
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EST --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- The image is made by AI

TrueVoid45 · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 17 Bloodline Grades

"Stop right there, what do you two think you're doing!" A voice roared, disrupting Brandon's concentration and causing him to lose control over his mana.

The lightning mana, previously coiled around Brandon's being, surged out with immense force, crackling and writhing in chaotic arcs. Tendrils of lightning lashed out uncontrollably, each collision with the ground leaving charred markings on the metal floor around them.

Jaylen, who had remained in the same position, found himself suddenly engulfed in a dangerous embrace of lightning as one tendril flew towards him at an incredible speed. The tendril, its color a striking silver, collided with his figure, enveloping him in a volatile aura of untamed energy.

The lightning raced through Jaylen's body, coursing along his veins like a torrential river, unstoppable and unforgiving. With his Draconic eyes, Jaylen could see the silver lightning vividly, its movements clear and distinct within his body. It danced along his nerves, sending agonizing jolts of pain radiating throughout his being.

Gritting his teeth against the searing pain, Jaylen fought to maintain control, his mind racing as he struggled to contain the chaotic energy surging within him. With every heartbeat, the lightning pulsed, threatening to overwhelm him entirely. Yet, through sheer willpower, Jaylen held on, determined to endure the torment until the storm of energy subsided.

With his body still trembling from the aftershocks of the lightning, Jaylen struggled to regain his composure, his mind reeling with the consequences of his decision. As he collapsed onto one knee, his breaths came in deep and labored, each exhale a testament to the ordeal he had just endured. Sweat drenched his back, mingling with the remnants of the storm that had ravaged his body.

In the midst of his physical and mental exhaustion, Jaylen couldn't help but question his own judgment. Why had he thought it wise to seek assistance from someone who couldn't control their elemental affinities? The consequences of that decision were now painfully evident, etched into every fiber of his being.

"What the hell were you two thinking? You could have been seriously hurt! I expected better from you both! This kind of foolishness will not be tolerated," Miss Xirenia berated them, her facial features twisted in anger. Yelling out loud, Miss Xirenia addressed the whole class. "Class is over, everyone! Bug off!"

Miss Xirenia's scolding echoed through the air, a harsh reminder of the gravity of their actions. Jaylen and Brandon exchanged glances, both realizing the severity of their mistake. With heavy hearts, they watched as their classmates dispersed, leaving them alone in the aftermath of their recklessness.

As she finished yelling, she turned her attention back to Jaylen and Brandon. "I am utterly disappointed in your lack of judgment! This is not a game! This behavior reflects poorly on both of you! I want you both in my office in 20 minutes."

Without awaiting a response, Miss Xirenia turned on her heel and strode away. Each step she took exuded lingering anger, palpable in the fiery aura enveloping her.

As the class dispersed, Jaylen and Brandon exchanged a wordless glance, both knowing they had made a grave mistake. With a shared sense of determination, they nodded silently to each other before parting ways to prepare for their meeting with Miss Xirenia.

As they made their way to her office, the looming sense of unease hung heavy in the air, each step a testament to the gravity of the situation they now found themselves in.

The next day, as Jaylen walked down the hall towards class, his thoughts lingered on Miss Xirenia's words after she had checked his condition following the lightning incident. 'She said the lightning fused with my being on the cellular level," he mused.

If one were to look at Jaylen's cells through a microscope, they would see small pulses of lightning dancing around, moving in harmony with his body's inner workings. Occasionally, a small silver flicker of lightning would even be visible in his eyes.

'She blamed it on my bloodline. Her words were that my bloodline may be a lot more powerful than we initially thought,' Jaylen recalled. Despite this, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this phenomenon than just his bloodline. It felt like there was something deeper at play, something he couldn't yet comprehend. He knew that whatever it was, it was responsible for the changes within him.

As he continued down the hall, the weight of this new mystery hung heavy in his mind, intertwining with his already complex feelings about his bloodline and his place in the world.

Deep in his thoughts, Jaylen didn't realize he had arrived at class nor that Miss Xirenia had already begun addressing the students. It was only when she clapped her hands that he snapped out of his reverie.

"Alright, it seems you all are paying attention now," Miss Xirenia began, her gaze sweeping across the room. "First, I have something to inform you all. The club fair has been moved to the start of next month."

"Miss Xirenia, may I ask why?" Diana inquired, raising her hand. Diana was a striking girl with golden blonde locks that matched her eyes, both a radiant gold. She had a busty figure and an ethereal beauty but, the part of her that stood out the most were her pair of snow-white wings trailed behind her.

