
Taken down for spirity

What would you do, if the first time you booted up into a VR Cyberspace Universe, you got the most Overpowered weapon? This is a system story where Everyone has a system! Except the main character, who has the Most OP System that he gets from his weapon! WPC#166 entrant Ken Ouroboros was a disaster child. From the moment he was born, he set everything and anything he touched into absolute chaos. Known for hating rules and cockily challenging authority, Ken was on the brink of being sent to jail for his brazen misdemeanors. But when a man gives him access to Cyberscape, a game set 1000 years in the future where thousands of online players fight over a large galaxy, he gets the most powerful weapon the "Cyberblade Plasma" from a loot box at level 1! However this comes with a huge price. On his first time playing the game 10,000 players invade his world to try and steal the weapon! The missile barreled through the air, blasting a hot trail of fuel behind it. As it sped towards Ken, it made an ark in the sky that added another flash of neon to the already vibrant city. As the missile came within a few feet of hitting him, Ken closed his eyes. “Focus….” He popped his eyes back open, raising his blade to meet the speeding missile head on. Positioning his blade in the center of its diameter he indented his blade into its tip. After penetrating an inch deep, he swiveled the blade around the edge of the inside of the missile barely cutting into its surface. Sweeping his blade around, he slashed the missile’s exhaust and thrusted it to the side. “Hehe Juicy” Ken gagged BOOOOOOOOOM!!!! The missile drifted off into the distance exploding into a section of cars far behind him. “That's impossible,” Wei Chen said, dropping to his knees. “He manually deflected the missile… That's not possible! he would have to have gone around the entire infrastructure, chamber of explosives and exhaust in the blink of an eye… That's simply not possible!” “You there!” Wei Chen yelled “Are you smurfing! What in the hell was that! No… you’re hacking! Even a Max level player couldn’t do that! What the hell are you?” The Image I used as my cover is not mine, if you would like me to take it down please contact me.

Gaburieru · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Level Up! Wei's Defeat! Part 2

"That blade is mine!" Wei said as his red slash got closer and closer to Ken.

"I can't parry this, and I don't have any abilities to match it… I've only got one shot at this!" Ken said

Taking out one of his blades He aimed it upwards.

"Fly!" He yelled

Throwing his blade with a spin, he curved it around the red beam slowly approaching the aircraft above him.

"What the heck! Is that really his blade?" Wei shouted

Kens blade crashed into the aircraft blasting it to smithereens

Wei fell out of the sky crashing into a parked car on the Highway. He limped off of the dented vehicle's hood holding on for dear life.

"100HP I'm still alive!" Wei said "I'm still alive!"


Wei injected himself with an implant regaining all his health.

"Now it's my time to gloat!" Wei said stretching his arms to the sky. "I Wei Chen Wei have finally defeated Ken Orobouros! The Cyberblade is-"

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Wei heard from below him



Kens blade popped out from below his feet penetrating straight through the cybersteel pavement.

"CYBBBERR!!!! SLICER!!!!!" Ken yelled

[Level Up!]

[Level: 7]

[Abilites Learned: Wall run vertical]

[Weapon Level: 7]

[Weapon Abilities learned: Cyber Slicer]

[Health: 876]

Kens blade ripped into Wei catapulting him into the air

"Impossible! The scanner says level 7! When did he? That's right, the aircraft! There were 11 soldiers on that thing! He leveled up and got an ability!

"Mace, what did he use to finish me!"

"It says he used Cyber slicer, a homing gap closer ability that slashes through an opponent. It's castable on air as well as ground, and dashes through all cyber/beam like attacks except plasma!"


Wei landed back on the ground with Ken standing over him.

"I guess I lose…" Wei said as his body started to disintegrate. "I wasn't able to defeat a level 1, I guess this is what I deserve…Ken Orobouros I'll never for-"


"OOOOWW!!!" Wei yelled

"Dude would you freaking relax already! It's a video game man!" Ken said laughing "Bro just tell me how you feel when you log back in!"

