
Tales Of the Night

Original story by Numbness _Xx_ Hope Although humans created the stories myths and legends, these became celestial beings that will test this world, and stories both famous and not so famous will watch the human world to be their reincarnation in a new era.

Numbness_Xx_Hope · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

-Chapter 1-Chapter 1



1 Hour Earlier . . .

-Harry, have you seen my tie?" said a black-haired girl with green eyes and green eyes.

-I don't know, ask someone else," said a brown-haired boy lying on his bed reading comic books.

-You're my roommate, you're the only one who would know," replied the girl to her roommate and finally found the tie and put it on.

-You're not going to work again? If you go on like this we will live together for life or maybe they will change your roommate," he said before leaving to his friend who just threw him a paper and the girl went to work.

My name is Min-Woo, I am 28 years old and I work in a hair products company.

-Hello Min-Woo," spoke a man of about 48 years old.

-Good morning Mr.Hank," bowed the black hair and went to his seat.

The day went by normally, the company was working on a new product until the military came in, they took everyone out of the facilities and when they came down they saw more military doing the same with more people and they got scared.

-What was going on," asked the head of the company.

-That was the only thing the military man said to start taking more people out of the houses and buildings.

Immediately the head of the company and more members took out their cell phones to turn on the news.

This is an alert system, do not panic citizens get out of your homes and buildings for your own safety! I repeat this is an emergency^

Repeated a machine over and over again

^Citizens, you may be confused but don't worry we have the military supporting us, you may be scared but here we will explain the situation to you

Said a man who was reporting the weather in the morning

This is a World Emergency, It started in Oregon - United States^

They showed images of buildings rising from the surface and others sinking, rivers and lakes were created out of nothing.

Strange constructions began to destroy the houses and offices to make it happen, so we resorted to get everyone out of the houses, Please evacuate until you are told^

The man finished speaking and then the camera pointed to a woman.

^With another subject, A avid of less than 5,000 dead in each country because of these accidents, Children are orphaned and nobody helps them because of the panic towards what is happening^

The News Girl spoke and immediately buildings began to sprout from the ground in Korea destroying everything in their path.

-MIN-WOO DIE," shouted Min-Woo, who was in the middle of her cell phone watching the news without realizing that a giant cement rock was about to fall on top of her.

At that very moment someone pulled her away from the rock.

-You should stop looking at that cell phone for a moment," said a military man.

-Min-Woo put his cell phone away and walked away from the construction site.

-Thank you very much," said Min-Woo to the girl.

-I'm Min-Woo, nice to meet you," he bowed a little.

-My pleasure," said the man who saved her and then helped more people.

-Despite the panic, it seems that there are still people who help in these situations," said a brown-haired man behind Min-Woo's back.

-Hyeong," said the red-haired girl surprised to see her roommate.

-Do you know what's going on?

- It seems that unknown constructs are coming out of the ground," said the girl.

Immediately, a blue screen appeared in front of everyone.

[You are in the presence of 'The Celestial who never tires'.]

That's what the screen said, people were asking the military what was going on and even they didn't understand.

-Well? Well? can you hear me?

- "I see that they do! Well, I see that they are confused and scared, poor little humans", said the Child, laughing.

-Let me help you understand." The Boy kept talking, he sounded amused.

-Welcome to the rebirth of this world!!!" shouted El Niño enthusiastically, "I know, I know, you are wondering how what rebirth? And those stupid questions from humans, rebirth is to remake a world worthy for new beings like me! Celestials," he sounded happy and excited, "You must be wondering "Like me? A simple human who knows how to do nothing, can he live in this new world?" And for that we bring you Scenarios!

-You must complete scenarios set by us, the celestials, and live to the last scenario in order to live in this world!

-Because we would listen to you!" shouted a stout man angrily.

-Because if you don't - lightning bolts fell on the sturdy man - You will die!

Panic spread again, a man died for not doing what the voice said.

-Oh don't get me wrong, these games have their rules that we will abide by, for example when the first scenario starts we won't kill anyone.

Some people were still scared, there were children crying as well as adults, people started shouting that the Apocalypse had come and that only the chosen ones deserved to live and more shit like that.

Min-Woo was static, she couldn't believe what was happening. From what she had understood there are beings superior to humans who want to see who deserves to live and who doesn't, but there were old people who could barely walk, children and babies, pregnant women and sick and weak people, how would they all pass the test?

-I know there are a lot of people worried about this and another, very... Human... on their part," he said in disgust, "We will give them special abilities so they can survive because if not they will die in the first round," They all got a gift image on the blue screen.

