
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
73 Chs

Chapter 55

Barry had just finished a case with Joe when Cisco alerted him about a bank robbery. Without waiting for Cisco to finish speaking, Barry sprinted toward the scene of the crime. It had been a few weeks since they captured Myles, and Central City was slowly returning to normal. Cage had left and disappeared to who knows where. However, crime was on the rise as different crime bosses fought for power. Ironically, Myles had unintentionally become a deterrent to the criminals due to his unpredictable behavior.

With Myles out of the picture, capturing criminal meta-humans had become more challenging. Despite lacking a leader, they managed to thrive and evade capture. Caitlin and Snow were keeping a close eye on Myles, even though he was skeptical about Snow's involvement. Snow had been right to take decisive action in apprehending Myles and remain vigilant in case he had any hidden plans.

Barry also noticed that Dr. Harrison was behaving strangely. He seemed angry, as if harboring personal resentment towards Barry, despite his attempts to conceal it.

Shaking off these thoughts, Barry focused on his run to the bank. As he arrived, he saw police cars floating in the sky and dropping suddenly, as if they had become incredibly heavy.

The perpetrator made himself known, dressed in a suit, and demanded the presence of The Flash. "CCPD, bring me the Flash before I tear this city apart!" he shouted.

Hearing the thunderous sound, Barry stood before the police, facing the meta. "You want me? Here I am," he confidently declared.

The meta taunted Barry, referring to him as the slow hero of Central City. Barry's expression turned serious as he asked about "the big man."

"The big man is Tachyon," growled the meta.

Barry couldn't help but smirk playfully, opening his arms wide. "So what's this about? Are you trying to distract me while your friends attack Star Labs and free him?" he asked, injecting some humor into the situation.

"Nah, that's not how the big man operates," the meta responded. "He wants us to act independently. If we want to destroy something, we do it. If we want to take something, we take it. We just need to follow two simple rules: avoid getting caught by him or you, and answer when he calls."

Barry challenged the meta, telling him that his apparent allegiance would only make things worse for him. Ignoring Barry's warning, the meta exerted a crushing force on him, causing him to kneel and eventually lie flat on the ground. The weight kept increasing, but Barry swiftly phased through the concrete, escaping momentarily. He reappeared and landed a powerful blow to the meta's face, knocking him down.

Unbeknownst to Barry, Myles observed the battle, his face bearing a new appearance. He reckoned it was time to leave since the show was over.

Through their telepathic link, Myles inquired about Peek-a-boo's readiness to Grodd, who responded that he needed more time. Grodd had never attempted to wipe and alter memories before, and he wanted to perfect their new attack dog. Myles was patient, still experimenting with what power to combine with teleportation.

As Myles continued on his way, his surroundings transformed into a chaotic black and white scene. He encountered a large eye staring back at him, causing him to smirk and offer a greeting. "Hey there, what's the pleasure of speaking to you?" he playfully asked.

The eye expressed annoyance, berating Myles for toying around for too long. It reminded him of their agreement and urged him to fulfill his part.

Myles gave the eye an exasperated look, acknowledging the need to get rid of Nora. However, he dismissed the eye's impatience, reminding it that rushing the kill was unnecessary just because they shared a mutual enemy.

The world returned to its normal state, and Myles grumbled as he made his way back to one of his newly established bases. Upon arrival, Melanie, his assistant, greeted him. She was dressed in a bunny waitress outfit, which Myles appreciated and complimented her on.

While passing by a picture frame, Myles poked its eyes, revealing a hidden passage. Melanie giggled and leaned closer, whispering huskily as she rubbed his forearm. She offered herself to him right then and there.

Myles stopped abruptly, slamming Melanie against a wall and restraining her arms. She gasped in surprise, her eyes widening as Myles placed his hand on her rear. He growled as he whispered. "Oh, you'd want that, wouldn't you?"

Melanie could only gasp heavily, feeling the heat of desire rise within her as Myles explored her curves with his hands. She saw his primal gaze, which made her feel like a prized possession.

"You want to see me tear you inside out and make a mess out of you. Make you sing to the high heavens until your voice breaks. You want to lose your mind while I have my way with you."

Suddenly, Myles stopped, teasingly grinning at her. "Unfortunately, we haven't been on a date yet. So... pass," he declared. Leaving Melanie in a dazed state, he proceeded up the stairs, ignoring the wet floor and the puddle forming beneath her.

"Clean up your mess!" Myles shouted as he made his way downstairs.


Barry sighed as he sat down on the chair, looking at the analysis of every criminal he had apprehended recently. All of them were formerly lackeys of Myles. He rubbed his eyes as he felt a slight headache from staring at the screen too long.

Hearing a knock, he turned to see Joe standing with two cups of coffee. "Hey kid," Joe greeted. The adoptive father noticed the screen and sighed. "Still looking for anything about Myles?"

Barry looked down; he wasn't afraid to admit that Myles had scarred him for good. The number of deaths their fight caused had driven him to question the purpose of his gift if he couldn't even save anyone in time. 

Barry sighed, his gaze fixed on the screen showing the frozen figure of Myles, encased in a block of ice by Caitlin Snow. "I just don't understand, Joe. How did he end up like this?"

Joe placed a hand on Barry's shoulder, offering a sympathetic look. "Barry, sometimes people change in ways we can't predict or understand. It happens."

