in a society where people with super natural abilities are being Ostracised, Ken Tachibana sees a wonderful opportunity for the young Yuno Lin who has taken over the responsibility of taking care of her remaining family after her parents death and her sisters disappearance. the male billionaire makes it his very mission to push her towards a dream world she has never thought possible, to defy the odds and use her gift to save lives and change the worlds outlook on those with special abilities.
Bakero wakes up in his cell room, he's been in here for 2 months and it's been visitor after visitor, someone he wants worked for threatening to air out more of his dirty laundry for a price.
Since he is in here and knows that they will come after him any way he has not given in to a single one of the threats he was given, the other story is the fact that his lawyer has been telling everybody what Bakero wrote on his will should he die.
He managed to get a good lump of cash for that breach of contract but that also gave him the opportunity to change everything he wrote down.
He asked Kai to come visit him today, he has no idea what it's been like for him, but he's hoping maybe hearing that his parents murderer is gone helped.
He stands up when it's time for visiting hours, he doesn't doubt that Kai came, especially considering that he came the first time and they seemed to bury the hatchet between the two of them.