

All heaven has to do is wish upon a shooting star and her prince charming will be running to her. Things happened so fast and she's at the other side of the town attending her best friend wedding, who's getting married to her ex boyfriend. Heaven find herself talking to vampires and being in a vampire clan, fighting for her life along with her prince charming. Everything will go away and never come back if only she wish her prince charming away. "Let my prince charming be with me forever" She didn't wish him away and will have to endure everything and fight to survive. OTHER BOOKS THE PRINCESS AND THE FOURTH KNIGHT RIELA, MR DAMON'S BELLA BETROTHED TO THE VAMPIRE KING FARTHER WELCOME PRINCE CHARMING

Luv_me · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


She knows things have'nt being alright with them but that does'nt mean he'll ask her questions like they just met.

"I feel like am being interrogated gael, please drop the boring question of yours" heaven said.

Gael lets out a chuckle "always the fiesty heaven i knew, so...did you hear about the engage..." Gael ask slowly pressing his teeth together. He understands the position she's in and don't want her to feel like he's mocking her or some sort of a negative vibe feeings.


"Heaven your phone keeps bubbling" patricia came in stretching the phone to her.

"Thank you" she quickly collects the phone from patricia to check the message sent to her. She mormally don't receive important messages but she still check in case it turns into a changing point for her and today is a changing point for her.

"Ahhhh" heaven could'nt hold on to her phone after reading the message in her phone. It's a big miracle for her.

What is it?" Both patricia and gael ask worriedly. Patricia quickly pick the phone from the ground to see why she acted like that.

"Application approved and...is this a pass paper am seeing now?, for five years, long enough to be a citizen" patricia keeps jumping up as she ask all her questions. Heaven deserves every good thing happening to her right now, she's so happy for her.

"Really heaven" gael ask happily.

All heaven can do is nod her head, she is so shock right now that she does'nt have anything to say.

"This calls for a double celebration, wowww" patricia keeps dancing like she's the one being approved to stay at the other side of the town. A part of her knows if its okay for heaven then its okay for them.

Since she has being helping her mother manage the orphanage home, heaven is the only person she knows that visit the orphanage home constantly. The ones living in this dide of the town comes once in a while claiming they're occupied with work, sometimes they come so they can get something to eat or camp in for the night. But heaven is different, she makes dure to help as much as she can and even starve herself to make sure they're okay.

"Am so happy for you heaven" gael almost bring himself to hug her but hold back before she takes it the wrong way.

"Thank you"

Today is a blessed day for her. They celebrated mama's birthday and her going to the other side of the town. Since gael will be leaving tomorrow, she decided to join him. She have'nt traveled before and certainly she will need the help from someone she know or someone she knew.

"Will you be able to face him?" Gael ask heaven whocs is waiting the bus. It's night time so he decided to accompany her till she get a bus to her destination.

The cold night breeze gets in her with the question. Her hair is all scattered on her face because of it and its a good thing she's putting on her sunglasses.

"I dont want to talk about that gael....the past is the past and i plan on leaving it that way" heaven said trying to hold back her tears, now she know the value of sunglasses.

"Okay...but don't come crying to me because i won't buy you ice cream" he said it to make her smile and it did.

Thats right, the annoying guy is back.

"It,s really good when you smile" gael said.

The both of them turned quiet waiting for the bus till heaven decided to break the ice.

"I did a good thing right?...i did a good thing by not doing anything right?" She ask waiting patiently for an answer she always wanted to her question.

"Sometimes it's better not to do anything and...no friend will be as brave as you are heaven, i mean they're happy together and wish to spend the rest of their lives together" gael said. He know she's hurting right now but it's better she knows that there's no chapter of her in mike's story.

"Right" she nods her head as the tears drops down her eyes. A thumps up for sunglasses.

"Are you alright heaven?" Gael ask worriedly. He wanted to hug her but the horn from the junky bus interupted him.

He really has being at the other side of flourish town to not remember how things are here, he's happy heaven will finally go to the real paradise.

"Here's the bus, bye gael" she wave at him before entering the bus.

Gael stood there watching heaven even as the bus takes off. From the day he set his foot in the orphanage home, heaven has always being the one to comfort him whenever he remembers his late mother, he always gets jealous when she spend more time with tracy. It was first love for him and it will be the last, darn that mike for breaking her heart. He sure will get back at that scumbag.

** ** ** **

The morning is a good one for her. After telling her roommates she'll be staying at the other side of flourish town with prove, they all tried to ask for her number but she played dumb to it.

She'll make sure to go for her job interview before sight seeing the whole town.

"Take this bottle water heaven, it'll be good for the journey" one of her roommate said stretching out a bottle of water to her.

"Thanks but i already packed some bottle water, see you guys in a very long time i guess" she said then start dragging her luggage outside. Now her roommates wants to help her take her luggage outside, so this is how it feels like when people floaks around someone.

Well, her main purpose for going to the other side of flourish town is to further her studies in a good college of becoming a professor and helping the orpanage home. She has given a hundred dollar to patricia which she knows won't be enough to cater for them, so, she must work hard to provide for them and herself.

"Bye sweet heaven" her roommates wave at her as she gets in the taxi with gael.

"Sweet heaven?" Gael ask in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't you dare gael" the glare from her is enough for him to straighten his mocky face "how long will it take to reach the border gate?"

"Eight hours, with the time right now we're going to get there by five in the evening" gael said checking the watch on his wrist.

"We have a long way to go"

The journey started and she first gave a call to patricia so she can talk to her whole family before leaving this non flourishing town. She'll miss them, but she'll make sure to support them so the orphanage home won't be shut down.

As they go further, she saw places that she never would believe is in this side of flourish town. The big catholic church painted black is the only building on the bushy land full of giraffe and rabbits "so amazing". She saw a scupture of a man being stripped on his knees and a woman whipping him with the ancient cane.

The healthy greeny forest behind the forest really surprises her, since she has being in this town, she has never heard or seen a healthy greeny plant "thats strange"

Well, the person must be rich to be able to build up his or her forest that way. Heaven decided to give a call to tracy, she must be waiting for her call so she'll call to inform her about her road experience.

It did'nt take long before tracy answered her "hey bestie, are you almost to the border?" Heaven can feel the excitement in her friend's voice.

"Maybe almost, its so tiring and am exhausted already even if we're using a car" heaven said.

"We?, who are you with?" Tracy never remembered heaven telling her about bringing someone along. She should have told her a pass paper is for one person only.

"Am with gael, am sure you know him. He came for mama's birthday so he's going back"

"Oh gael, i know that punk guy. Give him the phone so i can speak with him" tracy said.

"He's sleeping right now, maybe when we get there"

"Okay, am so happy you're coming to this side of flourish town and you'll be staying here for good. So many people will think the job was fake but they don't know its fuckin real" tracy continues.

"Even i did'nt take it serious, but am grateful it took me serious" she still can't believe she's going to the other side of flourish town. It's a dream come true for her.

"Heaven go on a video call, let me introduce my fiance mike to you"

Just by the name she felt her hand stopping halfway and not able to move again. She really did'nt ponder much on gael's question but now its hitting her "will she really be able to face him?"