
Tale Bearers

When prayer takes you to places you never thought exist and leads you to people you never imagine to encounter. Prayer takes you to a supernatural adventure.

Gyams · แฟนตาซี
400 Chs

Chapter 92: Like His own Dung

"That's how the story folded boy." Ain said as he ruffle Urchin's hair.

"Thwen why are youw crwying uwncle Aiwn." Urchin said as he started to sob with the teen age man.

They started to hugged each other and cried. The witch even excused herself without bothering them. She walked her way toward a huge door within their tower.

The Tower of Shreds. The place were located in the middle of an island. The whole building were made of pieces from waste. It was like a building made of recyled things. Their door were shaped in crown. She flipped her red locks and blink here black orbs. She waltz with her black dress. The door opened by itself. The man wearing a red fur cape winked at her. His emerald hair matched with crimson eyes made him dazzling . His voice sound husky as he stood by his window.

"How was the boy Bylon?" Bylon bowed her head and assured the man that Ain is tending him well. The man gestured her to step by his side.

"Look at the throne where I am supposed to be seated." The man pointed at the bustling view of the golden wings palace.

"How do you think my brother would react, if he sees me?" He mischievously whispered at Bylon's ear.

Bylon ignored his actions and answered as he stare at the Kingdom's whole shot.

"I think he already know that it was you Cyprus." Cyprus gave her an evil grin as he twirles her hair with his finger.

The Elders alerted the Knights and the whole palace guards to be aware of any intruders.Their main goal is not the throne but Kiel. Cyrus made sure that the Tale Berears would be prepared whenever the enemy comes to attack.

Cyrus was about to visit his chamber from the palace throne when the time paused. It was the same skill with Urchin but with slight differrence. This time controlling is unholy that is why it limits the person's member to respond. It was like having a nightmare. You can feel and hear but you can't respond.

Cyprus appeared in his face. He gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you older brother. Did you appreciate my greeting?" Cyprus smirked as he remove the crown upon the King's head. Cyprus rested it upon his head and sat on the throne.

Cyrus groaned when Cyprus asked him a question and crossed his legs.

"Don't you think this throne suit me better?" Cyrus got statued but his senses were highthened and well aware of what is happening. Cyprus snapped his finger and the spear from the armour displayed by the pillar was about to thrust the King's heart. But a bronze wall appeared out of nowhere to block the attack.

"Come on sister-in-law don't get mingled with our sweet time." Cyprus whimpered

Gardenia step inside the frozen time. Thankfully Natalina and Gardenia made a replica of the throne with their quartz.

"Pardon my intrusion dear brother-in-law. I am the current host of the palace and all guest are under my care, with that it includes you." Gardenia snorted gracefully. Cyprus clicked his tongue, this woman is really out of his league.

Cyprus vanished from the throne and was face to face with Gardenia. Gardenia did not back down, she stared back with courage. Cyprus hissed at Gardenia he snapped his finger to raised up all the golden artifacts within the place.

"You really are a pain in the neck! I can't fathom how did you put my brother on a pedestal?" Cyprus directed the objects to attack her.

Gardenia prayed as she raised her fist.

"Our God who can see a pure heart.Let it be that what you appointed to any man who ensnare and harm Your child may face Your wrath. Amen."

The golden objects turned into an incense that rose above. The fragrant tint of fire made a spark to damage the time pause. Bylon sweat from the huge crack forming within her time frame. It's what she heared, this Queen is someone you cannot beckon with.

Cyprus noticed the shattering on their frame. Bylon made a sign that she can't hold any longer. Gardenia stamp her left heel and the time frame crumbled.

The witch behind the frozen time got revealed. The description given by Lila matches her. Cyrus pushed Cyprus away from his wife. Cyprus grinned when Cyrus move forward. He waved his hands and vanished with the witch.

When Cyrus turned around Gardenia is no longer with him. He made an announcement of the Queen's disappearance. Cyrus realised that even the crown is not resting upon his head. He was focused on Cyprus motive upon Gardenia that he forgot about the crown.

Kiel and Ophir rushed toward the throne but they only witness the lone King standing on top of crumbled quartz .

Cyrus chuntered, Cyprus was just there to distract him. He really aimed for Gardenia this time. He got the crown and the Queen all that was left is to be declared as the new King.

Cyprus locked Gardenia within his chamber. He stood in front of his mirror after chaining Gardenia on his wall like a soviener. Cyprus smiled at the crown upon his head. He despised the woman whom his brother married. If only Evi did not go insane with his experiment then Cyprus would be able to manipulate her. Cyprus halted when he heared a sarcastic chuckle behind him.

"The crown looks funny on you, dear brother in law." Gardenia remarked with confidence.

Cyprus removed the crown and put it on his desk. He paced toward Gardenia with a victorious smug.

"You won't be saying that any longer. You really have the guts to talk back when your in this situation. I never knew that your this slow." Cyprus whispered as he untie his robe.

Gardenia did not even blink or bat an eye. She maintained her poker face.

"Do whatever you want! But let me tell you this, before you feast upon me.

My husband is surely marching on his way behind your lattice."

Cyprus ripped her garment with his bare hand. The squiffy sound echoes within the wall.

"I don't really like you! But your the only one who can give me the access to the throne. You have to bear my child dear Gardenia."