Heroes were summoned, wars ended, and the world was saved. Except, it wasn't. The heroes turned traitors and started conquering the world instead. They conquered, destroyed, and ravaged for fun. Meanwhile, a remote village got wiped overnight, with only one survivor. Now surviving the tragedy of his village, Flint, pledges to seek vengeance against whoever dared to unalive all his precious family.
Flint immediately wanted to find a transporter and get into a party to take down trolls.
But there were three problems.
One, he was a newbie and no one would want to let in a complete beginner into their party.
Two, trolls were really dangerous so not many parties were even allowed to take up the quest in the first place.
And third-
He couldn't find any transporters willing.
Sigh. A hand on his head, he sat down in the corner… all by himself.
'I knew this would happen yet…' Yet why did he feel so pathetic?
What was he even hoping for?
"I heard you were looking for transporters-" A whisper and a blow- "My lil Fil-"
Shiver- a shiver ran down Flint's spine as he carefully looked back. "Mi-miss Amanda…" He managed.
"Oh, you're not turning red for once. let me guess, got your cherry popped?"
Half of Flint's face was covered under a mask and the rest of the half, with bandages.
He sighed. "Please stop making fun of me."
'Even with this mask she knows it's me?' But this was the perfect chance.
Flint didn't like the woman nor did he feel safe around her. But her skills as a transporter were top notch.
"Are in a party Miss Amanda?"
"Amanda's fine." She held a cup in her hand. "And no."
At first Flint thought it was tea- but on a second glance-
Since when did tea look so crimson?
"I see… I want to kill trolls."
Slightly surprised. "In that state?"
"Yes. But it'll be hard for me to carry them back."
"And you want to use me for that?"
"To be frank, yes."
Giggling, she almost dropped her cup. "And here I thought you'd turn red with embarrassment." Catching her breath. "Sure. Why not. Every transport would cost you exactly one gold. If you can't afford that, then I suppose I'll make do with ten kisses-"
"Shh-" She held a finger to his lips. "Then one night," And whispered. "One night with me."
His heart raced; his pants also raged but at the same time- "Why me?"
It was hard maintaining his sanity, when a gorgeous babe with crimson curly hair and quite the luggage, constantly tried-
Head titled. "It's fun devouring cute boys like you. A hobby you might say." A dimple formed as her smile deepened.
Flint sighed, standing up. "Then prepared to be littered with hundred kisses-" He said looking down. "ON your lips?"
The woman, Amanda stared up. She stared at those eyes- those eyes brimming with a new light- something that wasn't there before. Slightly disappointed but she smirked. "I suppose no one stays a child forever." Yawning, she stood up and stretched. "Alright. A hundred kisses, and I'll decide where." Done drinking, she threw the cup in the trashcan across the room; perfect throw.
"No, we make an agreement first."
She giggled. "Fine, I'll let you decide. But it has to be from my chest and up. meaning-" She came closer. "Kissing my nipples are also okay-" Whisper and a blow.
Slightly red… "Ahem… let's go."
"Right now?"
"We gotta register our party first and take up the quest so no one else does!" Nose almost flaring. "Let's go!"
She shrugged- "Yeah, no one's taking this one- trust me-" She mumbled watching the boy run straight for the counter.
Flint was far too excited to listen.
Amanda just watched with confusion.
Was her earlier deduction a fluke?
The boy was injured.
Quite severely so.
How'd he get so beaten up?
She didn't know.
But she did hear something-
Or rather, overheard something.
Something when she was with the boy and the demon.
Something about revenge.
And just the other day, she heard a particular rumor about a boy charging into the three overlords, and escaping.
Could it be?
The breadcrumbs were in place, but for some reason she didn't want to connect them.
"Are you sure about this?" She said, staring ahead.
Open fields; slow gust; lots of sun.
The boy was walking in front of her, keeping an eye out.
He had a shirt on.
With every penny spent, he didn't have any money left to buy armor or anything in particular.
At this rate, even fighting a goblin was going to be severely difficult, yet-
For some reason, she came with him anyway.
Or was there more?
'Why does he-' She couldn't make up her mind.
"Heads up!" The boy said- "Goblins-"
"Yeah, I see them. Eight- no nine."
"Impressive Miss Amanda. I only see eight.
A snort. "I've been doing this for over a decade kiddo-" Sliding her hands down her thigh, she quickly threw four knives- "And it's Amanda- there's no miss involved!"
Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!
Four headshots.
Four dead goblins.
The boy smirked back. "Roger that Amanda." Jumping forward with ferocious speed, glowing in a faint blue- he sliced off three goblins' heads in one go-
Leaving one goblin mage and one sniper behind for her.
A snort- "Suck recklessness." Two more throws-
Two more dead.
Yet- 'Just like him…'
Nothing's a coincidence. This'll make a lot more sense later on.
Next chap will probably be out by saturday