
The Beginning Of All End

The rain poured down heavy on the back of Dapharius. In his hands on this dreadful night, was the one thing that could save the wars he so desperately fought all his life. In his hands....rested a child. HIS child. Half Yaku, half Repharian, he would be the abomination to cease the 500 year war between the two races.

Dapharius quickly zig-zagged his way between the alleyways, the hard footsteps of the Yaku elite tailing him not far off. Dapharius knew he didn't have long before the Elites caught up with him, as they were as fast as they were deadly. The newborn child remained silent and peaceful within his arms, as if the situation itself was oblivious in all its own. He quickly turned a corner and found an abandoned warehouse. Using one swift kick, the doors flew themselves open as easily as a knife would cut butter. Only to his shock and disappointment, one thing stood in his way inside the warehouse. The one thing he could not kill. His wife, Yamoto.

"Hand over the child now, and you may yet live Dapharius" Yamoto said coldly. There was no emotion in her eyes, devoid of all the things that made Dapharius once love her. Behind her stood 100 of the most Elite of the Yaku, hand selected by Yamoto herself. She was, after all, the Queen of her people.

Dapharius took one hard look at the situation presented in front of him. He then smiled.

"For you my dear Yamoto, anything. But this....." all of the sudden, quicker than the eye could follow he appeared behind Yamoto. "This ends here." A blinding light began to fill Dapharius's entire being, and a purple coy fish emanated itself around Dapharius.

"GET THE CHILD AT ALL COSTS!" screeched Yamoto, as she was well aware of his plan. All 100 Elites rushed in without a moment of hesitation, each brandishing a sword filled with the energy of a black crane, swirling with malice and only one intent.


All 100 swords shot out a blast of energy, the cranes screeching a horrifying sound as they approached their target. In this moment, Yamoto dived toward Dapharius, and snatched the child from his grasp. Just seconds before the cranes reached Dapharius, she evaporated in a cloud of green smoke, with the child in hand. Just before she dissapeared, she said one thing that made Dapharius's eyes bulge with rage as his final explosion was about to ignite.

"This child will be your downfall."

The warehouse exploded, the energies of both the cranes and the coy fish emanating in the air making a black and purple smoke that rose up and filled the streets. From miles away, Yamoto appeared from green smoke, the child in hand. And for the first time, the child began to cry.