
Taming his dark moon

"I will just bite this delicate neck of yours and mark you. Then you won't ever escape me. You will stay with me forever." He moved closer to her neck. Athena struggled. " You can't do that! You can't mark me without my approval!" "Says who?" His cold red eyes stared into her big green eyes. Athena opened and closed her mouth. No sound came out. Fear danced in her eyes. "Stop struggling..." The king's fangs elongated and grazed her skin. "You are mine, little thing!" Athena closed her eyes and screamed loudly. Athena had been living a perfectly normal life with her foster parents till she decided to look for her real parents. After encounting a lot of strange things, she began to wonder who she really was. With the arrogant intimidating king following her everywhere she went, her life became more complicated... Author's note: If you like this book, please add it to your library and don't forget to vote!

purpleflame78 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs


Athena was full of smiles the next day. This somehow creeped out the others. Was she the same girl who was like a frightened little lamb the previous day? There was something different about her. There was a strange light in her eyes. They could not tell what was going on in her little head. She was quite unpredictable!

"Are you ready?" Trevor asked.

Athena nodded. Her eyes shone with determination as she aimed her arrow at the poor quacking duck. She hesitated for a moment but the strange animal's glowing golden eyes suddenly flashed in her mind. She took a deep breath and shot the duck.

"You finally did it!" Trisha gave her a toothy grin. Trevor looked surprised as he stared at the now dead duck that he was holding.

"Good," he said shortly. He looked at his blood stained clothes and said nonchalantly, "I am going to my room to change my clothes." He left after saying that.

Athena felt pleased by her progress. She could try hunting one day. If only her foster parents were here, they would have been very proud of her.

She sighed at the thought of her foster parents. She wondered how they were doing right now.

"What's wrong?" Trisha asked. She shook her head. "Nothing."

Trisha knew that she was lying but did not probe further. Instead she said enthusiastically, "Have you ever rode a horse before?"

Athena nodded. She had rode a horse once when she was about twelve. However it did not end well. She ended up falling from the horse and almost got crippled.

She shuddered at the memory. From that day, she was afraid of riding horses. She could only admire them from afar.

"Come with me!" Trisha said and dragged her to the stable.

Athena's jaw dropped at the sight of the horses. This was the first she had come to the stable. All the horses were strong and beautiful. Athena looked at a beautiful white mare.

"That is Sally. She is my cute little horse. Aren't you girl?," Trisha said as she patted Sally's head. "Why don't you touch her?"

The mare named Sally neighed.

"Won't it bite me?" she asked. Trisha shook her head. "No, our horses are well trained."

Athena raised her hand cautiously and touch its head. It neighed softly. It seemed like it was enjoying her touch.

"She seems to like you," Trisha said.

They went to the next horse. "This Diego. A grumpy one he is."

Athena was enjoying her time there as Trisha introduced the horses to her.

"The horse on the left is Becky. That one over there is Buttercup..." Trisha continued to talk non stop. The horses were all likeable.

Soon there was only one horse that was left to be introduced. It a majestic black stallion that stood proudly in its stall. There was an air of arrogance around it.

"You see that black stallion over there?" Trisha whispered as if afraid that it might hear her. "He is so mean and unruly. No one can control him not even Trevor who is very good at controlling animals."

"Why don't you just sell him?" Athena whispered back.

"Sell that devil of a horse?" Trisha scoffed. "We did try countless times to sell him but no one wanted to buy him!"

Athena looked at the horse with interest.

"What's his name?"

"He doesn't have a name."

"Huh? Why?"

"Mother said that she was going to give the horse for free to the one who could manage to tame it so the new owner would be the one to give it a name. Years passed and no one could do it."

Athena nodded in understanding.

"So... Choose a horse!" Trisha said, ecstatically. "We are going out for a ride."

"What?" Athena blurted out in disbelief. Trisha raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me that you don't know how to ride a horse."

She coughed in embarrassment but quickly pulled up a straight face. "Of course I can but..." I am afraid of riding horses.

In fact, she did not know if she could still ride a horse.

"Good!" Trisha grinned. "So choose!"

Athena looked at the friendly horses. Her eyes then fell on the arrogant horse. Her lips curled up into a smirk and pointed at the black stallion. "I want him!'

"Are you nuts?!" Trisha shouted in disbelief.

Athena who was very close to her, quickly jumped away from her. Her ears were ringing. "Are you trying to deafen me?" She glared at her.

"Sorry," Trisha smiled apologetically. She lowered her voice. "You cannot ride that stubborn horse! He doesn't let anyone near him."

"Just watch this!" Athena smirked.

Trisha looked at her open mouthed. What did she think she was doing? Did she have a death wish? This is the same as trying to commit suicide!

