
18- family

I was so excited, for one I had DADA with Remus today and I was finally playing quidditch again. I headed to breakfast. Hermione patted at an empty seat next to her but I just ignored it and took a seat next to Angelina. She whispered softly into my ear,

"You know girl, you're gonna have to speak to them sooner rather than later."

"No, they called me a murder, I'm not a murderer." I said as I forced my fork into my plate. No one spoke about the subject again. I then headed to DADA early so I could see Remus. He was in his classroom and I pointed at the wardrobe,

"Hey Remus are we doing boggarts today?"

"Have I ever told you you're so smart Accalia." I laughed he had taken to my new nickname and called me only by that when we were together.

"Only because I had a great teacher Moony." We just both laughed.

When the rest of the class filed into the room he began teaching us the wand incantation which was Riddikulus. We all stood in a long line as people began turning the boggart into hilarious things. When it was my turn to bogart turned to a cloud showing a room on fire with people screaming. I'm that room there was Sirius and Remus. My family. I stood there for a moment not knowing what to do before screaming Riddikulus the cloud turned into orange snowflakes. Harry was the last person to go and his turned into a dementor. Harry just stood there. Lupin pushed him out of the way and the boggart turned to a moon. Poor Moony. I knew why but no one else did. I ran up and push Remus out of the way and Harry back in-front of the boggart so it would turn back into a dementor. I cast my patronus and pushed the dementor back into the wardrobe whilst Remus pushed the doors shut and locked it.

"Thanks Accalia umm I mean miss Black." Stuttered Lupin. We both just looked up eachother and I laughed a little. Harry came up to me and said,

"Why did he call you Acca... what's it?" I turned to him and just simply replied,

"Nothing you need to worry about Potter" and just walked away.

I helped Moony clean up after the lesson. He asked about my boggart,

"Who was in the fire Accalia?" He slowly asked knowing that it would be a sensitive subject. I breathed before I started to talk,

"You and Padfoot." We has all taken to talk about our group with our nicknames.

"What about the Weasleys and Harry and Hermione." He asked simply

"No, only you, I think it's becuase you're the closest thing I have to family and I can't loose you."

Moony started again,

"And what was the fire."

"I cast it with my Pyrokinisis. I could kill you all and I wouldn't mean it." I started to cry as Moony hugged me tight.

I made my way to the quidditch pitch to get ready when I say the Slytherin team talking to a first year Hufflepuff boy. He looked scared as he was on the floor. I heard the word mudblood used and that immediately caused my anger to build over the edge. I saw Draco look at me from the front of the group. The young boy was on the floor tears falling from his eyes.

"What the hell do you think your doing Draco." I snapped. Draco just merely laughs back,

"Just having some fun aren't we Michael, he touched Michael with the corner of his boot.

"Leave him alone Draco, he didn't do anything" I held up my wand and Michael in my other arm. He was clutching to my side. He was obviously bleeding as I caught the blood on my blazer. Malfoy raised his wand. I grabbed my arm and pulled him closer. All I said were 4 simple words.

"We're blood Draco please." He just gave me a look as if to say I'm sorry then called the Slytherin team off. What I hadn't realised was that the whole Gryffindor team had been watching from the changing room. I knelt on my knees and talked to Michael.

"Hey, why don't we go to the hospital wing and miss pomfrey can sort this cut right out." He nodded as he sniffed through the tears. I grabbed my bags before I could say anything to any of the team mates. I just said to wood 'I'll be back for the game I swear.'

Michael didn't leave my side until I got to the hospital wing and he went to sit on a bed. I distracted him whilst miss pomfrey was cleaning his wound by asking about how he likes hogwarts and what he thought about it. After he was done his friends met him in the hospital room. It reminded me of when we had the whole thing in first year about the whole philosophers stone thing. My 'friends' were first to my side although I doubt they would now. I hugged Michael goodbye and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. His friends laughed and Michael blushed. Omg first years are so cute. Mrs pomfrey stopped me before leaving. She awarded me 45 points for gryffindor which I was so happy about. She said she didn't think anyone else would do that for someone. I just smiled as I made my way down t the quidditch pitch.

