
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
73 Chs


The moon hung low in the inky sky over Star City, casting shadows that danced menacingly across the deserted streets. In the heart of the city, atop a nondescript laboratory, Oliver Queen, known to the world as the vigilante Green Arrow, stood in a tense standoff with a mysterious woman named Shawna.

The air crackled with tension as Oliver's steely gaze locked onto Shawna, who remained silent and unmoving, her expression hidden beneath the shadows of the night. He could sense something off about her—an air of danger that set his instincts on edge.

"What do you want with the cerebral enhancer?" Oliver's voice, firm and laced with a hint of wariness, cut through the stillness. His gloved hand tightened around the bow in his grip, the green hood casting a shadow over his intense eyes.

Shawna's silence was unnerving. Her eyes, barely visible in the darkness, betrayed no emotion as she awaited the orders from her unseen master. Oliver knew he wouldn't get answers easily, but he was never one to back down.

"I won't ask twice," Oliver warned, his focus unyielding. The night seemed to grow colder as the standoff continued, the tension thickening like a fog.

Suddenly, Shawna spoke, her voice cold and detached. "The enhancer is not your concern. Your concern should be surviving the night."

The cryptic words hung in the air, and Oliver's gaze narrowed. "You're not the first to threaten me, and you won't be the last."

A sly smile played on Shawna's lips, barely visible in the dim light. "Oh, I know. But tonight is special. Spotlight wants a front-row seat to your demise."

Oliver's brow furrowed at the mention of the alias. "What's his game?"

Shawna remained silent, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Oliver's wariness deepened, realizing that the mysterious orchestrator behind this operation had deliberately kept himself in the shadows.

On the rooftop of the lab, Myles observed the confrontation through a pair of binoculars. The jester mask he had worn was now cast aside, revealing an expression of excitement and anticipation. Beside him, Gorilla Grodd, a massive and imposing figure, guarded a pack containing the coveted cerebral enhancer.

Myles grabbed a radio, his voice a low, sinister whisper, as he gave an order, "Shawna put on a good show for me, would you?" There was a slight pause as before continued. "But make sure Green Arrow stays alive, for now," he emphasized, a twisted grin forming on his face. He reveled in the prospect of pitting a hero against his superhuman bodyguard.

Shawna's transformation was sudden. Her eyes lost all signs of life, as if she had become nothing but a killing machine. Mechanical precision replaced any trace of humanity, and her movements became eerily fluid.

Green Arrow, experienced in facing killers, recognized the shift instantly. He knew he was about to engage in a gruesome fight with a foe who had become more of a weapon than a woman. The two adversaries faced each other in a dangerous dance of anticipation.

Seconds stretched into eternity as they waited for the other's first move. In the stillness of the night, Oliver's bowstring cut through the air, releasing an arrow with deadly precision. The night erupted into chaos as the first shot marked the beginning of a battle that would determine the fate of Star City. The arrow sliced through the air towards Shawna, who moved with an almost supernatural speed to evade it. The metal tip embedded itself into the wall behind her as she closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

Oliver's instincts kicked in, and he somersaulted backward, narrowly avoiding a lethal strike from Shawna's outstretched hand. The fight had begun, and the dance between hero and assassin unfolded with deadly grace.

Their movements were a blur, a symphony of acrobatics and strikes. Oliver's arrows whizzed through the air, each expertly aimed but effortlessly dodged by Shawna. She moved with an otherworldly precision; her attacks were a lethal combination of speed and skill.

As the battle raged on, Myles watched with manic delight from the rooftop. His excitement grew with every clash, every dodge, and every near miss. Meanwhile, Gorilla Grodd guarded the cerebral enhancer, his massive form a silent testament to the power Myles commanded.

The night echoed with the sounds of combat and the clash of weapons. Green Arrow's experience and agility were pitted against Shawna's eerie and unpredictable movements, creating a spectacle that would be etched in the memories of those who witnessed it.

Yet, amidst the chaos, Oliver couldn't shake the feeling that this was merely the opening act. Spotlight had orchestrated this confrontation for a reason, and Oliver was determined to uncover the truth behind the reason why these thieves wanted the cerebral enhancer.

On the rooftop of the lab, Myles observed the confrontation through a pair of binoculars. The jester mask he had worn was now cast aside, revealing an expression of excitement and anticipation. Beside him, Gorilla Grodd, a massive and imposing figure, guarded a pack containing the coveted cerebral enhancer.

As Shawna and Green Arrow clashed below, Grodd turned to Myles, his massive brow furrowed in confusion. "Myles, what's the purpose of this? Why have Shawna attack the Green Arrow?"

Myles grinned, raising three fingers in the air in a nonchalant manner. "Three reasons, my friendly gorilla." He spoke with a carefree tone that contradicted the gravity of the situation. "First, I want to test Shawna's abilities in a real fight. What better way to know if she's up to snuff than throwing her into the thick of it?"

Grodd's disbelief was evident in the skeptical raise of his eyebrow. "And the second reason?"

