
Following the Girls: Tala (1)

After returning, I kept watching over Yorm's situation for a bit longer. However, it didn't seem like she needed help, as she quickly found the "Material" that we needed. All that was left was to convince it, and her job would be complete!

"That's one down..."

I also checked the other girls' situation.

Fang, Ember, and Igni were doing well enough by themselves. My clones accompanying them were basically just observers, not given the slightest chance to pitch in.

Fina, Minerva, Hekate, and Judy were sent to a world where there were no enemies, leaving the only danger they faced to be the world itself. Deadly terrain, cracks in space, a messy atmosphere...

The worlds they dropped at were practically refusing any life to thrive on them!

Fatima was... doing well? I'm not sure either, but the fighting was almost done there.