I was already in my quidditch robes as I had got changed before so I was ready. Fred and George ran up to me and got me on their shoulders.

"How did you do it sis, the whole go away Malfoy thing." I just laughed as I zipped my mouth shut.

"Guess who just got 45 points for Gryffindor." I shouted as I once again lifted up they cheered once again as the whole team came over. Including Ron, Harry and Hermione. I just rolled my eyes and walked away. I couldn't deal with them, especially not right before a match.

The match commenced, Lee Jordan was commentating the match as he usually does. It was raining pretty bad so I cast a rain repellent on our robes and brooms so we would be able to see. Harry rose into the air and all I could see was dementors. I rose up into the air. The memory I thought of was when me and Remus were practicing my magic on a picture of my dad and giving him moustaches and full on bears like Dumbledore. A wolf shot from the send of my wand. But as I pushed to hard, I slipped from my broom and so did harry. He was calling out for me but I cast a protection charm over him so he wouldn't hit the floor but as we were tumbling I didn't have enough energy to cast one around me to and that hit me like a ton a bricks, literally. I hit the floor with an impact whilst harry was completely fine just a bit shaken up with the whole experience. Everything had gone black.

-Remus's pov-

I saw Holly tumbling from the sky without a broom, all that went through my head was the omg Sirius is gonna kill me. She was using her energy to protect harry from any harm at all but she didn't have enough energy to protect herself. Classic Holly, always putting herself in danger, she is such a mini Sirius. She collapsed onto the floor as all the staff rushed to her side. Harry has just been released from the shield when he saw Holly lying on the ground. I picked her up and carried her to the hospital wing. Her head was badly bruised and bleeding and he eyes weren't opening. All I could say was,

"Come on Accalia, your so strong." Omg if she dies Sirius will be in Azkaban for another 12 years for murdering me. My niece. Lifeless on the bed. Harry had rushed to her side along with Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore said that the Weasleys were informed and there is a rather angry Bill coming to hogwarts. Holly had told me all about Bill, she was so close to him. When he finds out what happened to his little sister he's going to be joining Sirius in Azkaban for murdering everyone. God please wake up Accalia.

-bills pov-

I had received a letter from Dumbledore, that Holly was hurt very badly. Anger ran through me as i apparated to hogwarts. I ran into the hospital wing. To be met by Remus Lupin.

"Ok Bill before you see her, she was protecting Harry, even thou he did something despicable toy niece, she is to much like her father and like saving people." Holly had written to me saying all the things that Harry, Hermione and Ron said about her. Not even to her face. Ron of all people she is our sister no matter of her parents. I pushed past Remus to see my little Holly lifeless on the bed.

"Wait!" I started "where's snowball, she may wake up if she has her." As if on command snowball appeared out of nowhere and jumped onto Hollys chest. She curled up and laid down. Snowball started to glow and so did Holly, it was like snowball was healing her. And what was my theory about snowball, she wasn't ordinary, I was right just gonna put it out there. Even Dumbledore looked speechless, like he'd never seen this happen before. Quicker than lightning Hollys eyes opened as she shot up from laying down. She was coughing as I held her tight. She looked over at me and wrapped her arms round me. My little sister was ok thank the lord. Now to deal with the others. I turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione shooting them looks.

"How are you say those things about her, she's a kid she can't control who her parents are, we're her family through thick and thin." My voice was now being raised by a lot. I felt a hand on my arm. It was Holly she was signalling for me to sit down. She then spoke to them,

"Just becuase I save you Harry doesn't mean we're friends. Anyway who would wanna be friends with a freak, broken, murderer like me." Her voice was now being raised. She stood up from her bed no matter who tried to hold her down. She wasn't in a hospital gown she was still in her quidditch robes. She stormed out of the hospital wing with snowball by her side. She had the orb around so none of us could grab her or use magic to pull her back.

"Just let her go, she needs time, I know where she'll be anyway." Dumbledore spoke up.