
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EST --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- The image is made by AI

TrueVoid45 · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 6 Orientation And The Transcendents

Jaylen's meditation was abruptly disrupted by the faintest bump at his side. Opening his eyes, he noticed that the once brightly lit auditorium had dimmed, leaving only the illumination over the stage. The air crackled with anticipation, the excited murmurs of students reverberating throughout the space. Teachers patrolled the aisles, ensuring order was maintained amidst the buzz of excitement.

Glancing to his side, Jaylen's gaze fell upon a familiar face. The young man, with chin-length brown hair and striking canary yellow eyes, sat with an annoyed expression, his arms crossed in front of him. Jaylen parted his lips, ready to speak, but the words caught in his throat as a surge of mana began to coalesce toward the stage.

A massive vortex of mana spiraled at a dizzying pace, coalescing into a single spot before dissipating to reveal a figure within. As the lingering traces of mana faded, the true form of the figure became apparent.

Her long strands of green hair, vibrant with the essence of life, cascaded around her, moving as if guided by an unseen breeze. Emerald-colored eyes, brimming with untold wisdom, gazed out upon the assembled crowd. Elongated ears, a hallmark of her elven lineage, adorned her delicate features, further accentuating her ethereal presence. Her pale complexion, imbued with an otherworldly purity, seemed to radiate an irresistible allure that captivated both women and men alike.

"Hello, everyone. I am very pleased to meet each and every one of you," she spoke, her voice resonating like the purest of waters as she addressed the eager crowd.

"I would like to formally welcome you all to The Starfall Academy. I am your headmaster, Jevelyn Schwickrath, and I will be presiding over your orientation this year," she announced with grace and poise, a sweet smile gracing her lips as she surveyed the assembled students.

As her words echoed through the auditorium, applause erupted from the crowd, a tangible expression of their respect and admiration for their esteemed headmaster.

As the applause subsided and the headmaster's words settled over the crowd, Jaylen found himself lost in a moment of reminiscence.

"I remember her," he thought, his mind drifting back to memories of his childhood. "Miss Schwickrath used to come to my home when I was younger to talk to my father."

he could still see her graceful presence, her wisdom and kindness leaving an indelible mark on his youthful memories. "She's a high elf," Jaylen mused, recalling the stories his father had shared with him. "She reached the mana core realm when my father was my age."

Headmaster Jevelyn Schwickrath's words resonated deeply within the assembled students, her gaze seeming to pierce through the veil of their aspirations.

"Many of you came here with great and noble ambitions," she began, her eyes scanning the crowd with a knowing intensity, as if she could perceive the dreams and desires hidden within each individual. "Some of you wish to explore this vast world, a realm of endless possibilities that has long remained beyond our grasp."

A subtle shift in her gaze singled out certain individuals among the throng, acknowledging their thirst for adventure and discovery.

"And then there are those who have chosen to stand up and fight for their loved ones," she continued, her tone carrying a solemn weight as she addressed another segment of the audience. Her eyes lingered on a group of determined faces, recognizing the courage and sacrifice they embodied.

But it was her next words that drew a collective hush over the crowd, as if she had touched upon a shared fear that lingered in the hearts of all present.

"Finally, there are the ones who wish to confront and defeat the plague of our universe, the remnant," she declared, her gaze locking onto the front row with unwavering resolve. It was a challenge issued not just to those seated before her, but to all who dared to stand against the encroaching darkness that threatened their world.

In that moment, Headmaster Schwickrath's words ignited a spark of determination within each listener, inspiring them to rise to the challenges that lay ahead and to forge their own destinies in the face of adversity.

As the crowd's anticipation reached its peak, Headmaster Jevelyn Schwickrath's voice cut through the air, commanding attention and respect.

"To invoke everyone's competitive spirit, we have here in the front row this year, your year's top students also known as the Transcendents—the top ten students in combat and theory," she announced, her tone carrying a weight of significance that drew all eyes to the front row.

Ten holograms materialized behind her, each adorned with question marks, shrouding the identities of the elite students.

"In tenth place, we have Ferya Ash," Headmaster Schwickrath continued, her voice clear and authoritative. "Though she may not excel in combat, her prowess in theory is unmatched, with a score of 295 in theory and 120 in combat, totaling 415."

Cheers erupted from the crowd as Ferya's hologram appeared, displaying a girl with red hair and glasses, along with her impressive score.

"Following her in ninth place is Melo Branes," the headmaster continued, her words resonating with admiration. "His strategic acumen sets him apart, with scores of 212 in theory and 211 in combat, totaling 423."

Another hologram lit up, revealing a male figure with gray hair and red eyes, as applause filled the auditorium once more.

