
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
73 Chs

Chapter 57: What really Happened.

The prestigious walls of Clayton High School echoed with the hum of eager minds and bustling footsteps. The sun bathed the campus in a warm glow, casting long shadows across the manicured lawns and towering trees. Students chatted animatedly, their laughter mingling with the crisp autumn breeze.

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere, Myles Walley, a charismatic and playful chemistry professor, stood at the front of a lecture hall. His youthful energy and quick wit endeared him to his students. Sporting a disheveled mop of dark hair and a mischievous grin, Myles exuded an aura of approachability.

"Alright, folks, settle down!" Myles called out, his voice carrying a cheerful tone. "Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of chemical reactions. Prepare to have your minds blown!"

The students chuckled, their eyes lighting up with his corny joke. Myles paced the room, his hands gesturing animatedly as he explained complex concepts with remarkable simplicity.

"Now, imagine the atoms as a bunch of energetic partygoers," Myles quipped, earning a round of laughter from the class. "They're dancing around, bumping into each other, and occasionally forming new connections. It's chemistry's way of saying, 'Hey, let's make some magic happen!'"

As Myles continued his lecture, his enthusiasm was infectious. He fostered an environment of open dialogue, encouraging students to ask questions and challenge conventional thinking. The air buzzed with intellectual curiosity and shared laughter.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a shadowy cloak over the school, a foreboding aura enveloped Myles. The darkness seemed to awaken a sinister side within him, hidden beneath his playful façade.

In the dimly lit chemistry lab, Myles meticulously cleaned his tools, his movements precise and calculated. A chilling smile played upon his lips, contrasting with the flickering light of the Bunsen burners.

His mind wandered to an incident earlier that day. One of his students, Jacob, had tearfully confided in Myles about the relentless bullying he endured at the hands of a student from a rival school. Myles listened intently, making sure the mask of an empathic professor wouldn't break. Yet deep down, he couldn't help but scream in joy that he had an excuse to kill somebody. Snow made him promise not to kill innocent people anymore. She didn't exactly say the bad ones were part of it.

Clad in a black leather jacket, Myles ventured into the shadows of the city, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling, sadistic delight. He knew exactly where to find the tormentor.

In an alley behind the rival school, Myles spotted the bully, Danny, puffing his chest out with a swagger that reeked of arrogance. Danny's unsuspecting laughter echoed off the brick walls as he taunted another student, unaware of the approaching danger.

Myles emerged from the shadows, his voice laced with deceptive warmth. "Oh, Danny~" he said, his tone seemingly friendly. "I heard you like to pick on defenseless kids. That's not cool, you know?"

Danny turned, caught off guard by Myles' presence. "Who the hell are you?" he spat, his bravado wavering.

"Oh, just your friendly neighborhood professor," Myles replied with a chilling grin. "And let me give you a little lesson on bullying."

Without warning, Myles unleashed a burst of unimaginable speed, his hand blurring as it collided with Danny's chest. The impact sent the bully flying backward, crashing against the alley wall with bone-jarring force. Danny crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath, his eyes wide with terror.

"Now, Danny, let's talk about the importance of anti-bullying campaigns, shall we?" Myles mused, his voice dripping with a sadistic charm. "Consider yourself the poster boy for what not to do."

"What the hell, man! What did I do to you?"

Myles chuckled. "Do you remember Jacob, Danny? I'm sure you do; you gave him a black and a missing tooth a few hours ago." Danny's eyes widened as he remembered his recent victim. Before he could even utter a word, Myles cut him off.

"Now personally, I wouldn't care much if you had bullied someone else but the idea that you had the actual balls to bully one of my own. And I don't mean like how dare you harm students. This is more of somebody vandalizing my wall and letting them go with a slap on the wrist and... Well, I just can't sleep well, so do me a favor and scream, kay? Let's start with chemistry 101."

As the night swallowed the echoes of Danny's agonized screams, Myles reveled in the darkness and his psychopathic nature. There on the floor was the mutilated corpse of Danny. By the time the news arrived, Myles was already at Danny's house; he couldn't leave his poor mother behind while he went to heaven, after all. Last time he checked, Danny's mommy was having a crisis; he might as well set an appointment for her in heaven too. It didn't take too long to kill her with a small slit to the neck and he was back at home, enjoying a cup of tea and a comic book issue of The Flash.

Inside Myles Walley's modest yet comfortable house, the air was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft glow of morning light seeping through the windows. Myles, dressed in a casual t-shirt and pajama pants, went about his daily routine with the familiarity of a well-practiced ritual.