"But what about my stuff, when a player loses a duel he has to forfeit his main weapon and any loot he may be"

"I don't need that crap!" Ken said "I've got everything I need right here!" He said holding his blade high in the sky."

"You know what you're not so bad for a self-absorbed asshole" Wei said laughing

"I wish I could say the same, but you just suck as a person" Ken laughed

"You bastard Hahahah" Wei laughed "You know what keep the damn loot! I'm going back to my world to power level! I don't care how many times I die! I will make it through! Until we meet again! Ken Orobouros!" Wei said disappearing

"Here's a present before I go!" Wei said leaving a purple orb behind. "I was going to use it to summon my friends here, but I guess its a little too late for that."

"Hmmm.." Ken said picking up the item

[Summoning orb(player)): Summons a player in your friend list, if no players name is chosen, chooses player who last messaged you.

"Alert your level has risen to 15" Sexy Babe said "5 new abilities have become unlocked, also a friend request from player Wei-Chen-Wei has been received.

"Now that's what I call Juicy" Ken said laying on his back in the middle of the highway

"Well you sure picked a great place to sunbathe!" An NPC said getting out of his car.

"Yeh@ And where the heck is the rest of the road?" Another NPC said.

"I remember you! You're the idiot from earlier! Are you blind! Some guy blew the whole road up and then this guy started slashing cars like they were sale item prices!"

"You could use some sale item clothes! What year are you from? 2020? Who the hell wears jeans anymore?"

"I dare you to say that again!"

"That again! Also who the hell wears jeans anymore?"

"I don't know what hurts my brain more! The concussion I probably have from that crash, or your stupidity!"

"Master, I have a new message from a player named Crimson Viper" Sexy Babe said

"Play the message" Ken said

"Hey Ken, it's me Maya. I've seen you all over the news! I've sent you like 100 invites what the hell you are doing! Accept already! Let's meet up at Nautica heights and get some drinks!"

"Maya!" Ken yelled "She found me so fast! Ha that just proves how popular I've become" Ken said gloating "Hey Sexy Babe what does she mean by invites?"

"This is not a player world, this is a user home world. A world filled with NPCs and no players. She has sent multiple invitations to join your world"

"Then why the hell haven't you notified me! And what do you mean no players! Then where did that Wei guy come from!"

"Wei sent you an invitation to join your world the second you obtained the blade. Didn't you see a notification pop up?"

"I see...I wasn't paying attention then, I was clicking through everything..."

"Also I couldn't alert you during combat, would you like me to give you updates on the others?


"At the moment you have 3000 messages 10,000 invitations as well as 100 friend requests"

"That many! Ken said "That's insane!, how many users can there be on one planet at a time?"

"There is no limit, the entire player base could land on your planet if they wanted, they would have to load in one by one in a que but they could all come if they liked."

"Good," Ken said "I want you to accept all 100 friend requests and all 10,000 invitations to join my world, but put Maya at the front of the line!" Ken ordered

"Are you sure?"

"Hell yeh! LEts make this game more interesting!" "Also I want you to send a message to all 10,000 players as well as the 3000 messages in my inbox"

"And what would that be master?"

"Juicy! He replied with Juicy? Sir what does this mean?"

A man in a blue cybersuit read a message from a computer in a giant spaceship, the light from the window of the room he was sitting in was hardly noticeable amongst the thousands of others. From the looks of it the spaceship was large enough to be a user world, or multiple at that!

"It means that Idiot didn't read our message! So much for securing him a spot in our guild! At this rate He's probably been bamboozled by some other scheming player!" Another man answered. As he dropped his head, the emblem of an eagle gleamed on the top of his hat.

"Sir there's some kind of breaking news on the cyber net apparently a level 15 player has accepted 10,000 players into his home world, and get this his name is"

"Ken Orobouros!" The other man groaned

"Goddamnit! Every guild and their mother is gonna be there! Blanka send a message to Jin! Tell him failure is not an option! I swear! How the hell does the most powerful sword in the game end up in the hands of someone who literally has chaos as their last name?"