"Hello there beauty," Athena drawled with a lazy look. The black stallion looked at her for a fleeting moment before looking away uninterestedly.

This made her feel bold and moved closer to the stall.

"Would you let me ride on you?"

The horse did not look at her. Athena raised her hand to touch it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Trisha said but she ignored her words.

"Be careful. It might bite you," Trisha warned her.

She cautiously placed her hand on its head. Surprisingly, it did not react.

"That's not possible," Trisha said in shock.

"Well it is possible," Athena smiled triumphantly and patted its head. She removed her hand off its head.

Trisha rubbed her eyes. "But he doesn't let anyone touch his head not even Trevor."

"Quite shocking right?" Athena grinned as she pulled it out of the stall. The black stallion did not struggle and let her pull it out.

"I guess you can ride that arrogant horse," Trisha said as she went to Sally's stall.

The two led their horses out of the stable. Trisha placed a harness on each horse. Afterwards, they both climbed on top of the horses. Athena held the harness tightly. Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears. She felt nervous. She was not confident of her riding skills.

The black stallion seemed to be rather obedient to Athena to Trisha's shock. "I got to tell mother about this..."

"You know there is something strange about... Argh!" Athena screamed. The horse had suddenly neighed and started galloping away at an incredible speed.

"Athena try to stop him!" Trisha shouted and rode after her. "I knew that that horse was up to something!"

It was galloping swiftly that Trisha failed to catch up and was left behind. The black stallion was faster compared to Sally.

Athena desperately pulled the harness, trying to stop it but failed. All she could do was to hold the harness tightly for her dear life, afraid that she would fall off. Athena cursed. Why did she choose this crazy horse?

The cold wind blew on her face harshly. Why was she so unlucky?! After some time, the horse slowed down. Her hair looked like a bird's nest. Coupled with her horror stricken look, it was quite a comical sight to behold. Athena snapped out of her daze and looked around. Where was she?

'This place looks so beautiful!" she exclaimed in amazement. There were colourful flowers everywhere. Beautiful little butterflies hovered around her. There were young and tall trees too. She could hear the birds chirp. A breeze blew gently. Her tensed body slowly relaxed as she took in the beautiful sight in front of her.

The black stallion stopped on its own and she slid off its back. "This place looks so beautiful!" She repeated again. She turned to look at the horse. "What is this place? Why did you bring me here?"

The horse only stared at her. She sighed.

"Stupid me. I forgot that animals don't talk."

She began to walk. The black stallion followed her quietly. It was quite a peaceful place. How did it even know this place?

The black stallion had a 'do you like it?' look in its eyes. Athena noticed this and chuckled. She patted its head fondly. "I love this place. It's so peaceful and quiet here but I am sure Trisha is still looking for me so we have to go back."

She wondered if the others knew about this place.

"I kinda like you," she smiled. There is something about this horse that drew her near to it.

She climbed on top of the black stallion. "Let's go beauty. We will explore this place another time."

She gave the place one more look before she rode away. It seemed like her riding skills were not too rusty. When she arrived at the Robson's home, she saw Trevor and Lady Alisha standing outside. They were both shocked to see her sitting on top of the black stubborn stallion.

"How did this happen?" Lady Alisha said, looking baffled.

Athena slid off the black stallion's back. "Have you ever seen Trisha?"

"Was she not with you?" Trevor asked.

Athena had just opened her mouth to say something when a familiar voice shouted.

"There you are kiddo!"

Athena turned to just see a tired Trisha. She slid off Sally's back. Her face was red and she was panting heavily. "Where did this devil of a horse take you to? I looked for you everywhere but could not find you."

Athena looked at the black stallion and said with a smile, "He took me to a very wonderful place. A very beautiful one."

"How did you tame him?" Lady Alisha asked, with curiosity dancing in her eyes.

She blinked her eyes and gave a mysterious smile. "Magic."

Trisha scoffed. "What magic? I did not see any magic at all."

Lady Alisha looked at the black stallion and said thoughtfully, "Since this stubborn horse likes you, I am giving him to you."

Athena's eyes widened. She could finally have her own horse?

Trisha waved a hand in front of the frozen Athena. "Athena? Are you still there?"

Athena finally snapped out of her daze. She looked flustered and hurriedly tried to refuse, "No, no. You don't have to give him to me. I..."

"I insist," Lady Alisha said firmly. Athena suddenly hugged her, catching her off guard. "Thank you so much Lady Alisha..."

Lady Alisha's expression softened and patted her back. "You are welcome. We are a family, remember?"

Athena's eyes teared at her words. Family...

"So what are you going to call him?" asked Trisha.

Athena looked at Trisha before she looked at the horse that stood proudly like it owns the whole world. It shot Sally a haughty look and the poor white mare cowered away in fear. "I am going to call him Thunder."

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