

Tonight is a night that Nadia never imagined before. Tonight she must end her relationship with a lover who is a vengeful spirit. Nadia is very sad, after all, Tama has never been any mistake to her, except for lying to his death.

Nadia said goodbye to Tama's family. Not wanting to bother Tama's family, Nadia booked a hotel and planned to spend the night there after meeting Tama. Nadia headed to the hotel accompanied by Citra. After checking in, she immediately went to a hill with a very beautiful view to end her relationship with her beloved lover.

Nadia got out of Citra's car. After dropping off Nadia, Citra immediately returned to her house. Even though Citra knows that night Nadia will meet Tama. Citra doesn't want to meet Tama. For her, to see Tama's spirit would be even more painful.