
Tales Of the Night

Original story by Numbness _Xx_ Hope Although humans created the stories myths and legends, these became celestial beings that will test this world, and stories both famous and not so famous will watch the human world to be their reincarnation in a new era.

Numbness_Xx_Hope · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Lament that everyone felt

-Chapter 2-


The first scenario was almost over, because there were 2 days left, but that wouldn't stop them from killing each other, some people tried to infiltrate in the "prey" camp but thanks to Moon Jin and some military men they didn't succeed, they left them tied in the forest to the impostors and in theory it was like killing them because there were wolves that became violent thanks to the scenarios.

-Cooking, a fish, a fish that smells like duck," said Moon Jin "singing" the first thing that came to his mind.

-Why duck? he asked

-I don't know, it seemed to go well there," she said and after finishing cooking the fish, she served it on a plate and gave it to someone and then repeated the process.

-Yes, two older siblings and a younger one, as well as my father and mother," she said with concern on her face.

-Min-Woo denied and then Moon Jin spoke up. "Use the chat, I mean the system chat, just think of their names and faces and they will be included, if they are dead, I'm sorry, it won't be possible".

Min-Woo was impressed by what he heard, he didn't know that the chat could be used like this, he immediately tried it and to his luck his brothers were alive and his mother but his father had died in the beginning, it seemed that they were all hunters, Min-Woo began to cry with joy to discover that they were alive so they agreed to meet in a specific place when the first scenario was almost over.

Min-Woo began to forget about it and the day went on as usual, Moon Jin and some of the soldiers were distributing the dinner as usual, others were doing research on the subject and others were taking care of the elderly and the children.

Min-Woo was packing his things and some food for his journey.

-You're leaving so early," said Moon Jin who approached Min-Woo.

-He agreed to meet my family," she said happily and finally finished packing her things.

-The group is going to disperse, some will go to the underground Metros to use it as a hideout, some will stay in the forest and some will stay in a safe building. Are you going to go with your family?

-I'll think about it later," Min-Woo replied, somewhat nervously.

-. . tell me your levels." She approached and leaned on a table, curious.

-Okay," she opened her profile and showed it to Moon Jin.

-Agility 7, Dexterity 10, Strength 5.

5- She looked somewhat excited -I'm coming with you- she said happily putting her hands on her neck.

-No need," replied Min-Woo.

-You don't know how dangerous people have become after killing, do you? There are people stronger than you out there and you don't know how strong your family is, let me help you," he looked happy because he had already decided who to stay with in this apocalyptic situation.

-The place was a playground where she and her brothers were playing and they finally arrived and saw her family.

-She ran towards her brothers and hugged them.

-They are all men," thought Moon Jin, impressed.

-Daughter," said her mother and hugged her daughter, everyone was crying with happiness.

-I feel bad sixth here," she said a little uncomfortable and came closer, "Nice to meet you, I'm Moon Jin, your daughter's travel companion," she said kindly to Moon Jin's mother, "If you ask me, your daughter eats a lot," she said jokingly which made Min-Woo's mother laugh.

-Don't tell lies to my mother Moon Jin," she said angrily.

-And you don't go to see your family," asked Min-Woo's younger brother curiously.

-Well, my mother died when I was born and my father is in a very far place, so," she said while scratching her neck with sorrow, "I'll leave you alone for a while," she said to leave for a while and let the family start talking about everything that happened in these 5 days until finally it was time.

Moon Jin approached again and an announcement appeared on the system.

[Mission #1 concluded]


Immediately after he finished singing, the heads of the people who didn't meet the requirements started to explode.

Min-Woo was in shock, his whole family's head exploded in his face, Above his body you could see the number of people they killed and a 0 appeared on everyone, A heartbroken cry was heard loudly.

Moon Jin was also shocked and angry. She quickly grabbed a towel from her inventory and began to wipe off Min-Woo's blood while comforting her.

Many people who refused to kill died in the same way, some parents who died in front of their children, elderly people and more died, it was a massacre from which not many were spared.

Children, both teenagers and adults were heard everywhere and The Celestials just watched them with a smile enjoying the moment.