
The Big Day

Yuno wakes up and Tori is screaming non-stop irritating Tachibana. She showers getting dressed since everyone else is ready for the festival.

"Hey, Yuno!" Tachibana calls for help with the fiddling Tori who won't allow him to touch his feet.

Yuno walks into the room leaving Tachibana speechless. He forgot what he wanted to say instantly, his eyes shamelessly roaming her body.

"I hope you don't mind that I decided to match with you guys."

"Uhh, not at all you look great." Tachibana holds up Tori's shoes at Yuno who lifts Tori up and his hands are automatically gloved, but it startles him and he cries.

Yuno hugs him and pecks his cheeks until he giggles.

Tachibana glares from his spot when Tori doesn't fight with Yuno to get his shoes on. They walk out of the hotel they were staying at and Yuno misses the Palace. The beds here were nice, but not as comfortable.

Ackerman is here with a young lady in a blue dress, long wavy black hair with green eyes, a round face, and beautiful smile on her face.

Yuno is still unaware that Sensen is not really an old lady, but that's partly because Sensen knows how to put on a show, on some days she had herself convinced she's an old lady.

Ackerman shields everyone from the Paparazzi going to the car and giving Tachibana the keys.

"You're not driving us?" Yuno asks looking confused.

Tori notices the car and reaches for Tachibana, "Dad." Tori cannot formulate full sentences yet but he is better at putting together the sounds he would usually babble and through Yuno and Tachibana's positive reinforcement he knows when some words are appropriate to use. 

Tachibana flashes the keys in his face, "I'm the one driving so I can't carry you."

"No." Tori says shaking his head.

"We're not having this conversation again Hitori." Tachibana opens the door for Yuno.

Tori lays his head on Yuno's shoulder completely calm. She still doesn't get how they manage to communicate, but they seem to have an understanding so she won't question it.

Yuno waves at Ackerman just so she can watch Tori wave at them too before getting in the car Tachibana driving to Ayagawa city.

There's a parade featuring the Roman High students in that district. Yuno looks out the window. Tori fast asleep in her arms since he refused to sit in his car seat no matter what Tachibana and Yuno did.

"We'll have to walk from here on out but we got the best seats in the house." Tachibana parks the car opening Yuno's door for her helping her out.

She follows behind him walking into an apartment building stopping by the fifth-floor walking into a room that is engulfed in the smell of fresh paint, papers and ladders still sitting in the room with the empty tins of white paint hurdled up at two different corners.

"I thought you said you were done rebuilding."

Tachibana shakes his head at Yuno, "I said I was done rebuilding the place for the old citizens to move back."

Yuno's face scrunches up, "That is not what you said."

"You quoted me incorrectly." Tachibana states holding the balcony door open for her.

Yuno crosses her arms, "Yeah, that might be the case, but your you didn't say that before."

They argue back and forth standing on the balcony.

"This is ridiculous, can you get over what I said and did not say. You should be enjoying the damn thing." Tachibana points at the city below, "Can we please just enjoy today." Tachibana says and Yuno nods turning her attention to the lively streets.

The view is spectacular from where she's standing. She can see the floats and balloons clearly. The music starts and the Roman High School Band leads the way.

"Did Kai tell you he's on the soccer team?" Tachibana asks.

Yuno shakes her head, "I knew he loved it, but the other kids never let him play so he slowly started to hate it I'm glad he never gave up on it, though, why would he tell you instead of me?"

"He didn't. He's over there in the team jersey. The goalie I think."

Yuno looks where he's pointing and spots Kai on the soccer team float she smiles and takes out her phone to take photo's. He's still a bit far off so she'll wait.

Kai looks at the program they were given. The Parade will lead everyone to the stadium where they will watch the Roman High students play ball, soccer and a few other sports. From there they will go to the new shrines and the food street lined up with food shops and food stalls.

The entire prefecture is hosting different events, Tonosho city features Kaido High students with a swimming competition and fire works display.

Marugame is full of sky scrapers and two colleges across the street from each other, college students interested in applying are getting a tour of the two colleges and will be given application forms at the end.

The other cities also have their own thing going on but most people will only be able to participate in the afternoon because most of the people here currently are all moving in to their new homes.

Soon the place will be crawling with tourists and even thugs and criminals.

"Time to get going team Take this as a warm up for the match coming up." The team Captain, Kotasume Matsukawa, says before sitting on his soccer ball embroided thrown

"Yes captain!"