With a mug of steaming coffee in hand, Myles settled into his favorite armchair, surrounded by stacks of comic books and DVDs. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he immersed himself in the world of superheroes, finding solace and inspiration in their heroic acts.

As Myles flipped through the pages of a Flash comic, he couldn't help but admire Barry Allen's unwavering dedication and selflessness. His admiration intensified as he reached for the remote, eager to watch the premiere episode of The CW's Flash series.

The screen flickered to life, transporting Myles to Central City and the lightning-infused origin story of his favorite Scarlet Speedster. However, as the episode played out, Myles couldn't contain his frustration.

"What are they doing to you, Barry?" Myles muttered, his voice tinged with annoyance.

After season 3, the show had been in a steady decline as plots got more and more redundant to the point of hilarity. Hence, he only watched seasons 1–3 and rarely goes beyond that limit should he find the rest of the season episodes entertaining. Right now, he is watching season 9 and he hopes that it will be a wonderful episode. Sadly not.

With each passing minute, Myles grew increasingly agitated; the whole season was a garbage dump.

Just as the tension in the room reached its peak, a sudden bolt of lightning struck outside, illuminating the entire house in a blinding flash. The light flickered on and off, and with a sigh, he grabbed a chair to fix the bulb but as if Karma had finally decided on how to get revenge, he slipped and fell. But instead of his life flashing, one thought coursed through his head.

"Snow is going to laugh her ass off if she hears about how I died."

Myles felt an indescribable jolt coursing through his body, his muscles seizing as his neck broke. Darkness swallowed his consciousness as he collapsed, succumbing to the surge of electricity.

When Myles finally regained awareness, he found himself lying in a sterile hospital room, the antiseptic scent mingling with the faint beeping of monitoring equipment. Disoriented, he tried to piece together the events that led him here, the memory of the lightning strike lingering like a distant dream.

"Wh-what happened?" Myles croaked, his voice weak and strained. His body ached, and his head throbbed with a dull pain. He instinctively reached for his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath the hospital gown.

As the reality of his situation sank in, Myles couldn't help but wonder if breaking his neck had awakened something within him—something beyond the realm of an ordinary mortal. Ha! As if.

Peering through the small window on the door of his hospital room, Myles Walley's eyes widened as he observed a doctor and a stern-faced military officer engaged in a hushed conversation. Unbeknownst to him, his gaze, tinged with the remnants of the lightning's power, radiated an eerie glow of black and white.

Myles strained his eyes to read the lips of the conversation taking place outside his room. Dread washed over him as he deciphered their words—talk of dissecting his body, of studying the mysterious circumstances surrounding his lightning-induced incident.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Myles's veins as he realized the imminent danger. The desire to escape and prevent his capture consumed him, fueling his determination to escape.

His mind raced, analyzing every possible scenario as he took stock of his surroundings. The room seemed like a prison, its walls closing in on him, but he needed to escape so he needed to remain calm.

With a surge of determination, Myles focused his mind on undoing his binds but the room suddenly blurred around him as his body phased through the bed and the floor, descending to the room below. The sensation was disorienting yet exhilarating.

Confusion and calm intermingled as Myles landed in the lower room, his mind processing what had just unfolded. His mind worked at superhuman speed, piecing together the fragments of his newfound abilities.

"So... I have powers now," Myles whispered to himself, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and excitement.

As he took a moment to gather his thoughts, the blaring sound of an alarm shattered the relative silence. Glee gripped him as he realized his exit was blocked by a heavily armed military squad, their weapons trained on him.

Myles's heart pounded in his chest as he surveyed his options. There was no room for hesitation. His survival instincts kicked into overdrive, propelling him forward despite the odds stacked against him.

"Alright, boys, I'm in a very good mood right now. So let's not make this any messier than it needs to be," Myles said, his voice laced with a mixture of confidence and defiance. "I suggest you step aside. I wouldn't want things to get... messy."

The tension hung in the air as Myles stood his ground, his eyes locked with the soldiers'. The room crackled with anticipation, as if the very air recognized the power that surged within him.

The soldiers exchanged glances, their expressions betraying uncertainty. Myles's newfound abilities and his casual yet commanding demeanor had thrown them off balance, uncertain of how to proceed.

"You don't want to mess with me," Myles warned, his voice steady and low. "I may be new to this whole thing, but I assure you, I'm a quick learner."

Hearing the sounds of their guns' safety being taken told him everything he needed to know. "Alright, have it your own way then."

The once-sterile halls of the hospital transformed into a frenzied battleground as Myles Walley, now a blur of motion, tore through the building with his super speed. In his heightened state, the world shifted around him into a distorted and fractured tapestry of colors and shapes.

