
Qi condensation 1

[Name: Lao Leishen]


[Lifespan: 12/350

[Cultivation: none ]

[Cultivation potential:Transcendent extremely talented]


[Innate magic:Bolt transformation]

[constitution:Nine colored lightning chaos physique]

[Bloodline:Myriad lightning bloodline(descendant of the immortal lightning spirit)]

[Innate talent: Divine innate strength,primordial lightning meridians, tribulation eater]

[connate providence: Dao lord of lightning, Grand tribulation, Immortal of the Nine colored lightning heaven]

Looking at his status Lao Leishen Almost fainted from happiness.

Cultivation and connate providence are basically how far a cultivator can get by his or her self without external methods.

Lao Leishen was born into this world 12 years ago on the day of his birth nine colored lightning appeared from the sky and struck where he was born.

Causing all the nearby forces to search for the cause of the commotion, most forces were hoping a treasure formed even then that would be a disaster for the cultivation and mortal world but it was only the birth of a divine physique some forces speculated.

"System open the gift package Lei shen thought"

{Would you like to open package confirm {Y/N}

"Continue opening another thought popped into his head a second later"

{Congratulations host you have Aquired the [Lightning spirit thunder manual] this technique allows you to draw in the remnant aura of lighting and refine you're spirit and cultivation]

"Lightning spirit thunder manual hmm it sounds strong I'll cultivate after I finish my duties"

As he said that he got up from his small twin sized bed quickly made it tidy and left out

Lao Leishen was born into a cultivation family but not as a direct descendant his father was an orphan and adopted by the family as a to grow out the blood and spread leaves.

So that makes Lao Leishen an outsider somewhat considering he was only half a descendant, life was good until both his parents were murdered by the young master Lao Xizao causing the death of the original owner in which allowed our Protagonist appearance.

Lao Leishen was fast and efficient he only had to clean the martial arena where every competition and training even would held, minute turns into hours.

"Finally I can start my cutivation journey on earth I was just a normal guy working a regular 9-5 just to die by a lightning bolt while almost getting hit by a truck"

"Well let's start now" as he says that he gets on his bed in meditative position and started to read the mantra of the lightning thunder manual.

"Lightning is speed thunder is power" as hethought about that he subconsciously started to absorb the remnant lightning and thunder aura from the past.

If one could see Lao Leishen cultivating you would be shocked to see myriad sparks of lightning going into his body.

"Thunder begets lightning, lightning beats thunder"

As he said that the rotation of qi in his Dantian started to get faster you could hear sparks of lighting until… Bang! The sound of thunder erupted inside his dantian expanding his spirit sea up to 3500 kilometers.

Lao Leishen opened his eyes sparks of colored lighting appeared he clenched his fist he could feel his strength was way stronger than before even with his innate divine strength he could feel that it was already was adapting to his new strength so he would actually be stronger in the next few days.

"Qi condensation it's only the first level but is this the difference between mortals and cultivator no wonder mortals go blind when cultivators release their aura "

"Not that much time has passed I can still see how far I can go"

As he said that he went back to cultivation

And thus a 2 days went pass as he broke through 7 more levels thanks to his talent .

"My spirit sea has surpassed 14,000 meters cultivators usually condense the spirit sea at the 10th level but I managed to do it on the first, is this the power of talent?.

As he said that he got up and stretched he started to shadow box to gain his rhythm

"Time to complete my tasks before I go back to cultivation time waits for no one" after saying that Lao leishen left his room.

He was heading towards the Martial arena to clean off the gore, after what felt like a while Lei shen was done with work and decided to go home back to his isolated little shack he was forced to moved out after the deaths of his parents, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Lei shen circulated his manual and time went on from there.

"Peak level Qi condensation my spirit sea has reach the maximum 25,000 now it's time to breakthrough and see the new system reward"

1 day turns into 2 and 2 into 3


Lighting scattered and thunder erupted

{congratulations host you have broken thorough to foundation establishment and you have been rewarded the [Red extermination life lamp] it boost lighting attacks and causes damage overtime slowly exterminating life.

"As lei shen. Read the message a Red latern with black streaks appeared in his hand, according to the manual it says having a life lamp gives you the fighting ability of two flames but with my divine strength I have should have the ability to fight 3 flamed cultivators".

The foundation establishment is the stage where you connect your dharma apertures to ignite life flames but before that you have to locate them to ignite them and this is where the real untalented people give up or those without will because finding yours dharma aperture is like finding a needle in a haystack.

To ignite the first life flame you need to connect 30 of your dharma apertures the highest is 90 for most people, you can only unlock 120 if you experience a real life and death battle with no thoughts of surviving just surviving in the moment.

At this moment a loud bang occurred and all you see was the door flying off its henges and a group of boys dress in martial attire purple and black these youths are the young generation of the Lao family lackies of Lao Xiziao.

I’m a new writer you will see improve, have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Calamixycreators' thoughts