
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
73 Chs

Chapter 24: Thunder and Lightning.

Myles and Zoom faced off against each other, both ready for the impending battle. Myles stood calmly, his black and white civilian clothes accentuating his lean, athletic build. Zoom was covered head-to-toe in his signature black and red suit, his eyes glowing with an intense hunger for speed.

As the two speedsters stared each other down, the people of Central City watched with bated breath, their nerves on edge as they awaited the outcome of the impending battle. Some watched from the safety of their homes, peering at their televisions with anxious eyes. Others crowded in the streets, their faces etched with fear and anticipation.

Myles and Zoom remained locked in their tense standoff, each waiting for the other to make the first move. The air around them crackled with energy, the sound of their heartbeats pounding in their ears as they prepared for what was sure to be an epic clash of speed and power.

The tension was palpable as the two speedsters eyed each other warily, their movements poised and ready for action. The people of Central City could feel the weight of the moment, and they held their breath as they waited for the first lightning-fast strike.

Electricity danced around their bodies as the speed force began empowering both. Myles' electricity was wild, some occasionally acting like a taser.

Zoom's raspy voice broke the silence, "Do you like fishing with bait, Myles?" His voice sounded demonic and twisted.

Myles remained calm, his black and white clothes contrasting against the dark and sinister aura of Zoom. He didn't reply, instead keeping his eyes fixed on Zoom, watching for any sudden movements.

Without waiting for Myles to respond, Zoom revealed another meta-human holding a woman hostage. The people of Central City watching through their TVs became even tenser, anxiously waiting to see what would happen next.

"I use bait too," Zoom continued, his voice sending shivers down Myles' spine. He watched as Myles' eyes landed on the hostage, calculating and working at super speed to find a way to rescue her.

Myles remained nonchalant, but his mind was working at lightning speed, creating simulations and scenarios on how to rescue the hostage. He knew he had to act fast, but he also knew he had to be careful. One wrong move could cost the woman her life.

With every passing second, Myles' mind was moving faster than ever before. His eyes flickered with intensity as he calculated every possible outcome. It was like time itself had slowed down for him, giving him the opportunity to think and act with lightning-fast speed. He was calculating the distance, the speed, and the angles of his movements, trying to find the best way to approach the situation. He knew he had to act quickly before Zoom could hurt the hostage.

Despite the tension in the air and the fear that gripped the people of Central City watching through their televisions, Myles remained calm and focused. He knew that he had to use all of his speed and cunning to defeat Zoom and save the hostage. And with a determined look in his eyes, he prepared to spring into action.


Zoom watched Myles with a critical eye, his demonic voice quiet as he assessed the speedster's every move. Suddenly, the metahuman holding the hostage was sent flying through the air, crashing into a nearby wall with a resounding impact. The woman was gone in an instant, leaving Zoom's attention fully focused on Myles.

As he watched, Zoom's growling tone deepened, like a predator sizing up its prey. But to his surprise, Myles was holding the same woman who had been taken, hostage. She looked confused and disoriented, but unharmed.

Zoom's interest grew as he realized Myles had not only saved the woman but had done it without using his full speed or any apparent effort. The demon-like villain was intrigued by this new display of power and couldn't help but wonder what else the speedster was capable of.

Myles vanished in a burst of speed, leaving behind only a gust of wind and a crackling trail of lightning. He appeared at a nearby police station, gently handing the confused woman to the first officer he saw before disappearing once again. As he returned to face Zoom, a smirk played across his face.

"You really thought that little hostage tactic would work on me?" Myles taunted, crossing his arms. "Come on, Zoom. Do you have any real surprises up your sleeve?"

Zoom remained silent, his attention now focused on Harrison Wells, who had pulled out a gun and was pointing it directly at the villain. Myles raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden turn of events. Zoom began to slowly circle Wells, his growling voice filling the air as he spoke.

"You really think that little gun can stop me?" Zoom snarled, his eyes never leaving the trembling man. "I could take that gun from you and snap your neck before you even knew what happened."

Myles watched with interest, his mind working at lightning-fast speed as he considered his options. He knew that he could take Zoom down, but he didn't want to risk innocent lives in the process. He took a step forward, his eyes locked on Zoom.

"Let him go," Myles said firmly. "This is between you and me, Zoom."

Zoom's eyes bore into Myles, who remained calm and collected. "Tachyon," Zoom said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Looks like you've become quite the hero in Central City."

Myles smiled and replied, "What can I say? I'm just trying to do my part for the city."

Zoom chuckled darkly, "Don't get too cocky, Tachyon. A hero is only good for one thing: dying."

Myles shrugged, "True, but you have to catch us first."

Both speedsters stood still, the air around them charged with electricity. The people of Central City watched with bated breath, their hearts racing as they watched the two powerful foes face off. It was a battle of good versus evil, and nobody knew who would come out on top.

Zoom's eyes bore into Myles, who remained calm and collected. "Tachyon," Zoom said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You've become quite the hero in Central City."

Myles smiled and replied, "What can I say? I'm just trying to do my part for the city. Jealous?"

Zoom chuckled darkly, "A hero is only good for one thing: dying."

Myles shrugged, "True, but you have to catch us first."

Both speedsters stood still, the air around them charged with electricity. The people of Central City watched with bated breath, their hearts racing as they watched the two powerful foes face off. It was a battle of good versus evil, and nobody knew who would come out on top.

