

Have you ever wondered what "ayakashis" and "yokai" are? What if the bedtime stories were real? In today's modern era, let us take a break from our busy schedule and dive deep into the stories told by our grandparents.

Minisha_Mukhia · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


The priest who was silent took a hold of his hand and said, "go back and fulfil your duty and this time do it for me. I have already set on a journey of no return instead protect those you are supposed to". Shiroi understood all the meaning of the words, but he didn't was adamant, yet there was nothing he could do. At last, he requested, "let me see him off, please". "That was written in your destiny, so you don't have to request me, hurry he is running out of time", said the goddess.

With heavy heart and trembling hands Shiroi passed the bowl to the priest and fed him. The priest drank every single drop and thanked him after which the door at the corner was opened. The priest walked in and gave him one last smile. Shiroi broke down and wailed like a baby. "Life and death are the two things which no man on earth can resist. That is the reason why the same goddess who ties the red knot also cuts it off, and it seems like his was connected to you, foolish child return back and respect the last words of the departed", advised the goddess. Shiroi sat there for a long time and finally made up his mind to fulfil his last wishes.

Lisa: Grandpa so after we die the goddess gives us the soup to make us forget but why?

Daigo: When a person leaves, he just departs but those who are left behind carry a huge burden is what the world believes, but the truth is that the one who dies carries a huge baggage of emotions which makes it difficult for him to cross. Hence, after he drinks the soup, it becomes easier for him to forget and reincarnate.

Lisa: but then he forgets everything.

Daigo: Sure, he does.

Lisa: then I will never drink that soup. I never want to forget mom and you, grandpa.

Maria: ok that's enough sleep for some time.

Lisa: No, I want to listen more.

Maria" Lisa you never listen do you. Who does she take after.

Daigo: I know who. Okay sweetie shall I continue?

Lisa: Yes, please grandpa.

Shiroi and Raiju who belonged from the same race stood against each other, one to protect the race who hates them to the core while the other to massacre that race. Both of them fought hard without holding back and as the last resort Raiju used all his power and created a thunderbolt enough to destroy the world. Shiroi knew that if the bolt landed upon him, he would disappear but if he did not take it the whole human race could die. The words of the priest resonated in his mind, and he decided to sacrifice himself. Ginji who saw all this knew exactly what Shiroi was thinking, and he pushed Izumi under the shed near the temple. Ginji was a divine being, so he had also decided to sacrifice himself. He pretended to fight against Izumi so that he would come to hate him and could forget about him so that when he was not there, he would live his life happily, but what he did not know was that Izumi would continue waiting for him till his last breath. The moment Raiju released his power, Ginji and Shiroi stood as a shield and absorbed his power. Everyone one who was fighting stood there in amazement because of what they had witnessed. Izumi ran in the middle of the field and called out Ginji's name for several times but Ginji who could hear him did not have the courage to look at him. The force was so strong that they slowly started disappearing and Raiju smiled in victory. The people who were fighting regretted fighting against the divine beast who sacrificed their lives. Soon after a bright light illuminated, and the trees around started coming back to life. Raiju looked around and his heart filled with fear, and he saw "Yama no Megami", the mountain goddess. "You have created havoc just because you wanted to release your anger, so from today onwards you will take the form of thunder and live in this earth appearing when it rains", cursed the goddess. Realizing his blunder, he fell on his knees and begged to the goddess. "Don't worry humans have also instigated this and broken their promise so the generations here after will have to pray to the ayakashis", declared the goddess. Seeing such a merciful goddess Izumi prayed, "Megumi-sama please bring back the two divine species". Hearing his words, the whole clan resonated with the same words. "Humans are strange creatures, when they have everything, they don't appreciate but when they lose, they mourn over it. Sacrificing to protect something is a strong emotion which even we gods have to respect", said the goddess.