

Have you ever wondered what "ayakashis" and "yokai" are? What if the bedtime stories were real? In today's modern era, let us take a break from our busy schedule and dive deep into the stories told by our grandparents.

Minisha_Mukhia · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


Liza: What happened after that grandpa? Why did Ginji started fighting? Wasn't he supposed to protect the humans and what about Shiroi?

Maria: Let grandpa focus on the way dear wait until we get home.

Lisa: but….

Daigo: Maria don't reprimand her. Lisa, do you want me to continue?

Lisa: of course, grandpa. Please

Daigo: Alright but you cannot fall asleep in the midway and you have to keep me company.

Ginji and Izumi stood face to face with sword held tight in both of their hands. "Ginji don't do this and come back home", said Izumi with tearful eyes. "Home is supposed to be a sanctuary with people who love you, not a place filled with people who despise you", scoffed Ginji and with that he launched an attack on Izumi.

Lisa: Why did Ginji attack him? Aren't they friends?

Daigo" People choose their own path. Even two friends can become enemies if their paths collide.

Raiju who was amusing himself was thrown away by a powerful energy. It didn't take him a second to know who it was. "It was getting boring, thank heavens that you appeared. Welcome home or hell Shiroi", announced Raiju without turning back.

Lisa: but grandpa wasn't he searching for the goddess? Why did he appear all of a sudden?

Daigo: Ah… I didn't tell you about that part.

Maria: No father (laughing hahaha) you missed it.

Daigo: I have really grown old.

After much turmoil Shiroi reached her abode but he had to cross several rivers to get to her. He entered a big gate and found the priest waiting with a bowl of soup on the table. "You were late", said the priest and smiled warmly at him. Shiroi rushed towards him and cried, "Don't leave please". "He can't do that", said an old woman who sat opposite to them. She was "Boukyaku no Megami", deity responsible to see off souls after erasing their memories. "You have persisted for some time now and if you don't drink this you will just wonder this realm without getting the chance to reincarnate", said the goddess. "I have kept his body preserved, please let him return with me", said Shiroi breaking down. "That is not quite possible child, when both of the deities protecting the body disappeared, what do you think happened?", asked the old lady looking at them.