

Ray rub his hurting cheek and he immediately felt the need to strangle that girl . He didn't even get her name . He could feel the magic all over him so he tried to relaxed but he couldn't. she had not only hurt his face but even his ego and he must get revenge somehow and he will make sure he ruin her life completely. He look at his hand and saw black veins which is circulating all over his body and he try to calm down but couldn't . according to the medicine man he met yesterday night , if the power enter his heart he will become a monster unless he found the "girl".

He sigh frustrated How can he find the girl when he have no idea how she look like but the old man gave him a clue by telling him to go to the forest she will come there but instead of getting cured he got shot by an hunter who thought he was some bush animal and ended up with that girl. the thought of her brings bad taste in his mouth.

He looked at the window and find out it was snowing so he took a shower and went to bed but he couldn't sleep as his mind wander about all he manage to do is to pray that he will find the "girl" before it is too late and sooner or later his parent will find out. He sigh and turn to the left. But his mind was not at rest so he took his bow and left his room to the soldier's camp in the western side of the palace.

********** ONE MONTH LATER**********

zona was heading to the market to get vegetables . As she approach a grocery seller , suddenly people divide into two making way for the royal guards who obviously want to make an announcement. they rode on their horse majestically to the center of the market. then a plump man among them took a large but short scroll and read aloud to the hearing of the crowd

📖" people of vindelle, the king has given

invitation to the youth who is aged 17-23 to

attend a ball which will be held tonight in

the palace" 📘

He look at the large crowd and signal his companion to ride ahead of him The market became very noisy as every one was excited, the can't wait to go to the ball and meet the royals and maybe find an eligible man to marry. Zona bought the vegetables and left for home . when she got home she couldn't find her grandma home , so ,she realized immediately she went to get some herbs. Her grandma is a medicine woman, she's very good at herbs. According to her , her father was an herbalist he treat people with different herbs until his death.

She left to the kitchen to make dinner , After the preparation of the food she sat impatiently on the wooden chair staring blankly at the lantern in front of her. The cold breeze of the night blew through the window to her body, making her to shiver and pray for her grandma's safety . After a few minutes her grandma entered the room with a lot of herbs on her both hands .

"Grandma " she said as she hurry to take the herbs from her hand. " I was worried about you" she said as she drop the herbs on the counter .

"Well I couldn't find the herbs I was looking for so I went deep into the woods" she said as she lay down trying to regain the strength she have exhaust looking for herbs. she watch with her half-close eyes .

" Why aren't you at the ball ?

Zona shrugged nonchalantly and said

" It not my thing to attend a ball and any way I don't have a dress for the ball."

Lily look at her grandchild for some seconds ,before standing up and went into the room.

She return later with a beautiful dress which look like a bridal dress.

zona walk reluctantly into the room and change . After some minutes later she walk out looking gorgeous in her outfit but she was too uncomfortable to notice.