Kai takes his position helping to drive the float.

"Didn't you say your sister was coming to watch you? She can't see you when you're down here." His roommate flicks his forehead.

Kai gets back to the top and spots Yuno waving from a random apartment building. he waves back. It's been a while since he saw her but they talk everyday on the phone it just hits different seeing her face to face.

Yuno points to Kai and Tori fusses for her to let him go, "Tachibana I think it's your cue to step in."

"Drop him."

"Huh?" Yuno questions watching Tachibana take Tori looking like he is serious about dropping the baby. Yuno takes Tori back from Tachibana's hold right before he let's go.

 Tachibana snatches Tori back, "Kai will catch him." He states with a casual matter of fact tone signalling Kai to catch the in coming baby.

"Tachibana don't you dare." Yuno warns already knowing he won't listen.

Tachibana let's go and Kai chuckles surfing on water to catch Tori who looks excited.

Yuno glares at Tachibana who steals a kiss when she least expects it.

"See, he's happy." Tachibana says in a low and gentle voice keeping his eyes on Yuno.

"I'm not, that was reckless and stupid. Don't call me when Tori freezes the world over later."

Tachibana scratches the back of his head he forgot that Tori clings to Kai to the death once they are together. Tori always gives them a hard time when they separate him from Kai, throwing wild tantrums and something or someone always ends up frozen, 80% of the time it's Tachibana.

"He may surprise us, don't jinx it." Tachibana is already hoping that for once he and Hitori won't have to fight in front of people.

"Keep dreaming Tachibana, why do you think I didn't want Kai to come with us and instead insisted we meet here?" She smirks patting his chest, "I hope he gives you hell."

Kai introduces Tori to the team and the captain wacks him on the back of his head, "Lin, we're not a baby sitting gig you're worse than them, at least they did not bring an actual baby on board."

Kai laughs when Kota points to his other teammates who brought their siblings onto the float because it has too much space they don't know what to do with it.

Tori giggles staring at everyone watching the float as they pass through going to the stadium. Kai making water and Tori freezing it.

Yuno watches Tori have fun looking excited for him.

Tachibana is thinking about ways he will bribe the baby into leaving Kai for him before the soccer game and nothing is coming to mind.

Yuno side glances and smirks getting a kick out of watching Tachibana wrack his brain over something so futile. Tachibana notices and glares at her.

"It's really amazing what you accomplished here Tachibana, it's incredible." Yuno compliments the scenery finally over whether or or not he is done rebuilding or not. It still looks beautiful.

"It's not enough but it's a start. Come on, we'll miss the game." Tachibana leads the way out of the apartment building towards the stadium.

Kai gets off the float and Tori slides down staggering behind him. The boys team will be playing the girls team in 10 minutes meaning he has 10 minutes to convince Tori to get back to Yuno.

Tachibana walks towards the float and Tori screams hiding behind Kai holding onto him for balance.

"Hey." Tachibana pulls Kai into a headlock and ruffles his head, "Hand over the kid and no one gets hurt."

Kai chuckles and picks up Tori handing him over, "I'll come get you after the game, okay?" Kai makes a water ball and Tori freezes it holding the ball close letting Tachibana carry him away.

Tori whimpers and Tachibana rushes to join Yuno in the stands only to find Ackerman on Yuno's lap talking about weight loss and weight gain.

"Get off before I roast you."

Tachibana's voice coaxes Ackerman's body to flinch instinctively. Something in Ken's expression and the weight of his tone shook Ackerman to his core. He felt like an angry wolf was barking down at him.

Ackerman takes a seat next to Yuno looking Tachibana up and down. He doesn't know what just happened but he's already feeling a little queasy from the experience. He turns to Yuno who looks away.

"Don't say it Ackerman, don't - you - say it." Yuno warns and he sits down waiting for Sensen to bring the snacks.

Tori holds his ice ball close sitting on Tachibana's lap waiting for the game to start, "Kaiiii." Tori shouts repeatedly but all his attention is on the ice ball in his hands.

Yuno's full attention is on the baby while Tachibana's eyes are on her. They lock eyes and Yuno looks away turning her attention to the field.

Kai and the girls team gather on the field ready to start. Most people already have their snacks ready as well.

The whistle goes off and the first thing everyone sees is the ball being kicked straight up by the female team Captain but Rex, Kai's roommate, jumps up kicking the ball with a shot straight towards the goal post.

A rock wall slows down the balls momentum but it powered through leaving the goalie to stop the ball. 

