
Take It If You Dare

Callum just wanted to tend to his farm and maybe raise a family. His simple dreams are shattered when tragedy befalls him. He now finds himself stranded far from the world he knew and must struggle to survive in a harsh land. Join him in his journey to make a place for himself. A true weak-to-strong character growth will have Callum struggling early on. But he tackles each challenge and grows stronger. He levels up, finds new allies, finds loot, and gets good. The story will also feature castle/city building as well as kingdom building. This story contains adult themes. I encourage you to read auxiliary chapter "Note on R18 content" to get an idea of what to expect. TLDR on that auxiliary chapter is that R18 chapters will be clearly marked with no major plot points in them; meaning they can easily be skipped if that's not your thing.

seth4bucks · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

First Tax Collection


'Note: Party Invite by Jia Xinyi'

Accept: (Y/N?)


Callum immediately accepted the party invite; the Count's men had already had their status changed to 'Enemy' from the grey 'Neutral'. He didn't know who Xinyi was, but it had to be someone from the defender's forces.

A small image of his face joined four others on the right side of his vision. Underneath each image was a name and several bars representing everyone's respective health, stamina, and mana bars. Callum was promptly hit with a buff that boosted his mana regeneration.

He was giving ground under a spirited assault conducted by two enemy soldiers, including the arrogant leader. They pressed him hard and only his <<Spirit Armor>> and timely healing from one of his new party members kept him on his feet.

It swiftly became clear that the leader heavily outclassed Callum in terms of levels. A feint by the commander drew Callum out of position and into the path of a whistling sword. He hopelessly tried to get his axe back into position as the blade descended towards his chest.

Suddenly, the descending blade was turned aside and a lithe figure stood in front of Callum.

"He's an Advanced Class. Leave him to me and concentrate on the other one," a familiar voice instructed, as the woman in front of him leapt forward into combat.

Free from the commander, Callum was able to quickly take out the other soldier with several heavy axe strikes that his opponent was unable to fully block.

His Giant Spider was unexpectedly banished. Instantly fearful, he checked on his connection with Amarok. He sensed excitement and a fierce battle lust through their connection; his friend was mostly unharmed and was in no danger.

However, this caused Callum to remember something he had overlooked, "The Dire Wolf is an enemy to the Count. Don't harm him!" Callum heard the instructions repeated as he surveyed the battlefield.

It was obvious that the enemy Commander was a higher level than his rescuer as she was forced to constantly give ground to him. However, the woman had ranged support in the form of an archer, as well as a healer who constantly layered buffs and heals on the woman.

Since she was holding her own with that assistance, Callum looked to see if he was needed elsewhere. He saw that two of the Baroness' soldiers were under pressure from four enemies; he quickly ran in their direction.

An axe strike straight through one of the enemys' torsos announced Callum's presence in the one sided fight. Caught off guard by Callum's sudden arrival, one of the other enemy soldiers left herself vulnerable to a counter strike by her opponent.

Just like that, a previous four versus two fight had worsened for the enemy into a two versus three fight. The odds soon deteriorated even further for the Count's soldiers as more friendly soldiers finished off their opponents and looked for other battles to join.

Callum's shield winked out when its timer ended, but the priest in his new party soon created an inferior shield to replace it. The healer's prompt actions throughout the battle had earned Callum's eternal gratitude; he could get used to fighting with full health throughout a battle.

The few remaining enemies attempted to flee the battlefield, but Amarok and Callum quickly chased after them. Their greater movement caused the three soldiers to throw down their weapons and surrender.

By the time the duo escorted the surrendered soldiers back, the once haughty enemy Commander was on his last legs; he constantly tried to flee but his opponents didn't let up.

All ten friendly soldiers kept up a constant barrage of spells, items, and abilities to keep the Commander from retreating; plant growths tried to grab his legs, arrows and spells cut off his retreat paths, and the lithe Xinyi was constantly in his face.

He refused to surrender and the Baronessess' men refused to give any quarter. For all his arrogance and bluster, he died an ignominious death in the middle of nowhere. No bards would sing of his last stand.

His new allies swarmed him with well wishes and hearty thanks, it seemed like every single one of them gave him a heartfelt hug. However, they kept a wary distance away from Amarok; a giant Dire Wolf with blood matted fur was too much for them.

Two more soldiers descended from the hilltop, escorting a dozen and a half noncombatants, including the graceful Baroness. Their mood was celebratory due to their unexpected victory over their pursuers; and they swarmed Callum with their own thanks.

Off to the side, the Baroness and Captain Xinyi waited respectfully for their people to thank Callum. Amarok's sudden presence by his side finally gave Callum some space; his previous wellwishers suddenly had pressing business elsewhere.

"Thank you, Stranger, for your assistance. I'm Baroness Li Mei, I owe you my thanks for your timely arrival," the woman said with a gravitas that belied her short stature.

Callum was in the process of using <Clean> to try and get Amarok somewhat presentable. He paused and considered the two beautiful women standing before him before glancing at the numerous soldiers and other individuals.

"They were trespassing on my land and needed to pay the asshole tax," he replied.

"Earlier, I overheard that you have lost your old lands; I think we can help each other out," Callum continued as he started smiling.


Callum, the Captain, and the Baroness all worked to outline the basis for a plan. Callum would provide shelter and security to the Baron's people. Additionally, he would assist in trying to liberate the 20-30 prisoners that had been captured in previous battles.

The Baroness, on her husband's behalf, would make a temporary oath of fealty to Callum. The oath would last until the pass was mostly clear of snow, at which point the Baron or Baroness could choose to renew the oath on a more permanent basis.

These oaths would transfer their people's oath through them to Callum, lessening the risk that anyone would turn on Callum. Finally, they would bind themselves and their people up in oaths of secrecy about Callum's shelter regardless of whether they remained or moved on in the Spring.

Deal reached, Callum and Amarok took off towards his castle, he had some upgrades to start and preparations to make at the castle before the rest of the group arrived. The Baroness and her party would finish looting the bodies and follow his trail at a more sedate pace.

"That's how you do it, Amarok. First day as Castle Lord and I already have thirty new subjects!"


Amarok didn't really understand all that the strange one said, but he did know that the strange one was excited. His blood still sang with a fire that only battle could ignite. He let out a howl, eager to share in his new packmate's excitement.


Please comment and review if you're enjoying the story!

Thank you RedPandaChick for editing my novel and bringing clarity to my words. Any grammatical or spelling errors are my own, since I probably didn't listen to her sage advice.

seth4buckscreators' thoughts