
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · แฟนตาซี
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334 Chs

Midnight Camping VI Fluffest Business I

Resulting in the next several moments being that of flicks to the forehead for the young prince, contemplation from Octavia who had surprisingly liked that one, and perhaps even some 'wonder' from Starla.

Resulting in the young prince having gotten a few magepads from both Jade and Mora from their experiment sessions to then adorably nod before then whispering into Octavia's ear.

And conjuring the best one Jade had made during her experiments into modern-day magepads.

Causing Octavia after examining it and pouting having realized it was only lesser than Gemma's to then flick his forehead once more.

Before then simply side-eying Starla as if expecting her to then coldy roll her eyes or whatever she does that 'makes' her greatly dislike her.

"I'll be teaching 'little' sister Starla how to create a Gildergram Account, I don't have to you know! So be grateful that 'your' wise and benevolent big sister is helping 'little' sister!"

"No-Now, what's your first, middle, and last name? And do you have any titles or is 'little' sister titleless?"

Octavia adorably bullied, causing the young prince to then adorably pout up a storm while Starla herself was quite indifferent albeit curiously so.

"Lady Starla Lily Valen, The First Dragon Aspect of Lords, I am a fusion of Draconian, Abyssal, Demon, and Bright Elemental Lords, as for my last name, it represents that of royalty belonging to that and who are creations of The Lord of Light"

Starla curiously explained surprising both Octavia and even the young prince having in truth never looked into it or rather simply didn't know.

Albeit he knew she'd be a royal among his creations so Valen being the name of all his royal creations made sense.

As for The First Dragon Aspect of Lords?

In simpler terms she was a Elemental Dragon Aspect who was merely an empty template.

At least up until Lily added that of The Demon, Abyssal, and Bright Elemental Lord aspects essentially forcing open an entirely new category of Aspects meaning her title would in fact be correct.

Resulting in the young prince sending a mental message to Shade to make it official within his template and so forth, while Lily had already apparently made it so on her end quite a while ago.

Unfortunately, Starla at most would be the first and last one due to the simple matter being the category itself is an anomaly that shouldn't be on Divinus, so unless both of her sisters became the same, no one else would ever truly will.

All the while for Octavia after the obvious surprise, especially after learning more from Starla, be it her birth, Lily's antics, and finally her sisters.. wouldn't this mean she had actual reasons for being that way?!

And since her little brother's mana was used to revive and transform them didn't that mean aside from Starla both of her little sisters would be Octavia's little sisters as well?!

Causing Octavia after calming down to then playfully pinch her godly little brother's cheek.

"You should have told me you know! I-If I had known she was just a big baby with no social skills I wouldn't have been so bratty you know?"

"S-So you should warn your wise and benevolent big sister before she embarrasses herself again you know! No-Now.. all that's left is this"

Octavia embarrassingly warned before then adorably placing the young prince in her lap and over to Starla, and taking a group selfie.

All the while after completing the account and adding and following themselves Octavia had soon handed it to Starla.

Who surprisingly looked even more curious causing Octavia to then proudly help her while the young prince happily played with him.

Soon enough after the adorable lessons coupled with some much-needed antics thrown in there, the young prince had finally noticed a notification.

It was from both Rory and Aubrey? Surprising the young prince having thought they were asleep before then adorably reading away.

Apparently, both went to the bathroom around the same time and snuck off the library funnily enough. It seemed they were bonding incredibly well! Until finally they checked their magepads and discovered he and Octavia were camping?!

Resulting in the young prince adorably showing the messages to Octavia causing her to then adorably nod.

"I love Aubrey and Rory's probably missing her baby bully, so we 'should' invite those cuties you know! We can camp, study, and eat snacks all night!"

"My favorite little brother needs more bonding time with his favorite big sisters, you know? You're never alone and spending some one-on-one time should help too!"

"I don't want to keep my favorite little brother all to myself you know! Even if I want to sometimes?"

Octavia proudly reminded.

"But that's not the point you know! Just know you're not alone and we're a big family so make sure to remember that for me, your most benevolent and wisest big sister!"

"Oh and one more thing! We love Ayla, Mela, Stella, Laurel, and Katie too! As big sisters we'll always make time for our baby bullies!"

"And we worry a lot too, you know? So no more dangerous antics! As for the rest we talked about, Mommies and Selphie will handle it! Focus on being a baby bully!"

Octavia proudly reminded before then naturally nibbling on his ear since apparently, that was something she wanted to try.

Causing the young prince to then immediately blush before then simply accepting it while inviting both Rory and Aubrey.

All the while after nibbling on his ear Octavia couldn't help but feel strangely satisfied, not by the action itself but rather its effects.

However, it didn't match, so after the feeling of pride diminished, she no longer cared to do that again, at least not as much as the others did.

Before then remembering something, something clearly important.. but all she remembered was Amber, Mai, Annie, Vivian, and some dragoness.. but clearly, someone was missing.

"Oh god.. poor Mili! I forgot Mili existed you know, I-I'm not proud of it! Does he even have a Magepad?! Mommy Annie should give him one already!"

"And who was that Abyssal Dragoness whatever that follows him around? Liliana maybe? I know you have a demon consort that's also a Lilyana?"

"I still can't believe I remembered her more than Mili! Doesn't he eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with us?!"

