in a society where people with super natural abilities are being Ostracised, Ken Tachibana sees a wonderful opportunity for the young Yuno Lin who has taken over the responsibility of taking care of her remaining family after her parents death and her sisters disappearance. the male billionaire makes it his very mission to push her towards a dream world she has never thought possible, to defy the odds and use her gift to save lives and change the worlds outlook on those with special abilities.
Kai enters the school halls sitting in the library by himself, he has been avoiding pig tails for the past two days afraid. Everywhere he turns she's right there stalking him.
"Hi, Kai." A tall girl next to her short best friend stand in front of Kai overly excited in a fit of giggles, "Would you like to be our girls volleyball club manager? We hear you haven't joined a club yet."
Kai looks up, "Uhh, my class is taking the sports assessment test today. I'm a really good swimmer I might actually make the team, but if I don't like it I'll definitely manage your team for you, though, I'm not sure what that means."
The short female takes a seat next to Kai, "Swimming? We've never had a swim team here before, but I guess if you're good enough we might have one. Though we'll only be competing with other schools like us this year, next year things might go back to normal."