
Tales of Mohua (major editing, don't read)

Because I met you, the last years of my life became the most beautiful. ---- There’s a wilted flower, its petals drying up from the inside out. Poison has long taken over and it's only a matter of time before it completely disappears. Shen Mohua is that flower. Before her life comes to an end, she fulfills the last wish of her family-- an arranged marriage with a man named Ou Junsan. • • • | • • • All credits of cover artwork goes to the original artist.

alixlia · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Of Royalty

In the middle of the lake was a splendid platform and even more beautiful, was the woman standing in the center. The long skirt of her dress fluttered softly in the wind, seemingly dancing to the sweet melody of her voice itself.

The crowd swayed from side to side, captured in a trance of such an ethereal sight. Shen Mohua was one of the few who was stuck in her own world. Ou Junsan's warm hand felt hot to her touch, almost heating her up.

Sneakily, she took a single step closer to him. What was meant to be a small mischievous act got her breath caught in awe. From the side, the sharp angles of his facial features were highlighted by the bright lanterns ahead. His eyes were radiant and the redness of his clothes glowed like a fire demon under the moonlight.

The beat of her heart quickened like the sound of drums, booming inaudibly loud. Her hand covered her heart. Quiet down, little heart, or else we'll both get caught.

Ou Junsan was very much aware of the leech creeping towards his flesh. Usually, he would've warned her to keep distance, but today it was a comfort to the unfolding scene. The box of memories stored deeply away was starting to spiral out of control, bringing back waves of bitterness he had long forgotten.

Shen Mohua's eyebrows scrunched together when his hand trembled. She brought it close to her lips, blowing warmly on his skin. "Cold?"

He turned the other way with no response. How shy... she giggled and diligently worked on warming him up, as if that was her only task in the world.

The soft breaths brushing against his skin kept him grounded somehow. His breathing calmed and he found it easier to focus. Ou Junsan grabbed Shen Mohua by the waist, pulling her directly to his side.


The meat had offered himself to the leech before she could reach him. Whatever little distance between them before were of no more.

"Let me warm you up now."

"I-I'm not cold," She stammered, her cheeks burning like wildfire.

His stony face didn't change, yet, the words he spoke shot straight to her heart. "You are, so stay obediently."

Shen Mohua could only nod as she diverted her attention back at the woman who just finished singing. The crowd clapped crazily, cheering and thanking her. The woman lingered for just a moment, staring directly at her.

Capturing the attention of the beautiful woman made Shen Mohua shrink closer to Ou Junsan in embarrassment. Not knowing how to react, she gave the woman a shy wave. The woman coldly stopped smiling and turned around, leaving abruptly without a bow.

The empress and emperor gave a standing ovation, clearly happy with the performance. Tang Weisheng turned to his beloved wife, "It was just like how you used to sang, wasn't it?"

Wen Lijuan faced her husband, "You still remember?"

"Always. How could I ever forget?"

Wen Lijuan cleared her throat, straightening up her posture despite the obvious smile sparkling on her face. " Song Qiuyue, you reminded me of myself in my youth. In such a time, I used to sang this very song for His Majesty under the mountains that shone like gold and the vast skies seemingly full of roses. For this priceless gift, I shall bestow you a wish."

"General Song, you indeed raised a treasure," Tang Weisheng nodded towards Song Huan who stood up to accept the generous compliment.

"Your Majesty, you are too kind," Song Huan gave a deep bow.

Song Qiuyue stood by her husband and grabbed his hand. "Mother, what else can I ask for when I already have everything I wanted."

Tang Shi, who had on a stern expression all evening, suddenly softened. His thumb caressed her cheek tenderly.

Wen Lijuan smiled at the sight of a smile blossoming on her son's face, "If you think of something, be sure to let me know."

The rest of the performances went on smoothly and the crowd, along with the nobles, were fully satisfied. No complaints could be made as the long line of performances unraveled and endless food were passed along free of charge.

Shen Mohua sat next to Ou Junsan, stuffing herself with the delicious dishes laid out on their table. When else would she get the chance to taste royal cuisines once again? One must take advantage such an opportunity when given the chance.

On the contrary, Ou Junsan only silently sipped on a cup of tea. After not talking for a while, he finally asked, "Hungry?"

"No," Shen Mohua shook her head sheepishly. "But the food was too good so I couldn't help myself..."

"Ahh," Ou Junsan could only nod.

"Ladies and gentleman, as the festival comes to an end, we'll take a lucky talent from the crowd. Anyone who can impress the empress will be bestowed a wish!"

The calmed crowd roared up in excitement once again upon the announcement. Many stopped rushed closer, praying for a chance to be chosen. Screams filled the air and people jumped up and down, doing whatever they could to get noticed.

"The one in the green dress!"

She took a large bite of mango, feeling at peace being away towards the last rows. "Ou Junsan, what do you think of this mango?"

"The one in the green dress, can you hear me?"

"Hello? The one in green?!"

Ou Junsan leaned over as the announcer's tone transitioned from excitement to desperation. "Do you happen to have on a green dress?"

Shen Mohua choked. She indeed had on a green dress, but she wasn't the only one, right...? There's no way it could be her.

"What's your name... Shen Mohua?"

The crowd turned around to face a red faced woman sitting next to the demon from earlier. The demon's red hair and attire was a frightening contrast to the delicate green dress lady by his side. Their envy dissipated once they thought of her fate. Maybe it was better to not stand out too much.

She had high hopes not to be chosen being at the back. When has staying still in a moving crowd garnered so much attention? Shen Mohua tentatively stood up. "Do I really have to go?"

Ou Junsan put down the cup in his hand, "Don't have a talent?"

She almost cried. "Hey hey, watch what you say."

A smirk formed on his face, him failing to stop it on time. "Don't be afraid, I'll be closeby."

Shen Mohua glared at the announcer as she was pulled away, the rare sight of Ou Junsan's smile becoming smaller and smaller into the distance.

The announcer, an elder man named Chen Weizhe, gave her an apologetic look. "If you manage to impress Her Highness, you'll live in comfort and richness for the rest of your life."

With a nudge, Shen Mohua stumbled into the extravagant pavilion reserved for only the royal family. Every single person stopped eating and looked up. Those pairs of eyes from all around weren't so friendly, poking and searching for her flaws.

Far away, she could vaguely make out the grim faces of her family. Ou Junsan had disappeared.

Wen Lijuan motioned for the rest to keep eating before she asked, "They said you're named Shen Mohua?"

"Y-yes," Shen Mohua forced herself to face the empress. "This one is called Mohua."

The empress repeated the name once again to herself, then looked up, "Mohua like the flower?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"You are the lucky chosen one tonight, is there a talent you would like to showcase?" The emperor asked.

Where did Ou Junsan go? And her family, their expressions were grave as they pushed through the crowds to get closer. A cruel thought dawned on her. Gone was the bubbly and bright Shen Mohua always brimming with energy.

In its place was a cold woman, devoid of happiness. A version of herself that hadn't come out in years. "This insignificant one grew up in the countryside and has no outstanding talent. Thank you for this honor, but I'd like to decline and ask for someone else more talented to be chosen."

"How dare you deny His Majesty's request!" General Song stood up in a fit of anger.

The booming sound of the man voice full of accusation would've given her a fright if she was like before. Now, it didn't faze her one bit. Shen Mohua slowly turned to face the general whose name was feared by thousands with unwavering eyes.

A chilling voice from the seemingly delicate and innocent girl made all the royal members frozen in place.

"Are you His Majesty?"