Myles shrugged with a mischievous glint in his eye. "To see if she needs any improvement, my friend. A little trial and error, you know? It's all in the name of progress."

The gorilla's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing. "And the third reason?"

Myles leaned back, his posture casual and carefree. "Because I want to see the Green Arrow in action, of course."

Grodd's disbelief turned into incredulity. This man can't be serious. Oh, who is kidding? This psychopath would torch an orphanage on live TV if he felt that would attract his target faster. "Are you being serious, Myles? This is not the time for your games."

Myles, however, simply grinned and raised his hand in another salute. "Dead serious, my friend. Watching heroes in action is a hobby of mine. Adds a bit of spice to life, you know?"

Grodd's demeanor shifted from incredulity to seriousness. He fixed Myles with a stern gaze. "If we lose Shawna in this, you'll pay with an arm and a leg."

Myles chuckled, seemingly undeterred by the warning. "Relax, Grodd. Shawna's got this. She's our finest creation. There's no way she'll lose."

Grodd's massive form remained vigilant, his eyes never leaving the unfolding battle below. "She better not."

Myles, in stark contrast, exuded confidence. His posture was relaxed, and his expression betrayed no trace of concern. He reassured Grodd, "Have some faith, my friend. Shawna will deliver. You'll see."

Grodd grunted in response, his attention fully on the ongoing clash. Myles resumed watching the fight, his carefree demeanor intact. The night air buzzed with tension and anticipation as the battle between Green Arrow and Shawna unfolded, with Myles confident that his creation would emerge victorious.

The parking lot near the facility echoed with the clash of metal against metal as Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, faced off against the mysterious and formidable Shawna. The night air crackled with intensity as the two engaged in a fierce close-quarters battle.

Oliver's mastery in hand-to-hand combat was evident as he weaved through Shawna's attacks, his bow now wielded like a club in the confined space of the parking lot. He swung with precision, each strike calculated to incapacitate his opponent. Shawna, however, proved to be a nimble adversary, effortlessly evading Oliver's blows with a dancer's grace.

Shawna, quick and elusive, closed the distance between them, not giving Oliver any room to utilize his bow effectively. She ducked and weaved, countering every attempt he made to strike her with the makeshift club. Oliver's frustration was palpable, his usually stoic expression betraying a hint of irritation.

Trading punches and kicks in a choreographed dance of combat, Oliver and Shawna showcased resilience akin to a tank and a ranger. Shawna, like a tank, absorbed the hits, her metallic frame absorbing the impact of Oliver's blows. In contrast, Oliver danced around her attacks, his agility and precision resembling that of a skilled ranger.

As the battle raged on, Oliver recognized the need for a change in tactics. Shawna was tanking most of his attacks, rendering his punches and kicks ineffective. With a calculating glint in his eye, Oliver adjusted his strategy. He aimed a powerful kick at Shawna's throat, hoping to exploit a potential vulnerability.

To his surprise, Shawna absorbed the blow with tank-like durability, her neck cracking but showing no signs of real damage. Oliver took a step back, reassessing the situation. It was then that he noticed Shawna's right arm was robotic, a detail he had overlooked in the chaos of the fight. A wave of realization washed over him – avoiding that arm was crucial.

Seizing the opportunity, Shawna shifted her fighting style. In an unexpected move, she adopted a classic mantis stance, catching Oliver off guard. Her strikes became more precise and focused, catching Oliver in a moment of vulnerability. With a swift and powerful blow, Shawna landed a devastating hit on Oliver's ribcage, the unmistakable sound of a bone breaking echoing through the night.

Despite the pain, Oliver's training kicked in. He staggered backward, taking a defensive stance as he assessed the damage. Shawna, now in control of the fight, approached with calculated determination.

Oliver, recognizing the classic mantis stance, drew on his vast combat experience. He knew he needed to adapt quickly. As Shawna lunged forward for another attack, Oliver shifted his weight, dodging the blow and retaliating with a quick counter. He targeted Shawna's left side, exploiting the momentary vulnerability and landing a series of well-placed strikes.

The tide of the battle shifted once more. Oliver, now recovered from the initial blow, faced Shawna with renewed focus. 

As she lunged forward with the relentless precision of the mantis, Oliver prepared for another counter. His experienced eyes analyzed her movements, predicting the trajectory of her strikes. Yet, in the heat of the battle, even the seasoned Green Arrow could be deceived.

As Shawna closed in, Oliver's senses on high alert, she abruptly shifted from mantis to Jujitsu, catching Oliver off guard. Before he could react, Shawna's movements flowed seamlessly into a dangerous hold. Oliver felt the vice-like grip tightening around his neck, and for a moment, he cursed himself for underestimating his opponent.

Oliver's experience saved him. Drawing on years of training, he twisted his body at just the right moment, slipping out of Shawna's grasp. The maneuver required precision and impeccable timing, and Oliver executed it flawlessly, evading the potentially dangerous hold.