Soldiers stationed within the facility found themselves caught in a whirlwind of chaos as Myles became an unstoppable force, a demon from hell in their eyes. Fear gripped their hearts as they witnessed their comrades fall before the speedster's onslaught, their bodies torn apart by unseen forces.

Myles moved with an otherworldly grace. The air crackled with his malevolence as he unleashed his ruthless nature upon those who dared to stand in his way.

"Welp, since we're going to kill each other," Myles sneered, his voice dripping with sadistic glee. "Do your best to kill me, okay?"

With each step, Myles left behind a trail of destruction, leaving his enemies unable to comprehend the fury unleashed upon them. Bullets whizzed through the air, but Myles easily dodged them, their trajectories mere sluggish lines in his perception of time.

The soldiers' panicked shouts filled the air as they desperately tried to coordinate their efforts. Their commanding officer barked orders, but it was a futile attempt to reign in the chaos that had been unleashed.

"Fall back! Regroup and try to contain him!" the officer yelled, his voice filled with desperation.

But Myles paid no heed to their futile attempts at containment. He reveled in the terror he instilled, his laughter echoing through the corridors like a demented symphony.

"Open fire! Shoot him down!" a commanding officer bellowed, his voice tinged with panic. The soldiers obeyed, unleashing a hail of bullets in Myles's direction. But to their dismay, he effortlessly dodged every shot, his body zigzagging through the air like a phantom.

With each passing moment, Myles grew more relentless, his actions guided by his psychotic mindset. Soldiers became little more than playthings in his sadistic game, their lives snuffed out without remorse or regret.

"Maintain your positions! Surround him!" a commanding voice boomed through the chaos. "We can't let him escape!"

Myles was a blur, a phantom haunting their every move. He moved with a savagery and precision that belied his human form. With each punch and kick delivered at blinding speed, his adversaries crumbled before him, their bodies battered and broken. Some even have their bones and guts torn out.

"Fall back and regroup!"

But Myles gave no quarter. He continued his onslaught, moving in a blink as he felt a rush he never felt. He anticipated their every move, exploiting the precious seconds between heartbeats to strike with deadly precision.

"Take him down!" another officer barked, his voice filled with a mix of desperation and command.

But Myles was already upon them. With a blur of motion, he disarmed one soldier, sending his weapon flying, before delivering a swift, bone-shattering kick to his chest. The soldier crumpled to the ground, gasping for air.

The remaining soldiers hesitated, their eyes widening in horror as they witnessed the relentless slaughter. A sense of dread enveloped them as they realized the magnitude of the threat they faced.

Myles's maniacal laughter echoed through the blood-soaked halls as the soldiers scrambled to follow their orders. The escapee they sought had become a force of unparalleled destruction, an embodiment of chaos and cruelty.

"Oops, did I just take out your best shooter?" Myles taunted, a wicked grin on his face. "I'm sorry, did you really think you'd make it home? Don't worry, I'll make sure they'll all get a piece of you," Myles asked, his voice a chilling whisper.

The soldiers' attempts to bring him down became a frenzied scramble, their fear and desperation evident in their wide-eyed expressions. Yet, against Myles's superhuman speed and merciless nature, their efforts were in vain.

As the last soldier fell to the ground, lifeless and defeated, Myles Walley stood amidst the aftermath of his merciless rampage. His breath came in ragged gasps, his chest heaving with exertion and adrenaline still coursing through his veins. Everywhere he looked, shattered glass, crumbled walls, and the scent of burning debris permeated the air. His very presence had left a trail of devastation in his wake, a stark reminder of the untamed force he had become.

Myles relished the feeling of power—the heady rush that coursed through his veins. Every fiber of his being screamed with an overwhelming euphoria, his newfound abilities surging within him like an electric storm.

But amidst the chaos, a sudden blur obscured his vision. The world became a dizzying whirlwind of colors and motion, as if reality itself were slipping away. Confusion mingled with a sense of unease, a disconcerting feeling that something was amiss.

Myles clutched his head, his emotions in turmoil. The euphoria that had engulfed him just moments ago now gave way to deep-seated confusion. His mind struggled to process the overwhelming sensations that bombarded his senses.

"I... What's happening?" Myles muttered, his voice filled with bewilderment. The world around him blurred further, the edges of his vision fading into darkness.

As his body teetered on the precipice of unconsciousness, Myles succumbed to the mysterious forces at play. The euphoria and confusion melded into a haze, and he collapsed, his body sinking into the depths of unconsciousness.