A pink haired female uses a strong gust of wind to push the ball back and her teammate takes the ball running forward. She makes 3 more illusions of herself and the ball shuffling the balls around so fast no one can tell which one is the real ball.

Kai takes 2 steps forward and forms a water wall behind him watching the girl trick his teammates one by one, the crowd cheering as she is one on one with Kai. 

She takes her shot and he puts up a water wall in front of him that looks like a waterfall going up.

The ball breaks through the first wall but is stopped by the second one he made the first one weaker on purpose.

"You'll have to kick harder than that." He smirks at the female before he kicks the ball using water to force it to go faster passing it to the team Captain who turns the ball into steal.

The rest of the boys team start pushing forward having a field day when the girl's team gives up and allows them to charge towards their goalie willingly.

Every time the girl's team get's the ball they have a hard time with it because it's too heavy and they all get hurt trying to kick it.

Rex goes for another shot using maximum strength but a wall from another one of the defenders slows down the ball's momentum. Rex locks eyes with his classmate, she always keeps to herself, and is shy and awkward when he talks to her, he's surprised to see her on the field.

When the goalie touches the ball it turns back into an actual normal ball and isn't as fast, "Nice job Captain, we'll score some goals this time." Rex's classmate says.

Flashes of lightning, fire, flowers and mazes were all on display watching the students use their abilities to make a simple game more fun, even the rules were changed and the number of people on the field is reduced.

No one was allowed to sit by the stands that are closer to the field and now they know why. The field looks like a war zone and the score is still null null.

"There's only 5 minutes left and the goalies look exhausted I think we might see a goal this time around." Yuno exclaims excited sitting at the edge of her seat like most everyone here.

Her face drops when she turns to see Tachibana and Tori out cold sleeping. She wakes them up and Tachibana sighs.

"Come on, I barely got any sleep putting this together cut me some slack." Tachibana sits up holding Tori in place with his one hand and uses the other to cup Yuno's cheek and steal a kiss.

She turns her attention to Tori flustered and hiding behind her hair, "What's your excuse?" Yuno asks Tori and he clicks his tongue and relaxes a little more on Ken's chest going back to sleep, "You guys are supposed to be enjoying this too."

The crowd goes wild and Yuno watches Kai flood the field pushing the ball to the other side. His teammates finally figuring out the goalie's weakness.

She can't cancel big attacks and that's why the wall is always there to slow down the ball's momentum.

The water breaks through the wall but Kai passes out. If they score it'll be worth it but going into the penalties without Kai would be a disaster.

The ball goes through the net and Yuno stands up cheering, 3 minutes left and the boy's team is left defenceless with a knocked-out goalie.

"Tch, I still haven't showed you my power don't get cocky." A ravenette third year makes mud dolls.

One of Kai's teammates forms a firewall around her attacking at full force, "Rules say that if any team destroys the ball the game will be over, so I guess it's okay if I burn the thing to ashes because we win anyway."

The girls look startled since they didn't know that rule and now they have to make sure they get a goal in while avoiding the boys using full strength to destroy the ball.

"Get up Kai, what the hell are you doing?" Yuno yells from her spot waking Tori who slowly turns his head, going from cute baby to the reincarnation of Chuckie in an instant. Yuno actually flinched staring at Tori's baby glare.

Tachibana is a bad influence always glaring at everyone. 

Kai is completely out cold and Yuno sits down worried keeping an eye out for the angry Tori next to her.

The whistle blows and the score is 3 to 2, boys team won. Kai managed to get back up after the girls evened out the score and they fought tooth and nail to make the last few minutes count. Thanks to extra time the girls didn't beat them.

The players are taken off the field since half of them have reached their limit and it does not look like they can walk on their own.

Yuno drives Tachibana and Tori back to the hotel texting Kai to come see her when he's done.

"Get some rest, you earned it." Yuno says pecking Tori when he's finally asleep again after his crying fit she thought would never end. 

Yuno stands by the Balcony and watches the floats and people running in the streets talking about the swimming competition and others mentioned a few contests as well as souvenirs.

"I think the whole point of this was for you to have fun."

Yuno turns around and a strange male is in the room brushing Tori's cheeks the resemblance is uncanny, "You're his father? Actually, forget that, how did you get in?"

"Shhh, you'll wake him up. I can't believe she hid him from me. Call me Karma, I'm Tensho Karma."

Laughing my ass off


Sailow_Sanchezcreators' thoughts