
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · แฟนตาซี
95 Chs

White Hyacinth

The girl grabs Moon's hand and takes him with her. She took him to a rundown house in the woods. She says "My name is Maria and welcome to our home!" A few kids start to walks outside the house. Moon is greeted by five kids. Each child had a big smile on their face. Moon could see the hope, love, and pure joy in their eyes. Moon takes another look at the rundown house. After the look, he could only think "How could these kids have such happy looks when their lives are full of despair."

Moon looked up at the sky and thought "Will I gain such happiness if I stay with them?" Maria says "Kids this is white, he had been through a lot and today forward will be apart of our family!" A child with red hair takes Moon's hand. Maria is shocked. Maria is shocked because this child doesn't open up to anyone. Maria says "Bell I will leave him in your hands since you took a shine to him." Bell runs off with Moon hand in hand. Bell takes Moon into the house and to the room, bell stays in. Bell closes the door of the room and says "Welcome to our room." Moon keeps a straight face. Moon goes to a corner of this small room. This room has one window and one bed. Bell sits on the bed and just stares at Moon. For the rest of the day, Moon stays in that corner. Bell gets the courage and says "Sleep in the bed with me."

Moon keeps this poker face. Bell gets off the bed and says "Let's play a game. Two truths and a lie." Moon blinks and suddenly Bell is in Moon's face sitting infront of him. Bell grabs his hands and says "You can trust me. I see what your eyes say." This action gives Moon some sort of feel in his heart. This feeling was the first he ever felt. Soon after Moon's sight gets glitchy and distorted. Moon hears the voice of Romiss saying "Clear ur mind so I can fix the mental leak!" So Moon does just that and his sight is soon fixed. Romiss says "It seems that either someone distorted your memories or that your just a Fated one. No matter what you must relive your old memories so I can fix these mental leaks. If not fixed you will be imprisoned and lose more memories until your a black slate." Romiss thinks to himself "Master Hades why must the other gods mess with our affairs since your first death!"

Hello, it's been a while. Two things starting with this I will make at least 50 more chapters before I leave again if I do and I will update the character list soon.

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