As Myles slowly regained consciousness, he found himself in an otherworldly realm he had never seen before. Colors swirled and shifted, and ethereal energies crackled and danced across the cosmic expanse.

Confusion clouded Myles' thoughts as he took in the sights before him. He wondered how he had ended up in this strange place. Then, a realization dawned upon him like a bolt of lightning.

"The Speedforce," Myles muttered, his voice laced with awe and realization. "This is the speed force. I'm inside the speed force."

As if on cue, a physical manifestation of the Speedforce appeared before him—a shimmering entity that radiated power and authority.

"Myles Walley," the Speedforce spoke, its voice resonating with an otherworldly tone.

"Well, well, well," Myles quipped, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "So, you're the famous Speed Force, huh?"

"Your presence here is an anomaly that must be addressed."

Myles's brows furrowed, a hint of confusion on his face before it was replaced with a smile. "Obviously"

The Speedforce's ethereal form seemed to shift, a flicker of apprehension crossing its incorporeal features. "Your continued existence poses a grave threat. The power you possess, the unpredictability of your nature—they must be eradicated."

Myles'smile dropped. "That's not very nice. I'm pretty sure Thawne is just as bad as me yet he doesn't get this treatment from you." But before Myles could continue, a surge of cosmic energy erupted from within him.

"What the hell are you doing to me!" Myles screamed out as he felt every fiber of being from the atoms itself slowly becoming undone.

"Removing a problem," the speed force responded.

Myles for the first time, felt fear. No, this wasn't fear. Rage, for the first time, he was genuinely pissed off. Yet he could do nothing as he felt himself slowly being erased by something greater than him.

Yet in the depths of his being, something responded. At first, it was like a faint whisper that turned into a murderous roar.

The Speedforce recoiled in horror, realizing the presence of something ancient. primal within Myles.

"MiNE! mInE! MIne! Mine!" It yelled as it started to fix Myle

The two cosmic energies clashed, unleashing a storm of power as both fought over Myles. And Myles couldn't describe what he had endured. It may have been a few seconds but it was more hell than he could ever think of.

The constant state of being torn and rebuilt over and over drove him to insanity.

"What... what is this?" the cosmic entity stammered, its voice tinged with fear. "This is something that shouldn't be heard!"

However, the two cosmic forces were not evenly matched, and despite Speedforce defiance, this ancient force held the upper hand. With a swift and calculated move, the speedforce tore out Myles' consciousness with the intent of destroying it. Yet the enemy quickly seized it before the speedforce could destroy it. But this in turn gave the speedforce the chance it needed. Bolts of lightning struck Myles as it sealed him and the enemy away yet before it could, the enemy made one last move.

It tore its vessel in half before taking the other half with it in the seal. With its last attempt failing, the speedforce knew it was only a matter of time before this... monster would rise again.

Myles found himself trapped, a mere observer in his own body. He could only watch as the speedforce tampered and desecrated his remains and memories as it made a fake version of himself by fusing it with the body of his alternate self, while the speedforce slowly destroyed his other half in hopes of foiling any chance of regaining his full potential.

over his half-dead body!

But before he could further think about how to free himself, he felt a pull and saw a hole in his prison. Seeing as he had nothing left to lose, he entered it, and what he found was a realm of pure chaos and primal

Yet for Myles? This only meant one thing: he could get out.

So I met with the original owner of this fanfic and asked him some questions about some of the scrap ideas in his draft. Needless to say, I got nothing from him since he had no idea how to implement this arcs.

A. Marvel arc

1. Myles vs. the Kang Dynasty (yes, Myles somehow got blasted to Marvel by Barry when he caused the flashpoint.)

2. Myles and Thanos have the weirdest friendship I have ever read, with Myles offering tips on how to attract death and Thanos giving Myles tips on how to torture people.

3. Myles vs Ghost Rider

4. Myles ripped out Carnage from Cledus and kept it as a dog.

5. Myles becomes the wholesome older brother of Peter Parker and literally gives him advice on his heroic deeds.

B. The Boys (I didn't know he scrapped this)

Its just Myles bullying Homelander and Stormfront, with Stormfront having the worst fate.

C. Jujutsu Kaisen

This one is just Myles trolling the entire verse. I understand why he scrapped this since the series was about the Shibuya incident when he thought about this arc.

D. (I have no idea what went through his head with this one but good lord, this is probably the arc where I cannot see Myles as the bad guy since he murdered every rapist and ntr bastard on this arc based on the outline.) NTR Hentai.

There's way more but It would be way too long so you guys tell me if you want to see this arc done.

StoryCraftcreators' thoughts