"You don't need to know that at this moment," Miss Xirenia responded curtly. "Also, let me remind you that wings are supposed to be hidden during class time."

Diana's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she quickly retracted her wings, folding them neatly against her back until they disappeared. "Oops, sorry, Miss Xirenia," she apologized.

Miss Xirenia nodded, accepting the apology. "Now, moving on. Today we will continue our discussion on bloodlines and their significance. And, as I told you all, we will be going over Bloodline grades," Miss Xirenia began, pausing as the classroom lights dimmed and the holoscreen flickered to life. In bold letters, the center of the screen displayed **Bloodline Grades**.

"First, as I explained, bloodlines are split into several grades. Each placement of a bloodline within these grades is determined by the rarity of the race or creature it originates from, and the purity based on the origin race. For many of you, the term 'origin race' might be new. In simple terms, the origin race is the earliest, most primal version of any given race or creature—the original form, so to speak."

Miss Xirenia's voice took on a slightly softer tone, ensuring everyone could follow along. "The origin race's physical features are like a blank slate—a prototype of what each race or creature is supposed to be. For instance, an origin phoenix would have the shape of a phoenix but lack the defining traits, such as the flames that surround a fire phoenix."

She continued, "That's the basic rundown of the origin race. The only bloodlines that are exceptions to this rule are Primordial bloodlines. These are unique because they are either gifted directly by primordial life forms or inherited from beings who already possess primordial bloodlines in their veins."

Miss Xirenia paused, her eyes scanning the room, giving her students a moment to absorb the information. "Now, let me give you all a quick second to think about what I just said."

As she took a seat at the desk to the right of the podium, the room buzzed with activity. Some students were lost in thought, processing the new information. Others scribbled furiously, trying to capture every word of Miss Xirenia's explanation. A few students, despite understanding the words, struggled to fully grasp the concepts, their faces reflecting the classic signs of bewilderment.

She stood up and continued, "Now, let's delve into the specific grades of bloodlines. Each grade represents a level of rarity and power, starting from the most common to the most extraordinary."

The holoscreen displayed a list, each grade accompanied by images and brief descriptions:

Miss Xirenia continued her lecture as the holoscreen displayed vivid images corresponding to each bloodline grade.

"Basic bloodlines," she reiterated, "are simply a normal member of any race or species without mixed blood. For example, a pureblood vampire or a human. These individuals are fundamentally one race only and gain no additional enhancements beyond what is typical for their race. The majority of the population has basic bloodlines."

An image of a human and a vampire appeared on the screen, emphasizing their pure lineage.

"Now, for Uncommon Bloodlines," she went on, "these individuals have two basic bloodlines. Essentially, they are true half-breeds. These individuals make up a significant portion of the population. They receive minor enhancements due to the unique combination of two different species' blood running through their veins."

The screen displayed a figure with traits from two different species, showcasing the blend of features and abilities.

"Next, we have Rare Bloodlines," Miss Xirenia continued, her tone more intense. "What sets them apart from their Basic and Uncommon counterparts is that they usually possess a special property that is distinctive to them in some way. For example, a plague vampire can spread plague by creating plague ghouls instead of regular ghouls."

An image of a vampire with a dark, ominous aura and plague ghouls materialized on the screen, illustrating the unique power of a rare bloodline.

Miss Xirenia continued her explanation as the holoscreen shifted to the next set of bloodline grades, each more complex and intriguing than the last.

"That's all for the easy-to-understand bloodlines," she said, taking a moment to gauge the class's comprehension. "Now, let's move on to the more complicated ones, starting with Unique Bloodlines."

The holoscreen displayed an image of a figure with an aura of diverse colors, each representing different strong traits.

"Unique Bloodlines," Miss Xirenia elaborated, "are distinct in that they are not based on a race or species. Instead, they are tied to strong traits or emotions. These bloodlines remain dormant unless invoked by a powerful emotion. Examples of such traits include lust, pride, or joy. When these emotions are triggered, the bloodline awakens, granting unique abilities that are often unpredictable and intensely personal."

The screen showed a series of emotions, each linked to different abilities, emphasizing the diverse nature of Unique Bloodlines.

"Next, we have Legendary Bloodlines, also known as Successor Bloodlines," Miss Xirenia continued. "These bloodlines are passed down by chance to individuals who meet the specific requirements of the bloodline. It's easier to understand with an example. Let's say I had a legendary bloodline from a sacred blacksmith. As I grow stronger, I would gradually acquire all the knowledge and skills necessary to reach the level of that sacred blacksmith. Essentially, the bloodline bestows upon its successor the potential to achieve greatness in a specific domain."

