

The cosmos is vast, so much that no one can fully grasp it. It's truly remarkable how the colossal cosmos is filled with a myriad of unknown powerful Tamers and Beasts.

Akash Tagar, an old man of The Fairy Race, was floating in the air dismally, sorrowing over his race which was massacred and his planet that was taken over by a rival race.

He sniffled quietly while looking at a Space Rift, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, they welled from deep inside and coursed down his cheeks.

His white beard and moustache were wet by his tears, he was one of the few survivors of his race. When he returned after the war ended, the only thing waiting for him was the mutilated dead bodies of his comrades. The shame and humiliation took over his mind and conscience.

He wished he had courage enough to stand and die along with everyone. So he decided to end his life and join his old mates.

The space chasm where he was looking at was the portal that will take one to a forbidden place. That Place was named The Mysterious Planet by everyone because that portal opens up every 1000 year and none who went there came back so it was proclaimed as forbidden, no one was allowed to go near it.

The portal was shaped in oval, emitting four coloured hue of titian, cerulean, ivory and black, but the titian was dominating the rest.

The old man who was ready to die was 100 miles away from that gigantic crack. He gathered his courage and flew towards the rift slowly.

As he got closer he heard the rustling sound of breeze from the portal, as if the breeze was penetrating through an enormous timber. The breeze carried a smell.

The smell was potpourris, at one second it carried the pleasant aroma of countless flowers of woodland, while on the second it had a bothersome odor of rotten blood of beasts.

All the living beings are divided into four types. Those who are only wise and those who are wholly brave, third are those who are berefted by both and last are those who are enriched by the presence of the pair.

Akash was a wise man, he understood by the smell that what ever is inside of the chasm is filled with countless mysterious rewards but it's also consist of terror. A terror far beyond the level of that he felt in the war.

Akash always admired the bravery he lacked, now that he lost everything and his life became meaningless, he decided to challenge his timidity. He was slowly moving towards the space rift, wondering about the wonders the rift held, when he just passed few miles the chasm gave off an unknown aura and he was pulled inside within a blink by unopposed sucking force.

*Inside the crack*

Akash found himself in a strange forest, the forest was vaster than the reach of his eye. None of the herbs and trees he knew was there it was a strange forest, from the ground to the branches and its leaves, everything was of vermillion colour. From the top, it was like a forest of fire. He was still dazed when he heard a thunderous voice.

"It's been a while since someone has visited this old turtle"

Akash trembled in fear, he could feel the enormous cosmic power in those words, he gulped and asked "Who are you?"

Soon the forest quaked and before he could move darkness overlapped him and when he was able to move again, he saw a humongous turtle.

His heart skipped a beat he didn't know what to do.

Although he was also a cosmic tamer with various beasts as his contracted war pets, yet he had never seen such a creature.

The turtle was huge maybe the word huge is too little to explain its size, it has ossicones on its head. Those ossicones were hundreds of kilometres long. Its eyes were in circled shape and one could see the entire cosmos in its eyes. Its midnight blackhead reflects the perfect image of an emperor.

Its legs were not the legs of a turtle but a Tiger with huge paws and long sharp nails. Its tiger legs were coloured with black and white stripes.

He was under a big surprise he hadn't recover yet and he saw a huge dragon, a strange dragon, of a kind he never saw before in his entire life of thousands of years. The dragon was of azure colour, suddenly he realised that the dragon was the tail of a turtle.

He understood that the turtle cast magic on him so that he could see its majestic body otherwise how could his little eyes fit that humongous turtle's entire body.

The Black Turtle Head, The Vermillion Fire Shell, The White Tiger Paws, The Azure Dragon Tail. He slowly murmured these names and think of the 4 Holy Beasts of legend. The protectors and makers of this cosmos.

The Turtle said in its thunderous voice.

"I'm the one who was present when nothing was born, I'm the one who knows everything in this cosmos"

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