
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

#23 Serendipity's twist

In the softly lit chamber, Liu Xiang and Cui Jing exchanged glances, with many questions going on their minds. Cui confessed, "I forgot to ask Xiaobo about that boy. Who was he, and why was he with him?"

Liu Xiang, reclining on a intricately carved wooden chair, reassured her with a calm tone, "Worry not, my dear. Tomorrow, we shall meet them and uncover the truth."

"You know something, right? "

"Uff... Someone truly said you can beat your enemy but never your wife."

"Oh my, I am flattered. Now tell me whats on your mind? "

"Xiaobo, that boy.... He... He is too crazy. I can't describe it. You can see his craziness yourself tomorrow"

"Hmmm... Let's see how crazy can a sick boy be?"

The following day, at the opulent 'Feast from the East' restaurant, Liu Xiang and Cui Jing occupied a private room guarded by vigilant soldiers. Cui, observing the heightened security, couldn't hold back her curiosity. "Why the need for such precautions in a simple meeting, Liu Xiang?"Liu Xiang, his eyes reflecting years of strategizing, replied, "Not all meetings are as they seem, my love. It's wise to be prepared for the unexpected."

As the door swung open, revealing Xiaobo accompanied by Lian, Li Ming, and Zhang Wei, the atmosphere tensed. Seated across from each other, Xiaobo broke the silence, "I've kept a secret for too long. Li Ming is Cui Jing's younger brother, the uncrowned emperor of Liang State."

Cui Jing's eyes widened in shock, and she stammered, "Li Ming? But.....how? He is my brother, for real?...." Lui Xinag nods her head, then she looks at Xiaobo who also just smiles. As Cui Jing absorbed the shocking revelation about her long-lost brother, tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. Li Ming, who had believed himself to be an orphan, was equally overwhelmed with emotion and disbelief. In the midst of the tearful reunion, Cui Jing clunged tightly to her little brother, their hearts mending a wound that time had carved on the battlefield.

Through her sobs, Cui Jing expressed her gratitude to Xiaobo repeatedly, "Thank you for saving him. I can't believe you've been keeping him safe all these years."

Xiaobo thought that Cui Jing famous for her short temper would scold him or beat him for keeping her brother with him without informing and keeping it a secret.

Cui Jing, her voice choked with emotion, managed to utter between sobs, "I thought I lost you on that battlefield. How did you end up here, Cui Liang?"

Li Ming, still absorbing the truth of his identity, replied, "Cui Liang....my name is Liang. "

Cui Jing nods her head while softly caressing his cheeks and looking and studying her little brother's feautes without blinking. Her little brother has grown up.

"I don't remember anything. Xiaobo saved me, and I owe him my life." Said Li Ming while he was also staring at his sister whom he does not remember but the feeling that she was related to her and the warmness when she hugged him was not wrong. She is his family.

Amidst the tears, Cui Jing turned to Xiaobo with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "Xiaobo, how did you find my brother?"

Xiaobo, the weight of the past evident in his eyes, began to recount the incident, "It was years ago, when Zhang Wei and I were exploring the forest. We came across a boy, leaning against a tree, on the brink of collapse. His clothes spoke of nobility. He was just a child, lost and exhausted." Xiaobo's gaze softened with the memory as he continued, "I couldn't leave him there. He was about eight, and I was only ten. So, we brought him into our little group, and I became his big brother."

Li Ming nodded, "I was so weak and disoriented that I had forgotten everything – even my own name. If it weren't for Xiaobo, I wouldn't have survived those weeks in the forest."

In the quiet moments that followed the revelation, Cui Jing's tears flowed freely as she embraced her brother, and Li Ming, overwhelmed by the sudden flood of emotions, couldn't hold back his own tears. The room echoed with the sounds of shared sorrow and joy, a family made whole after years of separation.

Cui Jing, overwhelmed by the gratitude she felt towards Xiaobo, said, "Thank you, Xiaobo, for being there for him when I couldn't."

Xiaobo, now a bit older but still with a childlike innocence in his eyes, smiled, "We're family, and family looks out for each other."As the room resonated with the shared history and the deep bonds formed over the years, they embraced the complexities of their newfound connection, forever changed by the twists of fate that brought them together.

"But.... Ming can't go back to his home, to his family.. For now"

"Huh? Why? He is my family. Why is he not allowed? "

"He shouldn't come with us Jing-er. He can after some time. But not now"

When she turned her gaze to Liu Xiang a hint of doubt lingering in her eyes. "Why are you cooperating with Xiaobo? This isn't your usual style ,you always shared things with me. This is an important matter. MY FAMILY MATTER.I should be given a proper explanation as it involves me and my brother"

Liu Xiang, maintaining his composed demeanor, leaned forward and explained, " Understand the situation.We tread carefully, for this meeting may not be as simple as it appears."

