
Taming the Wild 'BEAST'

She is crazy and he is an Heartless Beast. Let's see what happens when these two paths collide, will this crazy girl be able to tame this wild Beast and will they be able to cope with each others personality?. Let find out in this captivating story, where you will come across Love, lies, and deceit.

Debby_Sabitue · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Bunch of Bastards.

" Xiotan let's just go don't get yourself in trouble, you know if your father finds out about this he is gonna kill you" Jinxin advised but she still didn't listen

" No, I don't care if he beats or kills me but you see what just happened I won't let it go he will have to pay for it" she disagrees holding her waist and giving Li Cheng a deadly look

" Do you know how much that phone cost, do you know how I suffer just to get this phone, Mtcheeew if you don't give me back the fifty thousand this phone cost I will beat the hell out of you" she threatened

" I see you are cheap, who in this era still uses a fifty thousand phone, just get the hell out of here and go look for solution yourself" Li Cheng reprimands tilting his head to the side as he looks down at her

" Ah, what did you just say, you think I am cheap for me to be using a fifty thousand phone, YOU ARE DEAD" She yelled as she jumped up and grabbed his hair

" You think I am cheap, I will show you what being cheap looks like" she roared as she bit him on the neck and smack his head beating him like a crazy cat all the bodyguards tried to stop her but they can't, even Jinxin is so tired of her

" Hey madame stop this" all the bodyguards tried to stop her but she just held one and gave him a dirty slap

" I will teach you guys a lesson never to mess with anyone you see" she kept on fighting and bit anyone who tried to hold her

" You this crazy girl get off me, ah my back, are you mad" Li Cheng yelled but what he received was a slap. He was really shocked this will be the first time anyone would beat him and even slap him on top, this is fascinating

" Shut your dirty mouth up, you this Bastard" she yelled and as she was about to do something crazy Jinxin held her by her cloth and pulled her down

" You father car just passed now heading home, what are we going to do" she whispered as beads of sweats start to form on her forehead

" What father's car, oh damn" she hissed, looking at the three guys in front of her with their leader who looks like a madman right now, then she said

" Thank your stars I have to leave now, but the next time I see you I will make sure I teach you a full lesson, you this bunch of bastards" she hissed moving forward like an angry rabbit which makes them shrink back.

" We will see again" she said Patting Li Cheng's shoulder. Turning back to Jinxin she looked at her and without saying anything both of them started running like they were being chased by a dog.

" Boss will you just let this go, should we get her" Da Ming Li Cheng's bodyguards asked but Li Cheng just laughed as he looked at her running off

" No Don't, no need to do that. Just hold on cause you will soon find out about something interesting, Get my car am going home" He ordered and after a few minutes his car arrived he entered and they drove off.