
Tales Of Distortion

An 18 years old student Wrex walker's life ends in a mysterious manner while he was hearing weird voices in his head, but is that it? Just after he dies he learns it was all a mistake and gets to live another life in a different world, but this world has many secrets revolving him, will he be able to find them out? After all this, is he really just an ordinary 18 years old?

Star_saber · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter - 00 Prologue

The time has come to choose a new world and a new soul to merge . To create the key again for the distortion and chaos .

[Place – The abyss , Time – unknown]

"What world are we going to choose this time?" says one of the four eternal beings Eine .

"Do we have the candidate?" says one of the four eternal beings Youm .

"The world this time is known as Crovastoria." says one of the eternal beings Ouuf .

"The candidate this time is from a planet called Earth , the name of the candidate known in Earth is Wrex walker" says one of the eternal beings Liane.

"Isn't it's the same planet from where the last one was taken?" asks Ouuf .

"Yes as far as I remember it was the same planet." Liane replies .

"Then is there a chance of conclusion this time too?" Youm asks angrily .

"No, not this time.", Liane says in a proud manner. " Crovastoria is in its brink of destruction, even if the human tries, the amount of distortion will be too much for it to handle, this time.....there will be no conclusion. "

"It doesn't matter , as of now let the Exel bound begin." as soon as Eine says that , the four eternal beings begin to chant the Abyssal Mantra starting the Exel Bound. 

As the World creating device Exel bound begins to glow everything in the abyss begins to crumble no one knows what is going to happen.

As drool from Wrex's mouth was dripping on his desk a voice began to emerge in his mind

"..ker….alker…..walker!!! You with us?" 

with a sudden jerk Wrex wakes up , looking at his surroundings , he soon understands that the place where he fell asleep and was dreaming of eating a steak with barbeque sauce was none other than his desk in his collage .

 "I dunno where your mind is but if you don't wan't to contribute in this class even by listening to the lectures then you can leave Mr.Walker."

As he comes into his senses, wrex understands the voice in his head was none other than Ms.pebble's .

"Ahh I mean I was a….." Wrex begins to come up with an excuse

"Yeah yeah I get it now clean your filthy mouth and listen to the lecture."Mrs.Pebble goes to her spot and begins her lecture once again .

But Wrex's mind is still enough hazy to steal his attention towards the window on his left , as he was up until 4 last night playing through his favorite MMORPG Symphonia Online leveling his new character Xavyer . Luckily this is the last class for him as he slept through most of them ,

"That's an advantage of having a seat at the last corner" he thinks himself proudly . 

While walking through the pathway Wrex is thinking of what equipment would be useful for his charecter , when someone calls his name from behind

"wrex hey wreeeex…" , he looks behind and is greeted by sister Maria from the church .

"Ohh sis Maria it's you, what's up?" Wrex greets back

"Nothing much I went to the mall to buy some groceries , what bout you , going home?" Maria asks .

Wrex answers by a nod .

Maria was always very kind to everyone infact she was the reason Wrex got his home after his parents died 3 years back , when Wrex was taken in by the local orphanage Maria literally forced her parents to go to the orphanage and signed Wrex to his foster father . For him she is more than just a friend as he always had a soft spot for her in his heart.

 "So how's everything at home , how's Richard?" Maria asks .

"Everything's fine…well to be honest it's only me most of the time anyway , as for him the last I saw him was about a week ago." Wrex replies in a careless way

"He didn't come back huh?" Maria completes her sentence with a sigh .

3 years ago when Wrex saw his parents die in a car accident in front of his own eyes he was traumatized and was sent to the orphanage as he had no one who would take him in , as for his father's property it was taken by his company and the only explanation they could give was that Wrex's father stole some money from their company . Looking at the situation Maria's parents brought Richard Stone , a geologist , who after listening to Wrex's condition was willing to take him in as his own son .

"Well it's not rare for him to not come home for a long time anyway." Wrex says.

"Richard is a good guy Wrex , he just can't keep his work out of his own life" Maria says with a soothing manner .

"I know that , afterall who would take in a strange kid without even knowing the background? He is one of a kind." saying this Wrex was looking back in his past .

"well I gotta go now , see you later." saying this Maria waved goodbye , this broke Wrex's daydream .

"Ohh yeah bye sis Maria." they parted ways and Wrex began to walk towards his house .

 Even though he doesn't think about his past that much but when he does his mind becomes total blank and all he can think about is that moment when he saw his parents last time . 

"The time has come…" , suddenly a voice comes into Wrex's head .

"Ugghhhh huh? What was that?" Wrex begins to feel a weird pain in his head .

"Ugghhh maybe playing all night wasn't a good idea , I should go and take some rest , maybe I should take the shortcut."

Without wasting any time Wrex takes a left turn and through the narrow lane comes into a construction site .

"Huh when was this….ohh a new building." wrex looks up and soaring up stands a long building.

"Hmm maybe it just started some days ago , weird though I don't remember seeing it…"

"To create the key…..distortion and chaos" the voice comes again .

"Uggghhhh what? Not again what is happening?" while Wrex grabs his head which is bursting out in pain .

He is constantly having the weird voice speaking in his mind , and at that exact moment one of the ropes that was holding 7 steel beams right over his head cuts off

"Khachuk khachak!!!"

The beams which are not hanged by the ropes anymore begins to fall , and before Wrex could even see what was happening the beams falls on him

"Dhaaaannnng dhooooong" and there is no more sound...only a blood trail .