"Next, we have the twins, Leonah and Leo, in eighth and seventh place respectively," Headmaster Schwickrath announced, her voice carrying a note of pride. "Their exceptional teamwork has earned them scores of 220 and 247 for Leonah, and 215 and 253 for Leo, totaling 467 and 468 respectively."

As the holograms of the twins appeared, the crowd murmured in awe at their remarkable achievement.

"In sixth place, we have Aldwulf Flynn," the headmaster continued, her tone filled with respect. "With a score of 191 in theory and 296 in combat, totaling 487, his strength in combat is truly remarkable."

Applause thundered through the auditorium as Aldwulf's hologram illuminated, showcasing his formidable presence.

"Entering the top five, we have Laria Wick," Headmaster Schwickrath announced, her voice tinged with excitement. "With scores of 240 in theory and 296 in combat, totaling 536, she emerges as this year's Dark Horse."

The hologram of Laria appeared, capturing the crowd's attention with her unexpected rise to prominence.

"The last four places go to members of the ancient families," the headmaster continued, her tone reverent. "In fourth place, we have Sarah Eliodoro, with a total score of 597, showcasing her excellence in both theory and combat."

Sarah's hologram materialized, her distinct features eliciting admiration from the crowd.

"Now, in the top three," Headmaster Schwickrath declared, her voice filled with anticipation. "In third place, we have Brandon Astros, with an impressive total score of 598, demonstrating his exceptional abilities in both theory and combat."

The hologram of Brandon appeared, eliciting applause and cheers from the audience.

"Moving on to second place, we have Yuki Heartfall," the headmaster continued, her words laced with admiration. "With a total score of 599, her mastery of ice magic in combat is truly remarkable."

As Yuki's hologram illuminated, the crowd erupted into applause, acknowledging her outstanding achievement.

"And finally, in first place, we have Jaylen Orpheus," Headmaster Schwickrath announced, her voice filled with reverence. "With a rare and perfect score of 600, he stands as a testament to excellence in both theory and combat, a feat achieved by only three individuals in the history of our school."

The hologram of Jaylen materialized, his platinum white hair and gray eyes capturing the attention of all present.

"These, ladies and gentlemen, are your Transcendents of this year!" Headmaster Schwickrath concluded, her words met with thunderous applause and cheers as the students celebrated the remarkable achievements of their peers.

Headmaster Jevelyn's words resonated deeply within the hearts of the assembled students, her commanding presence imbuing them with a sense of purpose and determination.

"Though I shall give you a word of caution," she began, her voice carrying the weight of authority, "the Transcendents are not for you to worship but to strive to surpass. Let them serve as beacons of inspiration, urging you to reach greater heights and surpass your current selves."

Her clenched fist, held aloft in a gesture of encouragement, spurred the crowd to embrace their potential for growth and self-improvement.

"Our academy has long held the esteemed position of number one," she continued, her voice ringing with pride. "As one of the elite four institutions, Starfall Academy bears the responsibility of safeguarding not only the City of Hope, but the entirety of the Dawn Region. Stand proud, march forth, and let your actions speak volumes as you strive to accomplish your goals and wishes."

With a solemn nod, Headmaster Jevelyn imparted her final words of wisdom. "As you begin your three-year stay, you will come to understand the unique structure of our academy, which incorporates the twelve zodiacs as main classes for each academic year. Meanwhile, our esteemed staff and teachers fall under the sign of Ophiuchus. May you find joy and fulfillment in your time here. That will be all. I bid you all farewell."

With a graceful bow, the headmaster concluded the orientation, the mana once again swirling around her as she vanished from sight, leaving behind a sense of purpose and determination in her wake.

As the light gradually flooded the auditorium, a teacher's authoritative voice resonated through the space, cutting through the lingering excitement of the orientation, instructing the students to leave row by row, Jaylen followed the flow of departing students until he reached the exit. Once outside, he glanced at the board displaying class assignments and confirmed that he belonged to Libra Class 1.

"I could have sworn that was the class Lilith had back in her first year," he thought, a flicker of nostalgia stirring within him. Consulting the map, Jaylen set off in the direction indicated, weaving through the corridors of the academy.

After several turns, Jaylen arrived at a gate adorned with a balanced scale engraving, a symbol of his assigned class. As he approached, the gate swung open of its own accord, revealing a massive building ahead. In front of the structure stood a majestic statue of a golden balance scale, its gleaming presence commanding attention.

Stepping through the gate, Jaylen entered the building and began his search for Libra Class 1. After a brief exploration, he located a door marked with the number one. As he reached out to open it, the door suddenly swung open before him.

Chapter End


Second of out of order edited chapters

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


What has more beauty and terror then innocence. Leave your answer in the comments and I'll release an extra chapter

TrueVoid45creators' thoughts