
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Lord Mo Li Cheng.

" You asshole, you know you can't handle me that's why you let your maids hold me, what a shame count how many maids are holding me, six!, six maids are, what a shame, if they mistakenly let me loose I promise that I will kill y'all" Xiotan threatened as the maid keeps on piercing her

" I see you still got mouth to talk" duguyan said picking up a tape and tape her mouth

" Mmm, mmmm m" Xiotan hummed as she struggles to set herself free

" Duguyan please, let her go please" lifie begged as she get on her knees and hold duguyan leg begging and that made Xiotan even hummed more, if her mouth wasn't tape, she's actually trying to tell her mom not to beg

The maid brought in another bucket of cold water and poured it on Xiotan, her white top is already wet and stained with blood

" No one will come save you toda-" she couldn't complete her words as she heard a deep voice which came from the entrance of the door

" Sorry for the inconveniences, I'm here to take my wife home" Li Cheng siad as him and his body guard walk in and that made duguyan trembles in fear.

Walking over to were Xiotan is, he carried her in his arms and was about to leave when..

" Lord Mo Li Cheng, it- it not what you think, it- "

" Did I ask you to talk?, did I ask any questions from you?"

" No sir"

" So only speak when you are asked to"

" Yes sir" duguyan responded nodding her head

" My wife might have cause some inconvenience for you, am sorry for that, I've spoilt her a lot so she actually doesn't know what she did is wrong. But you shouldn't have gone this far, I hate it when I see Mark or scar on her body. I REALLY HATE IT." His voice was disturbingly calm as he gently pat hair and that made duguyan and the maids shiver.

" Oh, Lord Mo Li Cheng, welcome. When did you arrive" fie said as he walk down the stairs to welcome Li Cheng

" So you are in this house and this is happening, actually you should be lucky that you are my wife's father if not hmm..., I can't imagine what will happen to all of you" he said as he wave at Da Ming to bring his suit so he could cover Xiotan cause he could feel how cold her skin is.

" Please bring my mom with us, I don't want to leave her here" she begged, her voice not really audible but he heard what she said.

" Please, don't let this repeat it self, if any of this happen again I won't spare you, I promise." He threatened

" Hey, Mr man don't just think you can just walk or bargain in here and talk to us anyhow. Before lecturing us do that to your wife first" Pan'er said as she stood in front of Li Cheng eyeing both of them disdainfully.

" And who the hell are you? " Li Cheng asked as he glare at the rat in front of him

" What!, what the hell, who am I?!, what kind of question is that. I'm her sister, didn't you see me on you guys wedding day?"

" I don't notice fools I'm sorry"

" What the hell, what right d-" she was cut off by Da Ming pushing her aside to let Li Cheng pass.

Li Cheng didn't say anything until he left and told two of his guards to lead Jinxin and lifie out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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