
Taming his Icy Heart Prologue

"I'm sorry Alpha , please forgive me " the man begged with his head bowed as he knelt before him, Alpha Khalid, the most feared person in all the seven kingdoms, he knew begging would get him nowhere but he still had to try . He blamed himself for his mistakes, why did he think he would get away with it, he tried to betray his Alpha and he thought he would leave to tell the tale, it seemed like a good plan at that time; coarse a maid into joining him, poison the Alpha then steal the deeds to some properties so he could become rich🤑 and he would have gotten away with it too if not for the Alpha's Beta and right hand man Victor meddling in his affairs. He groaned as he felt a stinging pain on his back resulting from the whipping he had received but he was sure there was more to come. He feared for his life as his partner Beatrice, the maid , was beheaded on the spot by the Alpha when they found out about the plan. He wept silently praying that the Alpha should have a change of heart and forgive him just this once.

Khalid stood still, his hands behind his back emitting a powerful aura as he watched the man kneeling before him looking pitiful, his face expressionless. He was pissed he was wasting his precious time on this and wanted to get it done as soon as possible. He watched how Kaden wept and let out a light scoff. He was currently in his meeting room along with some elders and chiefs each blessed with white hair and wrinkles looking on to see what the dangerous man before them would do as he was most times unpredictable. They were surprised that Kaden would dear betray the Alpha seeing as he was very close to him and they practically grew up together and they knew Khalid,they were very sure Kaden would die a slow and painful death. They sighed and shook their heads feeling pity for him but no one dared speak up or else they would suffer the consequences 🥲.

Khalid started moving slowly and stopped when he got to a table filled with different tools then he gingerly picked up a knife 🔪 before proceeding towards Kaden. Kaden lifted his head to see what was happening and when he saw Khalid with a knife, he shuddered and tried moving backwards but was stopped by the guards who held him down .

" Why did you do it Kaden " his powerful voice echoed in the room, menacing yet sweet, with a plain face

" Alpha? " I called feigning ignorance

" WHY DID YOU F*CKING BETRAY ME KADEN ! " He yelled his voice making me shiver 🥶 as the guards behind me moved back in fear, he was still moving towards me

" I regret what I did Master, please forgive me" I cried bitter tears rolling down my swollen cheeks hoping he would have a change of heart ❤️...

He was now standing in front of me and looked down at me with a smirk on his face, at first he did nothing...then

" Wrong answer" He replied then in a swift movement he buried the knife into my shoulder, my blood spewing out

"Arrrrgh!" I screamed out feeling a wave of pain. I saw an evil smile form on his face as he watched me screw up my face . He turned and moved towards Victor who handed him a handkerchief which he used in wiping off the blood from his hands.


" What do we do with him Master " Victor whispered to Khalid whose gaze was on the broken man in front of him. He thought 🤔 for a while then answered...

" Take him to the torture room, cut off his legs, hands, hair and pluck out both eyes and whip him until I command you to stop " He said without a hint of remorse.

"As you wish Master" Victor replied then motioned to some guards who started leading Kaden away

" Master I'm sorry, please forgive me . I promise to be loyal, I have a family ... Master !" Kaden begged as he was dragged out by the guards.

" Finish up with whatever is remaining and meet me in my study " Khalid said to Victor then walked out with guards trailing behind him.

Victor turned back to glance at the Chiefs and elders who breathe a sigh of relief as soon as Khalid walked out...



" Tomorrow is the day I finally get my freedom" I decided wiping my tears.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading this and though this is my first story, I promise to put in my best efforts.😁😁