-Merry Christmas everyone! Open your gifts.

Everyone press the gift icon and a skill came up.

-Now the last thing- this time it was a woman's voice speaking, it was delicate and sweet.

-The blue screen in front of you is the support system, it will help you to be able to buy things with coins from the system, also in it you can see your profile but you must say the word to open it, in the profile it will show you your Name, which Celestial beings are watching you, your unique Ability, your additional abilities and also Abbreviation of words, We made it as a game to make you get used to it easier, may luck be on your way, don't die.

-Now what?" asked Min-Woo's brown friend so that a notification will come up in the system.

[Mission #1]

[Hunters and Prey]

[Random people will be chosen to be hunters and prey, Hunters will have to marry at least 5 prey by the end of the first scenario, otherwise they will receive punishment, Prey must hide and defend themselves from hunters]

[Reward: 100 coins]

[Punishment: Death]

[Time Limit: 7 Days]

Hint: even though the blood drains and the hunger passes, avoid eating me because I can numb you, if you guess who I am, you may live today]] [Hint: even though the blood drains and the hunger passes, avoid eating me because I can numb you.

When you close the screen a roulette appears with the option of hunter and prey.

What did you get?" asked the brown-haired man to the black-haired woman.

-Prey," replied the girl.

-Prey," answered the boy.

-The hunters will stay static for a few minutes to let us hide, we have to go," said the brown to start running.

The two decided to hide in a school because it was too big and it would take time to find them, they stayed hidden in the vents until a hunter came in, he grabbed the brown boy by the foot and pulled him out of the vent and then stabbed him several times, Min-Woo was very scared and the hunter also grabbed her.

-Let go of me!" she shouted kicking the man who was a hunter until someone hit her with a pipe on the head.

-Come on! Run," said a short-haired red-haired girl with a metal pipe and then grabbed Min-Woo by the hand and ran to the basement of the school, "Don't stop," when they got there they went into some boxes and hid there.

The two hid there until the next day came, because they had to go out to get food.

-Who are you?" asked Min-Woo to the other girl.

-I'm Moon Jin, but call me Jin," she said checking the area. "Hunters have a red mark on their cheek and prey have a blue one, if you see a red one run and hide or grab a weapon," she said while pointing to her cheek.

-Where are we going?" following the girl, I could tell from her voice that she was scared.

-For food and a new hiding place- they arrived to a supermarket and they both started to put food in many bags -We have to go- Min-Woo nodded but when she saw the entrance there were hunters and Jin made a silence sign to Min-Woo.

-Those prey are very good at hiding," said a red-haired man with a sharp metal tube.

-They are not prey, they are humans like us," said a skinny guy and the other was about to hit him but there was a red barrier and then an alert appeared.

[You can't harm members of the same group.]

-Stupid system- he made an angry grimace -There doesn't seem to be anyone in the supermarket- he said checking out of the corner of his eye but without seeing anyone so they left, a few minutes later they came out.

-What do we do now?" asked Min-Woo.

-According to me the new one is in the forest over there *pointing to a forest and immediately the two of them ran there and managed to find the safe zone, there were more prey.

-Only we can go in," asked Min-Woo.

-The two went inside and the blue mark glowed for a moment and then it didn't, as they went deeper there were people in a tent house and there were children as well as old people and adults.

-A boy shouted and everyone turned to look at them.

The girls started to distribute the food equally and stayed there, 2 days passed and the survivors had to move from place to place to find shelter, the people who went out for food sometimes did not return because the hunters stayed near the markets until a new member arrived while Min-Woo and Moon Jin went for food, when they returned....

-New member," asked Min-Woo to an old lady and when they entered the camp they saw a man offering apples, "More like," she did not finish the sentence because Moon Jin immediately hit the new member in the face and threw her apples at everyone who got mad at her.




Everyone looked angry and Min-Woo was confused until Moon Jin spoke up.

-DON'T EAT THE APPLE!!!- everyone was frightened by the desperate shout -DON'T YOU REMEMBER THE HUNGER? even though the blood drains and the hunger passes, instead of avoiding eating me I can make you sleepy, if you guess who I am you might live through today, it's the apples! The apples are poisonous - Immediately everyone threw the apples and the "new member" frowned and then was tied up, when they passed the finger on his mark it was paint and they kept him tied up, some people wanted to kill them but other people did not let them.

The world was getting more violent, since the incident He started to check if the mark was real on everyone, Only to survive.

I Hope you like it :D

Numbness_Xx_Hopecreators' thoughts