Xiaobo interjected, "Li Ming's presence here is dangerous. If the King -Wang Hongdi, discovers his location, an edict for execution could follow. It is too dangerous to reveal his identity. We need to wait for chance to send Li Ming away from here or send to Liang state. Just wait for few more days".

Hearing this Cui Jing sits back on her chair and nods.

"It's okay. It's just a matter of time when he will be with me at OUR home" Said Cui Jing and Lui Xiang pats her shoulders. Cui Jing leans on his shoulders and he rubs her back to comfort her. Li Ming was also sad that he would not be able to be with her sister as precautions are a must when dealing with such situations.

A weighted hush descended upon the room, as the revelation settled in, casting a contemplative stillness over the gathered family. The fragility of their circumstances became apparent, threading through the air like an unspoken undercurrent. The noon unfolded, weaving a tapestry of celebration and connection as the newly formed family shared a sumptuous feast and engaged in the easy camaraderie of casual conversation.

Amidst the jubilation, Cui Jing turned her attention to Xiaobo, the brother reclaimed after a prolonged separation. "Xiaobo," she began, her eyes reflecting a mix of genuine concern and inquisitiveness, "despite your evident strength, some still perceive you as a weakling. What might be the cause of that perception?"

Xiaobo, glancing down for a moment, revealed, "I've carried a lingering ailment since my childhood—a persistent cold disease that has proven resistant to conventional treatments. It was Lian who stepped in, offering a remedy that eluded even my personal doctor."

Cui Jing, intrigued, sought clarification. "Personal doctor? You have one?"

Xiaobo explained, "I've been seeking treatments from Malik Xavier for quite some time. But it was Lian's profound understanding of herbs and plants that finally brought relief."

Curiosity etched across her features, Cui Jing probed further. "Malik Xavier is renowned in his field. How does Lian possess insights that even he couldn't provide?"

Lian, seated nearby, chimed in with a humble smile. "My passion for herbs and plants led me to extensive studies. I immersed myself in countless books, mastering the intricate nuances of various flora. It's this knowledge that allowed me to complement Malik Xavier's expertise."

Cui Jing, impressed, cast a warm smile towards Lian. "That's truly incredible," she remarked, a newfound admiration coloring her words.

I remember now! Dr. Mia Chen," Lui Xiang exclaimed suddenly, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. "She has profound knowledge about various unnatural diseases. She might be able to help you with your problem."

"And by chance, we also need to go there for collecting some herbs from Dr. Mia for our grandma who needs it for her bone problems," Lui Xiang continued, weaving the connection between their quests. The suggestion of a joint venture arose naturally. "So, how about we all go together?" Cui Jing proposed, seizing the opportunity to spend more time with Ming, who nodded with enthusiasm.

Okay, then it's decided. Our primary goal is to find a remedy for Xiaobo's cure, and the secondary goal is to have a small picnic at Shangxian village, where our doctor lives," declared Lui Xiang. The others, taken aback by the sudden openness, nodded and smiled, silently agreeing to this unexpected turn of events.

The next day, Lui Xiang had orchestrated the arrangement of two carriages, setting the stage for their journey to Shangxiang village.

As the carriages rumbled along the winding paths towards the village, a mixture of excitement and tension filled the air. Xiaobo and Lian couldn't shake an uneasy feeling, sensing an undercurrent of unpredictability.

But when Xiaobo and Lian ventured to another location due to some problems, the tension in Shangxiang village thickened. Unbeknownst to them, a sinister turn of events unfolded in their absence. Returning to the village, they were met with an unsettling sight – Lui Xiang, standing next to the lifeless body of Dr. Mia Chen.

The air hung heavy with suspicion, and a chilling realization dawned upon Xiaobo and Lian as the villagers pointed accusatory fingers at Lui Xiang. Whispers of a murder mystery echoed through the narrow lanes.

Lui Xiang, their once-trusted companion, now wore the cloak of the prime suspect. The tranquility of the village was shattered, replaced by an aura of suspicion and uncertainty. Xiaobo and Lian, caught in the midst of this unfolding drama, struggled to reconcile the person they knew with the one implicated in a potential crime.

Questions swirled in the air like ominous shadows. What had transpired in their absence? Why was Lui Xiang now connected to Mia Chen's demise? The village, once a picturesque haven, now bore the weight of a suspenseful enigma.

As Xiaobo and Lian delved deeper into the village's secrets, they found themselves entangled in a web of deceit, suspicion, and hidden motives. Every step forward brought them closer to unraveling the truth, but the suspense heightened, leaving them suspended in a state of anticipation and dread.

The journey that began with hope and camaraderie now transformed into a tense quest for justice, with Xiaobo and Lian at the center of a mystery that would challenge not only their relationships but also their understanding of the people around them. The village, once a backdrop for their collective goals, now harbored a dark secret that threatened to change everything.