Creating distance, Oliver seized his bow, swiftly firing arrows in rapid succession. Shawna, however, proved to be a master of evasion, effortlessly dodging each projectile with minimal effort. In a taunting display of skill, she caught the last arrow mid-air, a wicked smile playing on her lips.

The tension heightened as Shawna, with a menacing stride, advanced toward Oliver. The night air hummed with anticipation as Oliver, recognizing the need for a game-changing move, prepared to make his move.

As Oliver fired another arrow, Shawna gracefully dodged each one, her movements almost preternatural. However, what Shawna didn't anticipate was the next arrow she avoided was a flash bomb in disguise. The small explosion engulfed the area in blinding light, temporarily robbing Shawna of her enhanced vision.

Seizing the opportunity, Oliver launched an attack. His movements were swift and precise, taking advantage of Shawna's momentary blindness. Despite her enhanced senses, Shawna struggled to keep up with Oliver's assault.

In the midst of the chaos, Oliver couldn't help but acknowledge Shawna's top-notch fighting abilities. The danger he faced was palpable, and he knew he had to end the confrontation quickly. With a calculated move, Oliver plucked up one of his arrows, swiftly shoving it into Shawna's arm.

The unexpected twist caught Shawna off guard. A surge of electricity emanated from the arrow as it activated, revealing it to be an EMP. Shawna convulsed as the electrical surge disrupted her cybernetic systems. The usually stoic expression on her face contorted in pain.

In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, Shawna lashed out with a powerful kick. The impact sent Oliver flying, crashing into a nearby car, leaving a dent in its door. Both fighters found themselves on the ground, trying to catch a second wind.

The parking lot was shrouded in a heavy silence, broken only by the labored breaths of the combatants. Oliver, nursing the injuries from Shawna's relentless assault, knew that the battle was far from over. Shawna, recovering from the effects of the EMP, rose slowly, determination burning in her eyes.

As they locked eyes, the air crackled with tension. The outcome of the fight remained uncertain, as Myles and gorilla Grodd bore witness to the aftermath of their intense clash. 

Shawna, quick to recover, showcased her remarkable adaptability. In a swift motion, she changed her stance to something more defensive, preventing Oliver from exploiting her right side as an advantage. Oliver, slightly surprised by Shawna's quick thinking, cursed her ability to turn a disadvantage into a strategic move.

As Oliver stood up again, Shawna wasted no time. She rushed in, preventing him from reaching for his bow. The air crackled with tension as they engaged in another tense exchange of blows. Oliver, determined to gain the upper hand, found a momentary advantage as Shawna struggled to maintain her balance after a particularly well-timed strike.

However, Oliver's satisfaction was short-lived. Shawna, once again showcasing her adaptability, easily blocked all of his attacks with only one functioning arm. Oliver, momentarily taken aback, watched as Shawna utilized her knees and kicks as a defensive counter, compensating for the loss of her robotic limb.

In a surprising turn, Shawna delivered a powerful punch to Oliver's chest, denting his metal armor with her normal hand. The force of the blow left Oliver momentarily breathless. His wariness increased as he noted the dent in his armor. Shawna, even without her robotic arm, remained a formidable adversary.

 Oliver's hand moved towards his quiver. However, Shawna, sensing his intention, defended fiercely. Oliver couldn't help but marvel at her ability to read his movements.

Irritation flashed across Oliver's face. He knew Shawna wouldn't give him any chance to create distance between them. With a resolve, he decided to engage in close quarters this time. The parking lot became a battlefield as Oliver attacked relentlessly, his strikes a blur of calculated precision.

Shawna, defending herself with a mixture of evasive moves and blocks, proved to be a challenging opponent. Oliver recognized the need for a different strategy. As he considered his options, he attempted to grapple with Shawna, aiming to use his superior close-quarters combat skills.

However, Shawna, with a quick and precise move, evaded his attempt and seized the opportunity to target Oliver's strap that held the quiver. In a split second, the strap was severed, and Oliver found himself without his primary method of attacking. His irritation deepened as he realized the tactical advantage Shawna had gained.

In the midst of the intense struggle, Oliver's mind raced. He needed a new strategy, one that didn't rely on his bow and arrows. Shawna, relentless in her pursuit, continued to press the attack, forcing Oliver to think on his feet. 

Suddenly, Shawna's expression changed. Oliver, momentarily caught off guard, found himself unprepared as she instantly appeared behind him. A powerful punch to the back of his head left Oliver dazed, and he slumped to the ground, momentarily incapacitated.

Cursing his oversight, Oliver realized he had been too focused on Shawna's remarkable combat skills, forgetting that he was dealing with a metahuman. As darkness enveloped him, he couldn't help but acknowledge the danger Shawna posed, not just as a skilled fighter but as an adversary that rely on her power.

AN: So what do you think of this fight? Let me know in the comments. Also made another story called Larry King vs The world. Currently its on the world of the boys. Our mc Larry king is only 10 years old btw. Give that story a go if your interested and let me know what think of that story.