Miss Xirenia moved on, her tone authoritative and precise. "Next, we'll discuss Prime Bloodlines. These are relatively straightforward compared to the previous ones. After the origin race, the first versions of complete lifeforms were the Prime versions. These are the better, more ancient versions of basic bloodlines. Prime Bloodlines carry the essence of their race's peak potential, making them significantly more powerful than their basic counterparts."

The holoscreen showed an image of a majestic, ancient being, radiating power and wisdom. The depiction conveyed the sense of primeval strength and superiority associated with Prime Bloodlines.

"Following that," Miss Xirenia continued, "we have Mythical Bloodlines. These belong to races with low birth rates, such as Dragons, Phoenixes, and other legendary beings. These races give birth to only a few offspring throughout their entire lives. Their rarity and immense power make them part of the Mythical grade. They are by far the strongest bloodlines on Yonus and, by extension, the universe. The potential and raw power they hold are unmatched, but they are incredibly rare."

The holoscreen displayed a magnificent dragon, its scales gleaming with otherworldly light, symbolizing the awe-inspiring nature of Mythical Bloodlines.

"Finally," Miss Xirenia said, her voice taking on a solemn tone, "we come to the Primordial Bloodlines. These bloodlines are in a realm of their own. Not only are they extremely rare, but every individual who has possessed one has shown talent just below the level of taboo. It's hypothesized that the bloodlines of the gods fall into this grade, and even those are considered on the lower end of the scale compared to true Primordial Bloodlines. These bloodlines are beyond extraordinary, granting abilities and potential that 

can shape the very fabric of reality."

The holoscreen displayed an ethereal figure, surrounded by cosmic energies, emphasizing the almost divine nature of Primordial Bloodlines.

Miss Xirenia paused to let the information sink in, then addressed the class once more. "These bloodlines are not just about power; they are about potential and growth. They can shape an individual's destiny, guiding them toward paths they might not have otherwise discovered."

She scanned the room, looking for any raised hands. When none appeared, she continued, "Understanding these complex bloodlines is crucial for anyone aspiring to unlock their full potential. Recognizing the traits and conditions that activate these bloodlines can help you harness their power effectively."

The students stared at the screen, absorbing the hierarchy. Jaylen's thoughts drifted to his own bloodline, classified as dormant and mysterious. The words of Miss Xirenia echoed in his mind, hinting at the profound potential within him.

"Now," Miss Xirenia's voice broke through his reverie, "understanding your bloodline's grade can help you harness its full potential. It can also provide insights into your strengths and how to train more effectively. Any questions so far?"

A few hands shot up, and Miss Xirenia pointed to one of the students. "Yes, Lily?"

"Miss Xirenia, how can we identify the grade of our bloodline if it's not obvious?" Lily asked, her curiosity mirroring the concern many students felt.

Miss Xirenia smiled, appreciating the thoughtful question. "Good question, Lily. Bloodline grades can be identified through specialized tests that measure the purity and strength of your abilities. These tests can often be done at academies or by experts in the field. For some, however, the true potential of their bloodline only reveals itself through rigorous training, Intense emotions, and significant milestones in their development."

She paused, letting the information settle in. "Remember, no matter your bloodline's grade, hard work and dedication are key to unlocking your full potential. The grade is just a starting point. What you make of it is entirely up to you."

Stopping to get a drink of water, Miss Xirenia looked at her students, all busily writing down her words. A small, impeccable smile appeared on her face. Speaking again, she wrapped up the class, "Alright, that's it for bloodline grades. If you have any questions, write them down and ask me next class. You all will be going into a self-study period."

As Miss Xirenia was getting ready to leave, she paused, as if remembering something important. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: the name of this phenomenon is called Bloodline Deviation, which refers to the change of bloodlines from the norm." With that, Miss Xirenia once again disappeared in a fiery blaze.

After her departure, there was a lingering silence in the room, apart from the scribbling of pencils. Soon, the room erupted into a flurry of different conversations. Brandon and Sarah had already taken the empty seats next to Jaylen.

"Jaylen, what are your plans after school today?" Brandon asked, though his gaze lingered on the holoscreen that still displayed the different bloodline grades.

"I plan to go to the library to look at the book you mentioned last week. If it can help me understand the mysteries surrounding why I can't use mana, I'm more than willing to investigate," Jaylen replied, his voice laced with determination. Despite the uncertainties surrounding himself, he was resolute in his quest to uncover all the secrets surrounding him and harness its power.