
Tales of Mohua (major editing, don't read)

Because I met you, the last years of my life became the most beautiful. ---- There’s a wilted flower, its petals drying up from the inside out. Poison has long taken over and it's only a matter of time before it completely disappears. Shen Mohua is that flower. Before her life comes to an end, she fulfills the last wish of her family-- an arranged marriage with a man named Ou Junsan. • • • | • • • All credits of cover artwork goes to the original artist.

alixlia · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Ocean Flower

The days passed quickly and soon it was the day before the wedding. The chaotic, yet happy rush in the Shen residence didn't stop for one second. Relatives and fellow villagers came from afar to help. Their hands were tired, but their hearts were full. Tomorrow, a new young couple would enter into the next step of their lives together.

In the busy courtyard, a group of women from Xing'cun village gathered around washing vegetables. Their quick hands never stopped and neither did their mouths. Shen Mohua, who ran around all morning, finally paused for a breath and stepped into the circle to help.

The first string of words she heard was, "...if he's not eating at home, he's getting his fill outside."

Shen Mohua, "..."

"Before that young couple on the westside separated, the husband had long stopped coming home. What a pity it was, just one year into their marriage and the man forced a green hat on that poor girl. She earnestly waited for his return at home while he went out with his mistress. We, as women, must remember that a wife can be be trusting, but never be played a fool."

The woman who had been speaking, Mrs. Mo, was the owner of the meat shop in the village. Mrs. Mo stopped speaking when the noticed the young woman who just joined them. She quickly added, "Mohua, don't think too much. We're just bantering on nonsense."

Shen Mohua nodded blankly. The woman in the story was someone she knew. Shi Ning was around her age and they often saw each other in town. Over time, a natural fondness developed between the two women. Even if they weren't the best of friends, they still had each other's best interests in mind.

Just last year, Shi Ning married her childhood sweetheart, Duan Tian. Six months later, Duan Tian strolled around town with another woman while Shi Ning worked all day in the fields. The villagers who saw Duan Tian reported it to Shi Ning, but the woman refused to believe it. She trusted the man whom she loved in her youth.

Shi Ning believed the lies he fed her even though deep down, she knew the truth. Duan Tian first cheated quietly, but his shamelessness only grew after Shi Ning accidently caught him red handed. If before he came home once in a couple days, he now stayed out for weeks shamelessly.

Shi Ning bore a green hat until the new year arrived before she decided enough was enough. That particular morning, the heated argument was the last straw for Shi Ning. Duan Tian wanted to take in his mistress as a concubine. Shi Ning directly headed towards the village chief's house and demanded for a divorce.

Shen Mohua shivered as she thought about the love story between Shi Ning and Duan Tian. The two were childhood sweethearts, but Duan Tian betrayed their love not even one year after marriage. The ten years Shi Ning and Duan Tian shared couldn't compare to the few months Duan Tian spent with someone else. How cruel he was to shatter Shi Ning's heart...

Between Ou Junsan and her, there's barely one month. How would they stand a chance against the test of time...

Shen Mohua shrugged off the rest of her thought and refocused on the task at hand. This time, the new direction of the conversation made her turn red.

Another woman, Mrs. Yi the owner of a large vegetable farm in the village, looked at Shen Mohua with worry. "Don't Commander Ou look a bit rough? Would it be alright on the wedding night...?"

The cabbage Shen Mohua was washing slipped from her hands into the bucket of water. The beating of her heart dropped slightly. She suddenly had a new concern. "D-does it hurt that much?"

"If your husband cares for you, it won't hurt much," Elder Wen replied. She was one of the respected elders in their village. Most of her hair had turned white and her eyes crinkled with deep beauty when she smiled.

The elder glanced at the young woman with a mischievous smile. "When the night comes, don't be shy. Slip off the robes and intertwine until the morning..."

The beating of her heart soared. Hot and red, her cheeks blasted on fire. Shen Mohua covered her face. "E-elder Wen don't tease me."

Elder. Wen burst into a fit of laughter. "What teasing? This is the truth ah."

"Don't get out of bed until the sun shines high in the sky, the parents naturally won't mind. We've all been there," Mrs. Mo winked.

Shen Mohua, "..."

Mrs. Yi carried the basket of clean cabbages on her hip. Before she left, she also gave an ambiguous wink, "Make sure to let the man pamper you. It's only right after a restless night."

Shen Mohua gawked at the group of women walking away and laughing with ease as if they didn't just talked about such topics casually in broad daylight. What blunt advice they gave...

Just then, there was a loud commotion from the gates. Shen Mohua hurriedly ran over to see two figures arguing away and a third with a helpless expression on his face.

Grandma Shen shot a glare at her son. "Your wife is great, but her father's company is less than pleasant."

"Huh you talk smack as if you're any better," the other person rebutted.

Shen Mohua almost choked up at the ridiculous scene in front of her. Two elders dressed in respectable robes were heating up the beef from years ago once again. "Grandma Shen and Grandfather Meng..."

Both elders whipped around sternly. This was probably the only thing they agreed on. "Don't call our names in the same sentence."

"What are you two bickering about before my daughter's wedding? Go settle your feud elsewhere." Shen Liu glanced apologetically at Shen Mohua who returned her own assuring smile.

Meng Jia rushed into the scene and calmly addressed, "Father, you've just been on a long trip, please come inside."

"Great, I have nothing more to say to this old woman." Grandfather Meng flicked his expensive sleeves and with his cane, entered into the courtyard.

Grandma Shen huffed away. "Not like I want to waste my words further on you either, old man."

When the elder woman's back disappeared from sight, Shen Mohua ran towards her grandfather. When they were not together, these two would spoil her endlessly, but whenever they stood in the same room their banters also could go on for days.

"Look at my precious grand-daughter, you've grown beautifully. You like just like your mom," Grandfather Meng praised as they entered into the guest hall.

"Where?" Grandma Shen seemingly popped back into the room from nowhere specifically. Her hawk like eyes scanned Shen Mohua up and down. "My dear, you look just like my Xiao Liu."

Grandfather Meng sat down on a chair located farthest from Grandma Shen and relaxed comfortably as if this was his house. His eyes rolled in exasperation. "Old woman your vision must've gotten blurry in the last couple years. The nose, the eyes, and even the ears look just like our Meng family."

"Excuse us, but Mohua is our daughter..." Shen Liu mumbled, looking at his wife. Meng Jia could only held his hand in silent comfort.

"At least she didn't get your family's fiery temper," Grandfather Meng commented.

Grandma Shen slammed her cane onto the floor. "Like your bitter personality is any better?"

Shen Mohua shared a knowing glance with her mother and in the count of three, both dragged each elder in opposite directions. She dragged Grandfather Meng into the guest quarters. "Grandfather, you've just returned. Is there any good in getting worked up? I'll be getting married tomorrow, shouldn't you be happy?"

Grandfather Meng's smile lit up. "Yes yes, my most beloved grand-daughter is about to become a bride. How could I forget? I've got you a present from the seaside this time."

The large gold box was exquisite looking and almost looked to be shining in the plain room. Shen Mohua excitedly pulled the lid open. Her round eyes almost popped out. Folded inside neatly was an enchanting coral pink dress, the most beautiful she had ever seen. When her fingers grazed the beaded shell embellishments on the soft fabric, a soft tune jingled as if the sounds of the waves sang from within.

Wearing this would be akin to becoming a blossom from the ocean. A certain person appeared in her mind and dyed her cheeks the same color as the dress.