
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs


Hiroki woke up the next morning and went straight to the shinobi register center that was located in the same building as the ninja academy. He took his picture, signed a few papers and went to the Hokage's office to deliver it. When he got there, he saw Kakashi handing his registration papers to Hiruzen.

"Ah. Hiroki-kun, good to see you're here early."

"Good morning Hokage-sama. I'm here to hand the registration papers." Hiroki said as he gave Hiruzen the papers.

"Very good. I'll need you two here tomorrow in the morning at 7. I'll introduce your sensei to you. You are now dismissed." Hiruzen said.

As the two were leaving, Hiroki started a conversation with Kakashi.

"Kakashi, who do you think will be your sensei?"

"I don't know. There aren't any teams needing personnel. It could be anyone."

"That's true. I guess we'll only find out tomorrow. I'll head to the training grounds to practice. Wanna come?"

"Sorry, dad told me to come back home after I was done today."

"I see. Alright then, see you later Kakashi."

As Hiroki left to the training ground, his mind was working.

'I know Kakashi will have Minato for sensei, but who will I get? I can't remember any sensei at this timeline.'

As Hiroki arrived to the training grounds he didn't see anyone so he made a few shadow clones and told them to practice their affinities and chakra control.

"I need to learn how to climb on trees and walk on water. I have put these aside, but since I'll start doing missions it is best for me to hurry up and learn as fast as possible." Hiroki said to himself.

He then pulsed a constant amount of chakra to the soles of his feet and put his foot on the trunk of the tree. When he put his weight on his foot his foot crushed the bark due to the excess amount of chakra. He then experimented three times again with different amount of chakra and finally could stand horizontally on the tree.

"I got it. I guess it was easier than I imagined. Guess Kakashi was too lazy to explain this trick to Naruto and Sasuke. Or it might be because he wanted them to create a kind of friendship through rivalry." Hiroki thought.

After practicing for two hours, Hiroki then went to his clones and gave them the scroll of space-time affinity for them to study. He knew it would be hard to understand and progress would be slow, but a house was made with a brick at a time.

He then went towards a river so he could practice his water walking. He looked around for a bit and didn't see anyone around and started taking his clothes off.

"Don't want them to get wet. Now then, for this part I know that the chakra fluctuation changes according to the flow of water since it is a surface with constant movement. Let's get this out of the way." Hiroki said as he jumped inside the river.

Hiroki then went to the river bay and got out. He experimented with the constant chakra flow to his feet for a few minutes until he was able to stand perfectly on top of the water surface. He then started running and somersaulting all over. He then made a shadow clone and started sparring against it. He felt no difference of fighting on land or water. The only difference was regarding jutsu. When there was a source for water, it was easier to perform water jutsu just like using earth jutsu on land.

"Better dry up and go back to the training ground." Hiroki said as he took his clothes.

As he went back to the training grounds, he dispelled his clones and the experiences the clones got went back to him.

'I knew Minato used the formulas on the kunai as a beacon to teleport, but I didn't think that if someone is advanced enough with space-time affinity, the person can teleport without the formula. It is only used as training wheels for a child's bicycle. I guess Tobirama never got the chance to write any notes about this level of teleportation. Minato died young, but he must have started scratching the surface at the time. I guess I have something to look forward to now.' Hiroki thought as the idea of teleporting without any formula pleased him.

Hiroki kept studying Minato's notes as well as Kushina's. After he finished studying for the day he went back to the orphanage. He ate and then slept.


In the next morning, Hiroki went to Hokage's office. When he got there he saw Kakashi and Minato.

"Good to see the two of you on time. As I told you yesterday, you two are here to meet your sensei. Minato will be Kakashi's Jonin sensei. Sakumo asked this himself." Hiruzen said.

"How about me?" Hiroki asked.

"Huroki, Minato will be you sensei as well. He and Kushina insisted for this. You and Kakashi are friends from the academy and you have performed really well in the graduation test. I expect great things from this team in the future." Hiruzen said.

This got Hiroki a little excited. His development would raise even higher now that he would spend more time with Minato. He felt happy to have such a monstrous genius as a teacher. He couldn't be happier.

"Thank you Hokage-sama and ni-san. I will do my best to fulfill my duty." Hiroki said.

"Hiroki and Kakashi, follow me to training ground 7. We'll introduce ourselves officially as team members" Minato said.

Once they arrived, they sat down under the shadow of a big tree.

"I'll go first. My name is Minato Namikaze. My dream is to become Hokage and marry Kushina. My hobby is learning and creating jutsu and I like helping others. Now you two, introduce yourselves."

"I'm Kakashi Hatake. I don't really have a dream. And I don't really have a hobby. I just like training with my father. There's nothing specific that I like."

"I'm Hiroki. I have the dream of a world with peace. I know that right now it is something close to impossible, but I will work my hardest to achieve it. My hobby is training with Minato-ni and Kushina-ne. What I like most is having fun besides my friends."

"Very good. Since that's out of the way, I'll explain to you our schedule for normal days. We start with physical exercises as a warm up and then taijutsu. After that we will work on team strategies in many scenarios. Once that is done we will get lunch and then work on any difficulties you have. Let's start then." Minato said.


As Hiroki came back from lunch he saw Kushina was talking to Minato and Kakashi. Shen then saw him and waved out.

"Hiroki, I'm here to see if you have any progress with the seals."

"Kushina-ne, I've learned the first part already. I'm able to create my own sealing scrolls and bomb tags. I've also kind of went ahead and learned how to seal someone's chakra." Hiroki said as he scratched his head.

"I told you to let me know you had learned the first part before you started on the second one. Something could have gone wrong. And who's chakra did you seal when you practiced?" Kushina said reprimanding him.

"Sorry. I'll ask for you help from now on. I used a shadow clone to practice the seals so I'd something happened, it wouldn't affect me." Hiroki said, trying to explain to Kushina.

"How many tries?"

"It was only two. The clone made a mistake on the first try as he sneezed and lost focus. But on the second try he was able to do it and the memories came back to me after I dispelled them."

"Alright then. I guess that it isn't as bad since you're using clones for the experiments. Do be careful though."

"I will ne-san." Hiroki said.

'Kushina is so caring. She makes me feel like I'm really part of her family and blood. I can't let anything happen to her. She's giving me so much and the least I can do is protect her on that night.'

Hiroki then practiced some basic kenjutsu with Kushina and studied more of her notes on seals. After he was done with that, Hiroki went to Minato and asked him about other the other elemental affinities that he didn't have. He knew that with training someone could have an affinity that they didn't have in the past, but the wall he hit was on how to train for that. Minato told him that hand seals were the best way to start since the hand seals are what helps transform someone's chakra to a certain affinity. He also told Hiroki that the affinities shown on the chakra paper were the stronger ones the person had, but didn't mean they couldn't have others. And with that in mind, Hiroki made ten shadow clones. He divided them in half and told each half to practice with lightening and wind.

It was already night time when Hiroki stopped his training. He had made small progress with the other elements, but was still happy. Minato and Kakashi had left a few hours before him. When leaving Minato told Hiroki to get a good rest because they would be taking a mission on the next day.