"But he was a friend, Joe. We worked together. Cage's existence meant that there was some good inside Myles. I can't give up on him. There has to be a way to make him see reason," Barry insisted, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope.

Joe studied Barry's earnest expression, the determination etched on his face. "Barry, I get it. I've seen you try to save everyone, and that's what makes you a hero. But Myles... he's gone too far. Sometimes people can't be redeemed."

Barry's shoulders slumped, a heaviness settling in his heart. "I just can't accept that, Joe. There has to be something, some part of him that's still good."

Joe sighed, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience. "Barry, I've seen my fair share of criminals, and some of them are beyond redemption. Myles is a madman who just wants to watch the world burn, no rhyme or reason. You can't save everyone, no matter how hard you try."

Barry looked down at the city, his gaze distant. "I just want to understand, Joe. What happened to him? What turned him into this?"

Joe nodded, his expression softening. "Sometimes, Barry, there's no easy answer. Some people are broken beyond repair, and dwelling on it won't change that. While some are just... born that way. You have to focus on what you can do, on the people you can save. It's a hard lesson, but it's part of being a hero."

Barry's eyes glistened with unshed tears, his voice barely a whisper. "I can't help but feel responsible, Joe. Maybe I could have done something differently."

Joe tightened his grip on Barry's shoulder. "Barry, you can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You do what you can, and sometimes that means making tough decisions. Not everyone can be saved, and sometimes, to save others, you have to let go of those who've chosen a darker path."

As the city beyond them buzzed with the distant sounds of life, Barry struggled to reconcile the hope in his heart with the harsh reality before him. The frozen figure of Myles served as a chilling reminder that, despite his speed, there were some battles he couldn't win, and not every story had a happy ending.


Myles walked down the corridors until he reached Grodd. The huge gorilla was seated in a state of deep meditation, while Shawna Baez, also known as Peek-a-boo, lay comatose nearby. Grodd was working tirelessly to transform her into nothing more than their obedient dog.

Observing Shawna, Myles couldn't help but be reminded of Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier. A peculiar idea crossed his mind: what if he could turn her into his own version of the Winter Soldier? Perhaps even transform her into Taskmaster, equipped with a powerful vibranium or Uru arm. However, he realized that her body might not withstand such modifications. Nevertheless, he pondered how he could alter her body to handle the strain.

"It's finished." Grodd's voice reverberated in Myles' mind.

"Oh, my goodness gracious!" Myles exclaimed in surprise. "Don't do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack." He clutched his chest while Grodd looked at him unamused. "Anyway, well done. Did you also place the fail-safes in case she goes rogue?"

"Grodd has," the gorilla nodded.

"Good," Myles smiled as sparks of energy enveloped him. He didn't mind if he was detectable because the location was shielded to prevent abnormal energy levels from being noticed.

"What are you doing?" Grodd tilted his head, observing as Myles placed his hand on Shawna's head.

"I'm creating the perfect dog," Myles replied simply. Shawna's body convulsed and underwent a transformation. Her brain, muscles, and bones underwent alterations to reach peak superhuman abilities. If she had any sense of self, she would be screaming in agony as the process took effect.

Finally, Shawna's transformation was complete. She now possessed a muscular physique, with her right arm replaced by a metallic counterpart. Myles hummed, contemplating what else to bestow upon her. He didn't want her to be unstoppable, but he also desired her to possess resilience. "Let's give her high-speed regeneration... and Omnipresent detection..."

Grodd couldn't help but find the transformation both repulsive and traumatizing, yet he couldn't deny his fascination. He observed as Myles smiled widely, triple-checking his work.

"Alright, everything looks in order." Myles nodded. "Now, it's time for a trial run." He headed towards the phone. "Melanie, come over here; I need you."

"She is not ready," Grodd voiced his concerns. "She needs combat experience."

Myles chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Just a moment, I'm not finished." He placed his hands on Shawna once more as energy danced around them. When Melanie arrived, Shawna's enhancements were complete.

Immediately, Shawna stood up and saluted. Myles regarded her with a stern expression before smirking, assuming the demeanor of a military general. "At ease, Shawna. Are you ready for duty?"

Shawna's response was sharp and devoid of emotion. "Yes, sir. Ready to rock and roll."

Myles nodded in approval, locking eyes with her. "Will you follow my orders without hesitation?"

Shawna's gaze remained fixed and robotic. "Yes, sir."

Myles paced in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back. "Excellent. We have important tasks ahead, and I expect unwavering dedication. Can you commit yourself to that level of loyalty?"

Shawna's reply was resolute. "Yes, sir."

Myles paused, scrutinizing Shawna's stoic demeanor. "Can I trust that you won't waver, regardless of the circumstances?"

Shawna's response came forth unemotionally. "Yes, sir. I am prepared for any task you assign." Her cold gaze remained fixed upon Myles.

Myles chuckled, a malevolent twinkle in his eye. "Grodd, your work is extraordinary." Upon noticing Melanie's presence, a glint of anticipation appeared in his eyes. "Ah, you're here," he declared.

"Is there something you need me to do, boss?"

"Yes, my dear," Myles nodded, gently cupping her chin with his fingers. "But first, let me ask you something."

Melanie raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"How would you like to have superpowers?"