"Not to mention nap time and yet I don't even remember talking to him?! He even has a body like yours and looks like a baby Annie so I should've at least said hi once right?"

Octavia helplessly remembered surprising the young prince as well since despite the hugs and some rare cuddle sessions they haven't hung out or played together as much as they did before.

Causing him to then righteously nod all the while promising himself to play with his little brother more!

While Starla curiously wondered what those strange check marks were next to her name, and why were those numbers not stopping. Did she accidentally anger the crystal entity?

In truth, despite now knowing the basics and how to scroll, post pictures, strange recordings, comment, liking, friending, and following she simply couldn't come to terms to why this social hub existed.

Who created it? Would those numbers ever stop? Unfortunately for her, that was highly unlikely.

She was the 'first' of 'something' and knowing everything that's currently transpiring on Divinus, this would no doubt be a pleasant surprise.

Not to mention she was apparently an acquaintance or perhaps even more to a certain celestial prince.

Resulting in there no doubt being talks over Gilder-Talk-Cast? Apparently, it was a feature where you could invite your friends and have live recordings where you could talk, debate, and speak to each other while your followers watched.

It was a strange feature to be sure and Scarla stumbled upon it moments ago.

And funnily enough, they just began their discussion on the recent news while playing a strange game where they would create their own story, characters, and roll dice.

The ones playing this game were a seductive female Inari who was the narrator, an adorable Bos, a teasing Fluffest, and a male Celestial, Elf, which in itself was quite the sight.

What was even more innovative was they were only using one high-quality magepad instead of several so you got to see not only them but the dice as well which in itself was surprisingly quite popular.

All the while the Celestial looked and told the others of a select few interesting commenting using his own magepad. Resulting in quite a few questions and jokes sneaking in.

While Starla watched with some curiosity, unfortunately for her it gave notifications for verified viewers..

"Two twenties in a row? It seems our favorite Bos disarmed The Blight Lord with the most righteous of pouts!"

"While It also finally seems that luck is finally on our side! Speaking of which, let's continue with the latest news about The First Dragon Aspect of Lords! Any thoughts?"

The young celestial curiously teased causing the young Elf to then put some thought on the matter and the seductive Inari to then ultimately sigh.

"Now boys, we should wait until everyone's had their turn before bringing up any more distractions?"

"Sweet Ossy had put in 'quite' the effort in writing this campaign, it's also her first time serving as our guide, so we should afford our sweetest Bos the 'same' courtesy and support she provided 'all' of us during our first campaign"

The seductive Inari teasingly reminded causing both the celestial and elf to nod in agreement.

Before then warmly apologizing and promising to buy lunch while also promising to join them during their afternoon shopping resulting in the previously teary Ossy to then excitedly accept such propositions in strides.

All the while Starla's notification had soon appeared resulting in the poor celestial immediately going pale wondering how long she's been there since the notifications were in fact delayed.

However, he couldn't mention until 'after', resulting in the young prince finally noticing the new features and excitedly following Starla's example and joining surprising Octavia having only ever visited a handful of such talk casts.

Such as live idol concerts or her mommy's resulting in her soon following suit.

Funnily enough, it was all categorized in 'casts' such as live casts or Idol-casts, talk casts, and several more involving wars, news, duels, religious matters, and many more.

In truth, the young prince could choose to broadcast royal casts, holy casts, and even do temple casts since with titles came rights!

Rights to randomly do any of them without any discretion! Of course, he had no idea what he was doing so chances are the followers of anyone would no doubt receive a surprise of a lifetime even if accidental.

Resulting in his notification no doubt being quite different?

Be it the change in the hub to gold to ornate golden white, and the notification itself lasting longer and making a sound reminiscent of a sound of a harp followed by a lesser harp when Octavia had joined.

Thankfully enough everyone's turn had ended and it was now onto the snack break phase surprising everyone including many of the commenters.

Causing the young prince to then adorably type away while the only really flustered individuals were both the young celestial and elf.

While the Fluffest herself was just happy that Octavia had joined.

"Oh, my gods it's Octavia! She never joins these things you know! How's life in the celestial palace?!"

"And when did you become a Holy Princess of Celestia? I thought she would've been offended by now with you calling her a pervert all the time you know? And why haven't you talked with your favorite cousins lately?!"

The Fluffest playfully teased, and funnily enough, she was in fact her distant cousin she rarely played with surprising Octavia having forgotten all about her until the memories came back to her, resulting in her quickly typing away.

[Hmph! Invite me! My favorite little brother and my newest little sister are watching too, you know!]

Octavia poutingly typed since after all she was ignored by the majority of her Fluffest cousins for the most part and didn't want the slander! Plus there's nothing wrong with showing off her favorite little brother you know!

Soon enough after confirming it was in fact Octavia, she was finally invited onto the cast.

Resulting in a small screen covering up the map perfectly so as not to cover up anything major.

So much so that it looked as if there was a physical crystal screen on the table itself.

Revealing that of Octavia and the young prince on her lap blissfully hugging her tail since he didn't need to use his magepad after all! All the while causing Octavia to then proudly pout.

"Hmph! It's better than The Palace of Fluff, and that pervert Celes despite being a pervert is still a cutie you know!"

"As for the other thing, after I left the palace of fluff with mommy, everyone there ignored me and acted like I didn't exist anymore aside from mommy Maggie, her sisters, and those royal guards"

Octavia coldly reminded.