
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs


In the Qu's Mansion

" My Lord why did you do that, you just gave my right to that low life concubine" Duguyan who was still angry about what happened asked as she and fei entered their room

" Come on, do you really think I will give that kind of position to that bitch ?, I just use that to my advantage to fool that crazy daughter of mine so she will accept the marriage. After she finally leaves this house I will give you back your position trust me" fei assured and pull in Duguyan for a hug

" I trust you my lord, you will never betray me" she voice sounds happy as she snuggles in deep


Sitting on the swing in the yard was Xiotan who was swinging slowly to the cool breeze blowing and then her eyes were covered from the back

" Take a guess at who is at your back" someone said from behind

" A guess who can this be or is it Jinxin" Xiotan thought in her mind

"Jinxin is that you?" She asked not wanting to get too excited

"Yes it's me I'm back" Jinxin said. Then Xiotan stood up without waisting anytime, looked back and saw her personal maid who is just like her best friend

" Oh my gosh, Jinxin it really you, I've missed you a lot" she yelled pulling her in for a warm hug

" I miss you too princess, I even miss you more than you do"

After the warm greeting between the two friends, Xiotan took Jinxin to her room and told what has happened for the past few days of her absence

"What the hell! so your majesty is planning to get you married just to get you out of his life, that's so heartless" Jinxin reprimand as she pats Xiotan at her back

" I don't know what I did to my father he just wants to get rid of me in all possible ways. And the best way is to get me married at such a young age, I don't even know what being a single lady is, all my dreams in life will get shattered immediately I get married, I won't be able to go out alone, sleep alone and have that feeling of being a lady. It's not like I've done any of those things before I'm always locked in this prison like house, even paner who is younger than me moves out freely than me, do anything she likes, go out and come in whenever she wants. But me...,I'm fed up"

" Don't worry tan, I'm sure you will have a wonderful life when you get married" Jinxin comforted

" That's a lie, do you think it will be like those Disneyland, where the princess is always locked in and her dream prince will come get her out!, that's a lie, even in my next fifty years it won't be like that. I don't even know the person I am gonna get married to, maybe he is old, handsome, scary,gentle, dangerous,calm.... I don't even know, this is not fair I have no say in my own life, I- I do..." tears welled up In her eyes as she could no longer hold in all the pain she has been feeling for a very long time, she just have to act strong all the time just to deceive people that she is okay, she never even cried in front of her mom cause she don't want her to worry. it's just too much for her.

Wiping her tears she stood up and looked at Jinxin showing her a devily smile which surprised Jinxin with the change of emotion just now, pinching the skin between her eyebrows she knew Xiotan has come up with a foolish plan

" And that's why I've got a plan, we are going to sneak out of this house and go have fun cause I might never be able to do it ever again. So I stole some money from my father cause I have thought about this plan before and so far you are here now we will both sneak out together" she said laughing crazily like always.