
Tales of Vengeance: Alexander Ripoff

After watching the murder of his family, Alexander Ripoff is sent to the Illuminates, a secret organization responsible for the creation of assassins, and mercenaries across the planet. After seven years, Alexander returns and embarks on a mission to find the one who killed his family and get his revenge, will he succeed?

Royal_Lazarus · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Final Battles II

Still inside the large hall filled with blue curtains......

Alex barely blocked or weaved Nadia's attacks, her long fingernails lashed angrily at him like a tiger's claws, swiftly pulling off offensive moves. This time she was going easy on him, and he noticed that.

She was more faster than him at the time, he couldn't comprehend the speed at which she moved her hands, legs, and her whole body entirely.


Her 'claws' struck his face, and the sign of her nail slashes could be seen around his face and neck. Alex was perplexed, he staggered backwards, she was holding back, and still it felt like she was going all out on him.

She crossed her arms together to form an 'X' sign with a smirk, she then pushed her right palm forward, making a stance. 'The jungai's fists technique'

Alex couldn't recognize this technique', why? Because he hadn't seen it before, but he was sure it was a dangerous technique with dangerous attacks. Before he could think of making a counter stance.


In a second, Nadia was standing in front of him, her fist pushed forward, she was really amazing, he somehow figured she was using her chi to boost her physical condition.

Pow! Pow!

Three consecutive punches struck him, vastly sending him to the walls. The speed at which he flew and collided with the wall was so great.

She had just used the 'exploding punches' attack on him. This was an attack that delivered consecutive punches at an high speed rate, capable of sending the victim meters away like the effects of an explosion.

He groaned to the excruciating pains from the punches, he couldn't take this pain anymore, he had to end Nadia, even if it was the last thing he'd do.

He staggered up to his feet, grunting, and panting heavily. The feeling 'pain' was written all over his face.

"Still up for more?" Nadia taunted.

"You can beat me all you want!" Alex courageously spoke up.

"But you can never break me" He clenched his fists once more, making another stance.

Whoosh! Pow!

Four 'exploding punches' collided with him again, sending him back into the wall.

"Argh" Alex yelled in pains, sprawling on the floor. Nadia walked towards him, slowly, she then stopped in her tracks.

"Don't worry, you'll be dead soon, I just want you to know how much I hate you, and how much I wanna see you suffer before dying" Nadia spoke, coldly.

Alex stood up once more, this time, extra-slowly. Like a drunkard, his right arm on his chest. Blood drizzling from his nose.

If he couldn't beat Nadia with a defensive and counter-attacking format, he'd try attacking unrelentingly. Maybe he could get an upper hand if he attacked her continuously, without giving her breathing space. He was a little bit drained, but he'd give up all he had to pull that off, and he knew just the technique to help him do that.

"Let's try this one more time, shall we?" He smirked, despite the fact that he was in pains.

Alex joined his palms together, channeling his chi, he felt it surging through his body, he then moved his left leg forward, making a skillful stance. He knew he'd be drained greatly, but he had no choice.

Nadia recognized this stance well.

"The snake's duplicity huh? What makes you think you can defeat me with that?" She asked, making her tiger stance once again.

"One way to find out"


One second, Alex was standing in front of her.


She blocked the first punch Intuitively, but he didn't give her the chance to see the next one coming. She got struck, the impact pushed her backwards a little. Alex charged at her again, not giving her a chance to make her own move.


Meanwhile, in the large dinning room.

Chairs and tables got scattered here and there as the trio battled.

As a 2nd grade fighter, Martin was faster, stronger, agile, and durably Superior to his opponents.

His evasions were extraordinarily amazing, Blows to blows, he blocked, until he did two backflips to regain balance and control of his own body, but he was slow to see a flying kick coming for him.


He landed on his feet, but a few meters away, the kick was powerful!

His attacker, Nathan Cage smiled.

Nathan and Henry both pushed their left legs forward, standing on one feet, and making a stance.

'Wild feet technique' Martin thought. The both of them were trying to use the wild feet technique and bring attacks simultaneously at him, it'll be close to impossible for him to evade all their attacks at once without getting hit, so he decided to evade, and counter attack, to end them once and for all.

'Time to up my game' he thought as he pushed his left palm forward and clenched it, he then moved his right leg to the left, making a skillful stance.

'The powerbomb technique' This technique allowed the user to channel chi and boost his strength to an enhanced level, so that any punch he delivered could break the bones of his victim, on the targeted spot.

The duo charged at him like a missile headed for it's target.

Nathan's long leg struck, but he blocked it with his right palm. Henry's leg came slashing at him, he bent down to weave the attack.

He was to slow to weave Nathan's left leg coming for him in an arc.


The kick struck his shoulder, making him go down on one knee. Before he could counter, Henry's consecutive kicks came in a spinning manner, as he spun his body in the air, making a spin kick attack.

Two of the kicks collided with his face but he managed to grab hold of the third kick coming from Henry this time. Martin held the leg and channeled his energy to his right fist, he then sent a 'powerbomb' punch into Henry's left knee.


Henry's knee joint was shattered on impact of the punch.

Martin flipped back to avoid another slashing kick from Nathan.

Martin got the chance to focus on Nathan as Henry sprawled in pains on the floor.

Nathan came at him with another horizontal kick which tore through the air, headed for him. He weaved to the left, and rolled to the right to block another horizontal kick from the latter. Nathan wasn't giving him the chance to use his powerbomb fist on him easily.

He crouched forward to dodge another series of kicks which came diagonally.

Nathan's spine was close to him this time as he had already crouched behind Nathan.

Before the latter could turn to make another move, Martin channeled his strength to his fist once more, and struck.


Nathan's spine was hit, the assasin dropped to the floor screaming.

He grabbed Nathan by the neck and lifted him up.


Another powerbombed fist was sent into Nathan's stomach. Blood spurted out from Nathan's mouth as Martin dropped him on the floor, now lifeless.

Martin turned to look at Henry behind him, the latter was now standing on one leg, attempting to launch another attack on Martin, he was really strong!

Martin bent down with a legsweep move, and sent Henry off his feet as he tried to attack.

He clenched his fist, ready to punch the life out of Henry.

"Please spare me" Henry pleaded.

"Remember the illuminates' code 001?" Martin asked him, with an evil grin.

"N.. no... mercy" Henry stammered, now sure that he was foolish to answer that question.

"Good" Martin replied, before sending his fist into Henry's neck. Crack!

Shattering the bones in his neck with brute Force. Martin rested his back on a chair, trying to regain his strength. He felt a little bit strained due to the intense use of his energy.