What no one ever expected was for Myles to give Zoom the most disrespectful backhanded slap. Time froze, the wind vanished, and the spine-tingling cold rose as Zoom stood still as if in shock. Myles knew what he did and he was waiting for the oncoming demon to snap out of it.

The moment Zoom did, everyone paled, Zoom wasn't angry. He was furious and all that hate was aimed at one person. The same person was grinning like a fool who knew nothing of what he had unleashed.

The moment Myles saw Zoom at him with bloody murder, he turned tail and ran. But not before leaving one last taunt. "Catch me if you can loser." Zoom roared and chased after him.

Myles's laughter echoed through the streets as he ran away from Zoom, taunting him to catch up. Suddenly, his body glowed with a bright white light. The light engulfs him, and in a blink of an eye, he transforms into his Tachyon jumpsuit, creating a blinding flash that catches Zoom off guard.

The suit clings to his body, accentuating his muscular build and making him look like a god of speed. His eyes blaze with white energy, and the Tachyon symbol on his chest glows with a bright white light.

Zoom, enraged by Myles's mockery, chases after him at full speed. The two speedsters zoom past buildings and through streets, causing cars to spin out of control and shatter windows. The people of Central City watch in horror as the two powerful speedsters leave a trail of destruction in their wake.


Their game of cat and mouse escalates as they weave in and out of traffic, through alleys, and over rooftops. Zoom tries to catch Tachyon, but the hero's speed and agility prove too much for him. Tachyon taunts him, always staying just out of his reach and laughing as he dodges Zoom's attacks.

As the fight intensifies, the damage to the city becomes even more severe. The two speedsters crash into buildings, causing debris to fall onto the streets, and explosions of energy light up the night sky.

Despite the chaos, Tachyon continues to dodge and weave, his movements becoming more fluid and graceful with each passing moment. His eyes blaze with an otherworldly light, and his laughter echoes through the city as he revels in the thrill of the chase.

Myles ran like a storm on a war path, the sound of his super-speed like a race car engine running full speed, leaving behind a trail of black and white lightning. The ground shook as he passed, and the air vibrated with the force of his speed. Zoom chased after him, his speed sounding like a roaring thunder that echoed through the city. Despite Myles being faster, Zoom's knowledge of Central City allowed him to keep up with Myles, dodging and weaving through the streets and buildings with ease.

As they raced around the city, time seemed to stand still, with everything around them frozen in place. The buildings blurred into indistinguishable shapes as they zipped past, and the air crackled with energy. The two speedsters weaved in and out of the streets, their movements too fast for the naked eye to follow. They smashed through walls, shattered windows, and left destruction in their wake.

Their fight was a blur of motion, with punches, kicks, lightning bolts, and fast movements that were impossible to track. The air was filled with the sound of their collisions and the crackling of the energy they created. The people of Central City watched in awe and fear as the two speedsters left multiple afterimages of them clashing with their fists.


As the race between Myles and Zoom intensifies, Myles suddenly splits into four identical versions of himself, each vibrating so fast that they appeared as a blur to the naked eye. The four clones took off in different directions, each one moving with incredible speed, leaving behind after-images that further confused Zoom.

However, Zoom wasn't one to back down from a challenge. With narrowed eyes, he creates time remnants, identical copies of himself that are slightly out of phase with time. The time remnants sped off in pursuit of the four Myles clones, zigzagging through the city streets, jumping over buildings, and leaving destruction in their wake.

Despite the challenge, the four Myles clones moved in perfect synchronicity, anticipating each other's movements and reacting with lightning-fast reflexes. They kept Zoom and his time remnants on their toes, leading them on a wild goose chase through the city.

The speed of the chase was so intense that it felt like time had stopped, and the city around them was frozen in place. The only sound was the roar of wind and thundering footsteps of the speedsters, leaving behind a trail of destruction that marked their passage through the city.


Myles and his clones race towards the tallest building in Central City, their speed creating a trail of black and white lightning. Zoom and his time remnants follow closely, their demonic speed sounding like deafening thunder.

As they reach the rooftop, Myles' clones merge back into the original, their movements synchronized to perfection. Zoom and his time remnants surround Myles, thinking they have him cornered.

But Myles had other plans.

In a split second, he throws a supercharged lightning bolt toward Zoom, the speed demon's eyes widening in shock as he realizes what's about to happen. The lightning bolt explodes with incredible force, sending a shockwave that rocks the entire city. Buildings shake, windows shatter, and the ground trembles.

The destruction caused by the explosion is immense, leaving a massive crater on the rooftop and a cloud of smoke that obscures everything in sight. As the smoke clears, Zoom and his time remnants are nowhere to be seen, and Myles stands victorious, his Tachyon jumpsuit crackling with energy.

The people of Central City watch in awe as the black and white lightning dissipates, and Myles disappears in a burst of speed, leaving them wondering if he was really a hero or a god.


Zoom lay on the ground, his body wracked with pain from the explosion that had destroyed his time remnants. His once perfect suit was torn and charred, his face twisted in agony. Despite the pain, however, Zoom was smiling. He had finally found his cure.

For months, he had been searching for a way to slow down time and cure himself of his deadly speed. He had tried everything, but nothing had worked. Then he had seen Myles in action and realized that he had found the answer.

Now, as he lay there, he knew what he had to do. He had to capture Myles, not to kill him, but to use him. He would extract the Tachyon particles from his body and use them to slow down his cells from degenerating any further and cure himself.

With a newfound determination, Zoom slowly got to his feet, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. He had a new plan, and this time, he would not fail.