
Help From a God

"Spy? Assassins?"

Fang asked just to confirm. Her tail and ears were standing straight in high alert. I just smiled and patted her head, calming her down slightly.

"No, spy. If they're demigod assassins, they'd already be around me, trying to lighten my shoulders."

I watched as Fang enjoyed the head pat, her tail wagging fiercely. However, I was still bothered by those demigod spies.

'I guess their main purpose is to gain information concerning me and my surroundings. And Yu Na, a master of information manipulation, just happened to intercept this information.'

There was no other information included in the letter other than that hundreds of spies are aiming for my head.

"But I guess some of them would be battle-ready."

Spy or assassin, whatever they were, they were definitely something powerful. If they found that I'm only guarded by 7th-stage and below girls, then they'd probably go for the kill.

"So? What's the plan, Will?"