan said as she drop some bunch of clothes in front of lifie

" But they're other maids who can do this, I don't know when I will be done with the cleaning and I will be so tired after that" she complained

" So, how is that my business?, And for what you say you must use your hand to wash them. You have an hour to do all that, don't waste my time"

" But duguyan, how will I finish this in an hou-" she couldn't complete her words cause she was shunned by a slap from duguyan

" Don't you dare question me, if you don't finish all this in an hour you will see what I will do to you" she threatened

"DUGUYAN!, HOW DARE YOU" Xiotan yelled as she ran inside and drag duguyan by her hair.

" How dare you touch my momma, how dare you!" She yelled pulling her hair hard giving her a dirty slap.

" You this bastard, who let you in" duguyan asked trying to release herself from Xiotan hold

" Who's a bastard, how dare you. Momma what the meaning of all this?, WHAT'S THIS? " She yelled as Pan'er came over and drag her by her hair.

" You this slut, let go of me, I will make sure I kill you bitches today, let go of my hair" she commands

" Xiotan, no don't do that, Xiotan listen to me" lifie tried to stop her but she didn't listen.

" Mother why are you working like a slave, what the meaning of all this, is this what you've been doing ever since I left?" She asked as some maids ran over and hold her to make her knee

" Mother answer me, why are you quiet?" She asked but got no reply instead her mother just looked away and that made her so sad.

" No need to ask her, I will reply you, you mother is my slave now and their Is nothing you can do" duguyan said as she gave Xiotan a dirty slap

" Do you think you can just bargain my house and do what you like, this is not your house anymore, so you are not welcome here.

" You've not still learned your lesson, I see your husband didn't teach you, but I will"

" Get me the needles" she ordered and a maid brought in a packet of needles in a small tray.

" Hold her well, she mustn't get up" she ordered the maids who where holding her down.

" You this bastard, why do you let them hold me down, tell them to release me and you will see what I would do to you" she said as she spat on duguyan face.

" You this fool, do you have a death wish? " Pan'er snarled as she moves forward to slap Xiotan.

" If that hand touch me, I will beat you that if your boyfriend sees you he will think you fought with a lion, try me" she threatened and Pan'er knows Xiotan well she will surely do as she say

" If she can't I will" duguyan said giving Xiotan another slap.

" Come on, do your work" she ordered the maid and they went over to bring a bucket of cold freezing water and pour it on Xiotan

" You will learn your lesson today" duguyan said as she watch the maids open the packet of needles picked it one by one and start piercing it in her back.

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